I'm probably one of the craziest mix of ethnicities ever: Italian, Korean, and Japanese.

Yes, really. Although I've heard all three languages throughout my life but have somehow never managed to pick them up fluently. I'm ashamed. u.u This realization hit me only a few months ago and to regain my ethnic dignity, I've decided to fully learn all three languages. Sadly, none of my relatives will be able to help me in my quest - they're either too busy, scary teachers (think sticks.), or on the other side of the world. So I'm learning on my own. I've got a stack of "How to learn -insert language here-" books and I'm going to crush the language gap! I sleep with my Instant Immersion CDs going! I read flashcards while I walk! I make up vocab songs in the shower! All by myself. - I'm doomed.

Oh, but I ramble. Well, I'm 16 years-old and female - so don't get confused with my Gaian avatar's gender (yes, he's male heart ). Since I have paranoid parents I'm not permitted to give out my real name so you can just call me "Sock". I like socks. They keep my toes warm. A big part of my life is devoted to the piano. I've played the piano since I was 4 years-old, and even though I hated it so much that I could have doused it in kerosene back then, I love it now.

I am probably the greatest procrastinator that ever lived. I'm the student who walks into class, notes in hand, frantically studying for the test that is about to be taken. I finish essays the night before they're due, and buy presents the day before someone's birthday. It's a stressful lifestyle, but I'm surviving. I should really stop, though. sweatdrop

Insomnia-like traits are also a part of the Sock. It's almost 2am right now and I'm typing this out. I am also an organization addict. I frequently arrange things in my room (and to the annoyance of my family, other rooms) and I know when a person has touched something in it. I organize my clothing by color, for example; although, that might be because I like rainbows.

Reading books and writing are among my hobbies. I listen to Jrock, Jpop, Kpop, and classical-related genres (like soundtracks, piano and other instrumental musics). I also have an obsession for clothing. And emoticons. It's amazing I've only used one so far in this post (can you find it?).

I hate User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. (homework) in all its hideous forms. That is all. Oh, wait; and User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. (twinkies).

Ah, and there is also my most beloved pooch. She's a small dog with short legs and a spunky attitude. She is also selectively stupid. We shall call her User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. (Poo). Poo likes to poop on rugs even though she has a perfectly nice and scientifically-formulated dog pee/poo mat. Thus, she is an idiot. But a cute idiot.

Hmm, is that introductory enough? Well, I'm going to end it here. If anyone has anything to ask, I shall try to answer. =D

Favorite stationery character of all time: domokun (Domo-kun)