This section is a catch all -- have a question about the mentoring program? Or something to ask a mentor? Ask it here!

Becoming a Mentee

Potential Mentees will contact mentors personally to find out if there is a place for them. Mentors are under no obligation to accept any more mentees than they can handle.

Aren't I already a mentor?

If you are considered a mentor in the current topic, you MUST STILL submit an application to be a mentor in the new program. If you are not a mentor under the new program, you will not be able to create a topic for your mentorship in the subforum.

What if I am being mentored
Your mentor can choose whether or not to carry you over. Since the last thread was never kept up to date, they may not have a current list of their caseload. Please PM your mentor to ask about their place in the new system.

If your mentor doesn't move to the new system, whatever arrangement you currently have still stands, but they will not be able to use the subforum.

Mentor Rules:

1. You must have an approved application to be a mentor. If you do not, any topic made outside of the stickies will be deleted immediately.

2. You must create a small blurb about yourself in the current mentors topic. This blurb should also be in your mentor topic.

3. Your mentor topic will include your blurb, a current caseload, and how you intend to use your topic. One topic per mentor.

4. How you mentor will be decided between you and the mentee. If you have any concerns, please ask nuri!

If you are a mentee and have a question or concern, please ask nuri as well!