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Dreams, informative and important?
  You expect me to answer that question when I can hardly even remember them?!?!
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:04 pm
So, lets talk dreams.

Ever had any funky ones?
Do you even remember them?
Dream often or once in a while?
Significant and symbolic or just a bunch of random crap you have no idea how it got inside your head?
Ever had any characters appear in your dreams? (by this i mean video games/anime/books/movies)

Side note on that:
I have, and i never quite know what to think after that. A part of me thinks I need to get a life another is amazed and even a bit excited/giddy.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:06 pm
I recently had this funky dream, that I shall share with you all for kicks. I dont remember how it started but I do know that I needed to get something from the store so I was driving along.

As I was heading back home, I missed my turn and had to end up doing a u-ie at the next light. (It was odd since I never miss my turn but oh well). MY car suddenly feels like it controls itself and instead of turning the full u, just makes the left. Im like "Whatever, not like im doing anything." and continue on. Strange things start to appear concerning cops.

First, im driving along. Normally my car is kinda slow at take off but some odd reason this time it went from 0-90 in just a few seconds, while heading up a hill! Coming over the top I see a cop with a speed gun pointed right in my direction, I instantly slow down but my car doesnt want to slow down! Hastily I press harder and harder on the brakes and I finally reach the speed limit right as I am about to pass the cop.

I continue along and now I see cops in the middle of the median, either engaged in gun fights or hanging off of street lights then falling down to the ground or just lying injured. "Weird," I think and continue on.

I end up going to Disney. At disney I get this odd feeling and decide to leave. Heading back home on the bridge, I start to see some helicopters flying somewhat beside the bridge and they past over me heading towards the middle of the bridge. Suddenly they turn towards oncoming traffic and start firing! Even some F-15s and some gun-torrents that descended down the signs that tell you whats ahead, began shooting at us! I see this ahead and I panic. Slamming on the brakes, I put my car in reverse and haul a**!!!

I get back and its full scale mayhem and battles going on all over with what I believe was the Russian military. Well, cant say for sure but I know the leader guy (who kept popping up) was Russian (dont ask me how, he just was). It seems that they (the military bad guys) are trying to heard the people into some places that would serve as jails but somehow I manage to sneak my way out.

I run into a ride area that the mayhem hasnt reached yet, but its practically right behind me. I decide to get into a ride but as I go to get in, I see some friends coming out, then I suddenly remember that the ride just goes in one big circle so I talk to my friends and we all haul a**.

(Cut scene)
Now, we seem to have been captured and being held in this dock grate area and the part that we are on, can be submerged into the water and can be rolled up like the cover on a pool. Some guards are patrolling the area and keeping watch.

(cut scene)
Same scenario but I managed to escape, pick up a sniper rifle and an excellent spot to snipe from. I snipe all of them off except one (with some pretty sweet shots might I add). The one I dont kill ends up helping us, but before he could let us all escape the damn leader walks by. I hide and my friends stay where they were. The leader submerges them but thanx to the guy i didnt kill they were able to survive.

(cut scene)
Now after running away from that area, I end up captured again, but this time in a subway. AFter eating, I end up crying and breaking down to some old people that were there (the majority was old people), something about not being able to do the things i wanted before i died. Once I recover I go to the front where there are some kids and younger guys and we look out the glass window.

Since we figured we were gonna die, we decide to play some pranks on the guards and stuff. We do that for a bit until we decide to let loose a drainage pipe and have it fill up the outside area. Which it did about ankle deep(but it didnt smell. odd but yea...) That distracted some guards.
(now this gets a bit fuzzy since i was beggining to wake up. bet youre thinking about time!)
Anyways, I end up outside walking through some rodeo/tunnel or cave like are searching for a pig? Then head back to I where I was.

(cut scene)
We were all shoved into some small enclosed space where the only way out was a glass door in front of us that was covered with mud so we couldnt see outside. Hearing some jingling and voices I wait patiently at the entrance prepared for anything. Turns out it was a couple of teenage japanese school girls saving us! I thank them in what little japanese I know and we all head out through to freedom.

Getting to a bigger room that is separated a bit by half walls and looks like the entrance to a ride we suddenly come face to face with the leader dude! Hiding behind one of the half walls, me and a couple of the japanese girls prepare to fight! We grab the pool sticks that we're stacked in front of us (once again dont ask) and we wait for them to turn the corner.

Since the leader saw us he also knew what was up. Once he walks to where I was, I attack with both sticks I picked up, one went for the knee the other the face ( i guess) but he blocked and jumped back. I jump out and we being the fight. He does all sorts of fancy stick moves, spinning them and all but he leaves a lot of openings. So thats when I strike. After a couple of hits, we end up braking our sticks. I go in for the kill (which would have been really really sweet) but my broken stick turns out to be real flimsy and bendy.

After groaning in pain, he grabs a swords and swings it at me. Things just got serious, i think as i dodge-roll. I grab a katana and a kunai (i think its called...no crap just think of the samurai sword set) and turn to face him. All serious like, even the music from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon when Jen fights whats her face with the swords turns on. It was like that scene.
But before the fight could begin, I wake up. And my crazy dream ends here. Pretty odd huh? YEah, wish I could have gotten back into it but...I had stupid sun kept me from going back to sleep.  



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:15 pm
My dreams are normally "future visions", you know, like I see into the future. I'll explain more about it later when I get the chance. Most likely after dinner or between classes tomorrow. But trust me, it will be up.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:42 pm
Really? Premonitions then? Sounds real interesting, i look forward to it.  



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:02 pm
I love dreams....
I usually remember them and try to write them down.
I dream in colour, I dream in epic detail. I dream about houses...
I'm fascinated by the strangers in my dreams and also the thought of

sharing dreams with friends & family members.
I could discuss dreams for hours.....
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:41 am
Not really interesting, but kinda sad. The one I remember most is just this:

*Enter dream mode anything can happen here*

I was standing in the Preforming Arts Center (PAC) at my high school last year. From what I could gather, it was the end of the year, and I was doing stupid stuff with my friends (we all were going to graduate that night) and my girl friend walkd up to me. I greet her with a hug and a sentance I never thought I'd say in my life.

"It's so weird hugging you and not being able to kiss you one last time."

She looks at me and says "You can kiss me one last time."

So I kiss her on the forehead and then my friends call me out to the car so we can go get food.

*Exit dream mode (meaning I woke up)*

I didn't think much of it, that is, until a month later we broke up, and then on the night of graduation, after school, the same thing happened.

(I use this same dream as the basis that we don't have a path given to us that we follow for our entire life (if you believe in that sort of thing))  



PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:08 pm
Dasbettzeug: Yeah, Im also fascinated by the strangers in my dreams as well. Particularly the ones that show up to be a love interest of some kind.

Has anybody ever had a black and white dream? I dont think Ive ever had an actual black and white dream.

With writing them down, you really have to do it before you even get up out of bed. I mean, as soon as your feet hit the floor, you start forgetting the dream. Well, at least I do. Though, I do wish I could have written some others down. They were real entertaining.


DarkOne: That is kinda sad but it sounds like a growing up, moving on sort of thing. So wait, that dream you use to say that fate isnt really set in stone?


Once I read a post by this guy that was telling people about his dream in which a car crashed through his room while he was sleeping. Waking up, in the middle of the night, he steps out of his room and soon hears a crash. Now, i dont remember exactly what actually happened, im not sure if it was a family member that crashed or if its just another driver that actually crashed into the house. But I know that it truly was a premonition sort of dream.

Ive never had anything like that happened to me, but my friends and sister have so I find it all really interesting. Though, I chalk it up more to being coincidences versus any actual psychic ability.  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:13 pm
I remember I had this one crazy dream where I was walking down an aisle in the grocery store filled with watter bottles of all sizes. That guy, Doug Dimadome or whatever, was there, and I had a ferret on my head....that is all I remember O_o

I did have a recurring fream once when I was younger, where I was walking into a cave, and asI walked it got hotter and glowed red. Eventually, I found a little platou surrounded by lava. The ground behind me disappeared, and I am stuck on a sliver of ground almost too small for me to stand on.
Vaguely, I wonder if I am going to die soon, and then I see this giant demon guy rise up from a distant, dark corner of the cave (now a volcano)
In his claws (which were bloody) he held my family, except my dad. Anywho, I began to cry, and beg for the thing to take me instead, and then Iwoke up crying xp

Yeah, I think it probably had something to do with stuff that was going on at that time.

Also, I've had deja vu before =O It is sooo weird! Like, once, my brother was catching bugs (I was about 9, he was 11) and he called me over to show me this HUGE cicada skin. Well, suddenly, he fell foreward and lost a tooth (XD Ahahaha!) and I felt like it had happened before.... >_>  



PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:32 am
DarkOne: That is kinda sad but it sounds like a growing up, moving on sort of thing. So wait, that dream you use to say that fate isnt really set in stone?

Yeah, but this isn't the area for life views, so I'll keep that for later dissucion(sp) if you wanna hear my theory.

But to stay on topic, I had another dream last night. I dreamed that I was reading the 7th Harry Potter book, and I was one of the main characters, lol, it true. I guess it's just a sad strange longing, XD  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:41 pm
DarkOne: That is kinda sad but it sounds like a growing up, moving on sort of thing. So wait, that dream you use to say that fate isnt really set in stone?

Yeah, but this isn't the area for life views, so I'll keep that for later dissucion(sp) if you wanna hear my theory.

But to stay on topic, I had another dream last night. I dreamed that I was reading the 7th Harry Potter book, and I was one of the main characters, lol, it true. I guess it's just a sad strange longing, XD

hmm..true, but i was just clarifying.

lol i know what you mean about that longing. i too have had dreams similar to that. though mines was way too fangirlish, not too proud. but i can safely say it was not for the character, it was for the actor.

From what i remember, me and some friends were at a party and all the actors from the harry potter movies were there. i was talking to tom and somehow or another, my friend then talked to tom and they seemed to be hitting it off. Which i was happy about since i appearantly was the girlfriend of robert pattison?! Yeah...I know. I stopped thinking about Harry Potter for a bit after that.

Wow, ViolentVirtues, that sounds pretty scary and sad. For it to had been reacurring....how horrible. Glad its over now.

Doug Dimadome?? Who's he?
Well...not really speaking but whatever. Anybody ever had any dreams that were continuing? Not reaccurring but that one night you had this dream and the next night it continued?  



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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:03 pm
I love dreams!! biggrin
My last one was really weird it involved aliens being in my church and my mom being one of them and there was only 4 humans left (me, my 2 best friends, and a guy I like).
The gist is that, the aliens tryed to take over and me and the other 3 humans faught them.
My mom woke me up before the end. stressed  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:23 pm
I have lots of dreams, sometimes I remember them and wish I didn't. Throwing the dead bodies of people you don't know and have never met over the fench so they are not in your back yard ranks pretty high on my strange meter.  



PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:37 pm
I had a dream recently where my good friend was hit in the head by books that girls were purposefully dropping off the second floor of the mall. I was so angry. I got him to a doctor then ran back and confronted the girls with no intent on fighting. But they kind of overreacted and started attacking me. There were about six or seven of them. Now, I would never hurt a girl (so thankfully this was a dream) but I ended up kicking their butts. But that wasn't the end, they really took it overboard. I got chased all over the place and especially through snow-fields. Eventually they caught up and there were a TON more of them. About twenty I think. I defeated them as well and then I woke up.

It was disconcerting because its honestly one of the most realistic dreams I've ever felt. Scary. Realisitic in how it felt. No matter how strong I am, I could never beat up twenty girls. I'm not even sure I could handle six or seven..... but I don't think of that kind of thing. I prefer to think I'll never do anything to cause any amount of girls to want to kick my a**. ^^;  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:26 pm

Oh shucks! I hate it when Im woken up before my dreams finish too! Its the worst.

Kinda like if you're watching a movie or reading a story, you just have to know what happens next!


Nephilium: I agree. That is strange, but makes sense. I wouldnt want dead bodies of people I didnt know in my backyard. Kinda reminds me of Shaun of the dead a bit. Dont know why, must be the fact that they pretty much just shoved the zombies out of their way and didnt really care about them. Great movie, though.


Oulixeus: lol. Yeah, that most definetly is not a great situation to be in at all. Look at the bright side, at least you know you care about your friends and stand by them no matter what comes at you, even if it is a whole angry large mob of girls wanting to throttle you.  


Rob the Crowing

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:56 am
i remember once I had a dream i was in a video game and there were gingerbread men everywhere.

Another time i had a dream where the surfs where chasing me around a water fall trying to eat me.

My dreams are weird~ mrgreen  
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