This is quite possibly the CUTEST movie I've ever seen. The whole thing is currently up on YouTube, so I highly recommend you check it out.

The story is about a goat named Mei who gets lost during a thunderstorm and ends up taking shelter in a barn. There he meets Gabu, a wolf who was also waiting out the storm. Because the barn was so dark, they couldn't see each other, and ended up talking and becoming friends. They agree to meet the next day, using the password 'one stormy night!' They're surprised, to say the least, when they finally meet, but it doesn't really change the fact that they want to be together. However, since neither the wolves nor the goats approve of their friendship, they go looking for a place where they can be together.

Needless to say, the pairing of choice here is GabuxMei. They're just adorable, and honestly they act more like a couple than best friends (Mei's always so giddy when they're together, it's so cute!) And that they were willing to give up everything for each other and just how they looked out for each other and spent time together and slept together and laughed and cried and cuddled and's so beautiful and warm. And then there was the good 15 min of Gabu staring at Mei's a** and drooling, but y'know, whatever.

It's just overall fantastic and heartwarming and beautiful and sweet and....I just can't explain the kind of sticky, sugary goo it turned my heart into. GO WATCH IT NOW. Then come back here so we can squee and giggle over their forbidden love! heart


EDIT: lol, Palindrome made art. 'Cause I really don't waste enough time as it is.

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