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[Pr] Chapters 1 & 2

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Carl Depner

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:20 am
please excuse any spelling errors, neither chapters have been edited. it does have some violence and some stuff the a few people may find frightening, other than that it is entirely clean.

Chapter 1

1.In fiction, There was a very pleasant place on a very pleasant isle called Lush forest. The inhabitants of the forest were some of the kindest people you’d ever meet. Since few people lived in Lush Forest, it was very easy to find a young man to focus this story on. He is a very noble young man as well as very moral. And perhaps by the time you’re through reading this tale, you may find that Lush forest’s lack of population is not the only reason why I found it easy to choose Logan Hunt to be the focus of this story.
After his birth in Lush Forest, Logan Hunt spent all of his childhood as well as most of his teen years with his family in the place of Logan’s origin. While living in Lush forest Logan had many adventures. However, I will not be entertaining you with stories of Mr. Hunt’s childhood. Thus, I shall truly begin this tale at the point in Logan’s life when his family was forced to live in a very gloomy place.
2.Logan’s thin red hair swayed in the wind as he slowly rode one of the few horses in the small caravan traveling to The Lonely Village. As Logan’s horse trotted clumsily across the vast dust covered Desert of Fatal Judgment, Logan was far too worried about his ill parents to even notice the terrible heat of the desert. Eventually Logan found a way to get his mind off of his parents sickness by talking with his good friend Benjamin Strophskin. Ben had been a friend of Logan’s ever since both of their childhoods, as well as a good friend to the rest of the Hunt family. Ben started telling jokes to distract Logan from thinking about his diseased parents. Logan’s beautiful black eyes widened, his perfect teeth shown as he laughed at one of Ben’s story’s. seeing this gave Ben a good reason to believe the distraction was working.
“So, when are you turning twenty?” asked Ben.
“October seventeenth.” Logan replied.
“That‘s the same day as the election.” Ben explained and continued walking alongside Logan who had recently abandoned his horse’s back, to walk with his friend.
3.It was just starting to get dark when the caravan first spotted The Lonely Village. Although this tiny new village seemed to be a pleasant place at first glance, Logan knew that no location could ever be as comforting as his original home.
4.When Logan arrived at The Lonely Village he realized that not only did he feel comfortable, but the inhabitants were phenomenally accommodating, making The Lonely Village a very pleasant place to live and after about a week of living in his beautiful stone cottage, Logan felt perfectly at home.
5.It had now been a month since the caravan had moved to The Lonely Village and the Hunt parents had just gotten over a very strange sickness. That is precisely why Logan Hunt had Decided to visit them.
“Hello” said Logan as he slowly opened the door, “is anybody home?”
“We’re in here.” answered Mrs. Hunt.
“Where?” asked Logan.
“In the living room” Mr. Hunt replied and continued a conversation he had apparently started quite some time ago. Logan walked smoothly across the faded wood floor of his parents living room. Making sure not to interrupt the conversation by stepping on a noisy plank in the wooden floor.
6.Logan soon found himself enjoying a cup of cherry ale along with his brother and parents. The Hunt family sat around the cozy, warm fire. Rocking back and forth in the large oak chairs made by Jubal Hunt himself.
“How is your campaign going” asked Jubal, as he prepared to stuff a banana crumpet into his mouth.
“My campaign is trivial. What I want to know is how your carpenter shop is coming along.” Logan replied, keeping the conversation distant from his slowly decaying campaign.
“I’d like to say that the shop was doing terribly and that every other carpenter in vill didn’t hold a grudge against me.” Jubal said regrettably “however you know that I’ve always been a good carpenter and that my competition enduringly hates me for it.” Mr. Hunt finished and rocked thoughtfully in his chair.
“You built most of the furniture in this house didn’t you father” Logan asked, trying once again to digress from the subject of his campaign, however his father just sat there quietly with his chin resting in his palm.
7.The living room of the Hunt household stayed completely quiet accept for the crackling of the fire and the creaking of the rocking chairs. The silence was eventually broken by a question asked by Mrs. Hunt, “is something the matter Jubal.” Mr. hunt continued staring at the floor, about twenty seconds later he answered the question “no, just pondering something I heard someone say this afternoon.”
Soon afterwards Logan looked out the living room window to find a stranger wreathed in darkness he had a long white beard, thin white eyebrows and eyes that were such a bright shade of blue that they appeared luminous in the black of night. The mysterious figure walked hastily past the window, his cloak rose in the breeze revealing two daggers on his black leather belt. Both daggers were made of black iron and looked very well taken care of. The blades were the sharpest Logan had ever seen. The detail of the daggers that struck Logan most were the faint blood stains on the blades. Logan now new that a murder was soon to come.
8. Logan quickly ran through the back door and picked up one of his father’s axes and began to walk in the direction that he last saw the stranger walking in. Logan was ready to protect himself and his family from anything this dark creature could inflict upon them. Suddenly a noise came from the right side of Logan, it sounded like a log falling off the timber pile. As soon as Logan turned to see what it was he noticed a tall, thin figure on top of the wood stack. The only feature of the character Logan could make out were two small, blue shapes near the top of the dark figure. Logan immediately realized who he was looking at and pulled his axe up into a defensive position, unsure of whether or not this stance he was in would serve its purpose.
9.The dark murderer stood on top of the log pile seemingly unbreakable, his hood cast a dark shadow over his face, his pitch black cloak swayed in wind. This frightening stranger was what Logan believed to be the very image of his worst nightmare. Although trembling with fear Logan tried his hardest to keep a courageous posture. The creature’s face finally began to show as the moonlight peeked slightly through the midnight clouds, despite his white beard the man’s face was not aged or wrinkled.
“What do you want stranger?” Logan asked as the clouds once again hid the strangers emotionless face. The man did not answer, Logan took a step toward the trespasser. A large log flew towards Logan’s head. Logan quickly chopped the log in two, one half of the log flew to the left, the other half hit Logan on the thigh. The stranger unsheathed his bloody daggers and jumped towards Logan who swung his axe at the villain. The daggers of the killer quickly clove the shaft of the axe in two, throwing the blade directly into the side of the house. The dark stranger then thrust both of his blades into Logan’s left shoulder pulled the daggers out and entered the Hunt household, leaving Logan for dead.

Chapter 2

1.The cemetery would have been a great place to meet somebody if that body weren’t deceased. It is however very common to find dead people in cemeteries. This was exactly what Ben Strophskin and Ms. Hunt were doing, looking for a dead person. Once they found the grave stone they were seeking they placed a bouquet of roses in front of it, then looked thoughtfully at the tomb for quite some time.
“Did the local authorities catch the villain.” Asked Ben
“Yes they did Mr. Strophskin.” Ms. Hunt replied as tears ran down her face. “he will be hanged tomorrow.”
“I was on my way to tell your family about the recent murders in vill but when I got to your house he was dying and your husband was unconscious.” Ben finished and walked regrettably through the dead grass and out of the graveyard. He turned around and called out to Ms. Hunt one last time before he took his leave.
“I’m going to visit Logan in the hospital.” Said Ben
“I’ll meet you there in a little while.” Ms. Hunt responded as she took one last look at her husbands cold grave.
2.”welcome to my humble Hospital chamber” Logan said jokingly as Ben walked into the cramped infirmary space. Ben took a look around and frowned at what he saw, an old rotting rocking chair, a rinsing bowl so filthy that the water inside of it was brown, and a rusty bed frame with a soggy cot on it or Logan’s “bed”.
“The town has got some nerve putting their future governor in a place like this.” Ben replied
“I wouldn’t mind so much if people like you didn’t visit so much” Logan said in a sarcastic tone.
“ You’d best stop joking around, after all you’re the reason I’m here” answered Ben
“ What a coincidence I’m the reason I’m here too.” when Logan said this it assured Ben that the teasing and joking was bound to continue.
“Do you want to hear something sick?” Logan asked rhetorically “I wasn’t the person who made this mattress wet and yellow” as Logan finished Ben walked over to one of the closest nurses.
“Um, hello,” said Ben “Why is my friend over there lying on another person’s fluid?” The nurse looked at Logan’s cot and tried her hardest not to cringe.
“Mr. Strophskin, this building was built for emergency care, it is possible that nobody had a chance to change that mat before Mr. Hunt began his stay with us.” the nurse replied. Ben could feel his stomach churning as it did when he was about to vomit.
“Wow look, a wall!” Logan hollered from the other room
“Thank you, just one more question.” Ben continued ignoring Logan’s comment, “What do you have him on?”
“Oh, the doctor gave him some sephurium earlier today.” the nurse continued “The hallucinations that the drug provides distract your friend from the pain of the wounds, the effects will only last a little while longer.” answered the nurse.
“Sephurium? Are you sure that’s legal?” Ben asked and heard Logan’s voice coming from his cot, “I will make it legal!!” he said. The nurse turned to Ben
“You’ve only got nine more minutes left with him Mr. Strophskin, I suggest you spend them with him.” the nurse finished politely and walked away. Taking the nurses advice Ben stepped into Logan’s room, took a seat, and started a new discussion.
“So how are you feeling Logan?” asked Ben
“Actually Ben, I feel terrible but I can’t tell because they put me on opium this morning.” Logan whispered. The room stayed quiet as Logan stared at the wall in astonishment.
Ben acknowledged, “This might not be the best time to talk to you, so I think I’ll leave you and your wall alone now.”
3.As Ben left Logan’s hospital room, he saw Ms. Hunt getting out of her seat to go visit her son. As Ben crossed Scarlette’s path he stopped her for a minute.
“this might not be the best time to talk with Logan.” Ben warned quietly
“Why?” Ms. Hunt asked and looked over Mr. Strophskin’s shoulder at Logan’s room “what’s the problem.”
“Oh no problem it’s just that he’s a little light headed right now.” Ben replied, struggling to find words that best fit Logan’s situation.
“Can I at least look at the wall.” asked Ms. Hunt
“What? Why do you want to look at the wall?” Ben answered quizzically.
“Well Logan seemed to be fascinated with the wall.” said Scarlette
“Oh it’s nothing.” Ben replied with an amused smile on his face.
4. As Ben and Ms. Hunt entered the carriage and left the hospital, they realized that the cart wasn’t going in the direction it was informed to.
“Driver, where are you taking us?” Asked Ben.
The driver did not reply but turned his head just enough to where he could stare at the passengers through the corner of his eye. Very little of the drivers facial features could be seen for most of the coachman’s face was covered with a velvet, black hood. And as Ms. Hunt glared back at the almost sinister man she realized something familiar about his cape. Scarlette leaned toward Ben and whispered to him.
5.“That cloak,” said Ms. Hunt , “It has the same insignia on it as the cloak of the murderer.”
Ben looked carefully at the dark, red, insignia and whispered back.
“Hey! I think you’re right.” Ben continued “maybe they’ve formed some kind occult clan.”
Ms. Hunt just looked at Ben quietly for a minute or so. Finally Mr. Strophskin spoke up.
“You could have always just told me it was a stupid idea.” said Ben as the carriage came to a stop.
“The cart has stopped.” stated Ms. Hunt
“Right this way.” said the driver while opening the door of the coach. On her way out Ms. Hunt discovered that they had been brought to a strange forest. Very little sunlight shone through the gray dead branches of the tall sturdy Dark Blossom trees.
“they’ve brought us into a forest” said Scarlette.
“could you please stop that?” asked Ben.
“Stop what?” Ms. Hunt replied quizzically.
“Stating the obvious, stop stating the obvious.” Ben continued “that’s like the third time you’ve done that today.”
Ms. Hunt ignored the comment and tolerantly followed the driver into the dark abyss of dead wilderness.
6.“Tell me where you are taking us.” demanded Ben as he pulled out his pipe.
“Perhaps if you were to ask politely” answered the mysterious man.
“could you please tell us where you are leading us kind sir.” Ben said mockingly. The stranger gave a short sinister laugh and replied “You’ll soon find that I am not so kind as you imply.”
Ben and Ms. Hunt stared at the man as they walked along the leafy path. They thought about how unkind the black bearded cart driver could possibly be. The thought of overthrowing the man occurred to Ben more than once, he eventually felt around his pockets for his small-knife. Suddenly Mr. Strophskin stopped.
“have you misplaced something.” the coachman asked Ben tauntingly.
“yes actually, I can’t find my…..” Ben stopped himself as he realized that his knife was in the hands of their sinister guide.
“may I have my knife back.” Ben asked impatiently.
“What fo…” the man started but was interrupted by Ben’s fist rushing into his stomach and the narrow end of Ben’s pipe being jabbed into his left shoulder. The coachman fell to the ground and gave such a loud, inhuman hiss that Ben and Scarlette had to cover they’re ears to be able to bear the noise.
7. their bodies became cold as they ran through the forest trying to escape from the everlasting echoes of the dying stranger.
“The noise is fading.” Ben said over the faint sound that remained in the forest. They weren’t able to see the exit of the woods from where they were. It took nearly fifteen minutes of running before Ben and Ms. Hunt could see anything but withered tree’s. The two stopped running and took a short rest. Ben looked forward and spied what appeared to be a tall black fence.
“I wonder what that is.” asked Ben.
“it appears to be a sort of fe….” Scarlette stopped herself, thinking of the comment that Ben had made at carriage.
“there’s only one way to find out.” Ben said as if Ms. Hunt had never spoken. Ben lead the way, not knowing what he was getting himself into.
“You stay here.” Ben told Scarlette.
“I think that would be best.” the widow replied and sat down on the ground.
8. Ben carefully approached the dark figure. When he came around thirty yards away from the thing Mr. Strophskin hollered an update to Ms. Hunt.
“It’s at least six feet and four inches tall.” said Ben.
“See if you can open it” Scarlette hollered back.
Mr. Strophskin walked closer, it was at this point that Ben realized that he could not open it for their was nothing to be opened. The odd, large, dark fence was noticed to be a long row of tall men wreathed in the blackness of silk cloaks. One of the mysterious men leaped upon Ben and struck him to the ground.
“Run Mrs. Hunt…” Ben had to struggle with the might of three of the dark men before he could finish his statement “flee from this wicked place.”. Despite the effort, Ben’s warning came too late. Many of the strangers had already captured Scarlette.
9. Back at the hospital, Logan was beginning to wake up from a two hour doze. At first everything was rather blurry. After a few minutes of regaining his prominence, Logan noticed something very different about his dormitory. Complete and utter silence had struck Grengburg hospital, not a single sound could be heard throughout the entire facility. As the vacancy of noise continued to haunt Logan, he became confused upon how to handle the situation. He eventually came to his feet and walked to the doorway of his room.
12.“Did you have a nice nap?” asked a taunting voice coming from the left of Mr. Hunt
Logan turned to see who addressed him, but within three seconds time Logan found himself being stuck across the neck with one of the waiting chairs that had been in the lobby. THUD Mr. Hunt fell to the ground! He looked around the room for his attacker but Logan could see nobody. Drops of blood fell from Logan’s jaw as he brought himself back onto his feet. Another chair came towards Mr. Hunt, this time flying through the air. The chair hit Mr. Hunt in the stomach throwing him against the wall. Logan managed a glimpse at his assailant and was surprised to discover that it was the same old man that killed his father.
“I thought you were to be hanged!” said Logan, addressing the dark figure. The Man replied by leaping through the air at Logan. In attempt to fend for himself Logan Picked up one of the chairs and hit the murderer in mid air, quickly sliding him across the marble floor. The cloaked man swiftly picked himself up off the ground and began running towards Mr. Hunt.
11. Mr. Hunt had to think of a way that one more hit could be fatal, he looked around the hallway for anything that could cease his enemy. Logan spotted a wheeled cart. Logan rolled the cart into the stranger, this bought Mr. hunt some more of time to find a real weapon.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:00 pm
These selections are rather long. Do you think you could have them uploaded somewhere and then provide links to them instead? FictionPress is a very good site to use if you'd like. 3nodding  

Fushigi na Butterfly

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Carl Depner

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:53 pm
Fushigi na Butterfly
These selections are rather long. Do you think you could have them uploaded somewhere and then provide links to them instead? FictionPress is a very good site to use if you'd like. 3nodding

hey I tried that website out and I couldn't figure out how to use it.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:09 pm
Well, you have to have an account with them to upload anything. Once you do that you go to "Create Story" and it walks you through the process of uploading it. Try it again, and if it's still not working for you, I'll let your chapters stay the way they are. 3nodding  

Fushigi na Butterfly

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Carl Depner

PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:38 am
ok there's this three day waiting period thing for new users so I guess everyone'll just have to wait until then, sorry redface  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:59 pm
Srsly?? I don't remember that; it must be something new. sweatdrop Well, I really appreciate you sticking with the rules and trying out the site. 3nodding  

Fushigi na Butterfly

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Carl Depner

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:13 pm
I tried agian and again and again but I just couldn't understand. I'm not really the most interneticfullnessfuly intelligent person....on the internet.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:04 am
Alright then, the way you have it is fine. Thanks for trying though. :Heart:  

Fushigi na Butterfly

High-functioning Businesswoman

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Carl Depner

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:59 am
thanx butterfly.  
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