GBG Staff.

Invictus_88 - Captain

Illyrianth - Vice Captain and Crew for Life.
Knightsedge - Crew for Life

Nebelstern - Crew
Foetus_In_Fetu - Crew

Ficklefiend - Auxiliary Crew
Ice_Illusion - Auxiliary Crew

Other crew members informally chosen in a pretty ad hoc manner, more or less at whim.

GBG History.

The Gaian British Guild was founded by three regulars on the British Stereotypes thread, a thread made by Tomoky (a rather wonderful Welsh art-student) and myself. The founders of the guild each contributed money to form a guild and the surplus was used to bolster the Guild account. The three founding members have a permanent place on the crew, even if they decide to quit Gaia.

Below is a link to the original British Steretypes thread started by Tomoky and me in September of 2004.

Much later, in March 2006 I founded a new British Stereotypes thread, which is now settled in the GD and will almost certainly not be sent to the Chatterbox like the original was. There is a link here:

Also, I managed to claim both the 500th, 1337th, 5000th and the 13,000th GBG post and am weirdly proud of that, for which I apologise. Foetus in Fetu got the 30,000th though, damn her. >_>

The members of the GBG have the honour of having formulated a successful operation against the unjust treatment of members by a certain moderator. It was, it seems, the underground action and lobbying that did more good than my singular official report to Locke. Thus the glory is more theirs than mine.

GBG Advertising and Signature Imagery.

Over the years signatures have been made and hosted, but we've not yet made a GBG imageshack account so there is a tendency for some of them to die. I'll be working on this. In any case, the link is here:

GBG Bequeathen Funds.

The following funds are funds belonging to the GBG and held in trust by Invictus_88. It comprises an amount of gold presented to the Guild as a form of spendable or investable finance for use as the Guild(1) sees fit.

It covers gold given by those who are retiring their accounts, or those who simply wish to make donations of a more immediately practical value than those donations which become locked-up in the Guild vault.

Maskani - 5000g

Broken Keys - 9000g

NeEvIlWeEvIl - 1000g

Mr. Bono Vox - 30,000g

Thus, Invictus_88 is not allowed to exist with less than 45,000g to his account.

(1) "Guild" hereby pertaining to not the individual Invictus but the GBG as a whole. Action involving the spending of GBG Bequeathen Funds requiring the written assent of members. Written assent requiring written notice from at least two crew members and the general support of the GBG members regardless of seniority.

GBG Satellites.

Gaian Literary Elitist's Alliance.

Established on Thursday 7th April 2005.

Founder - Nebelstern.

The Yoghurt Guild.

Established on Friday 13th May 2005.

Founder - Gaulia

The Obscenely Rich Gaian's Guild.

Established on Thursday 9th June 2005.

Founder - and_solo_said

The Gaian Drinkers' Guild.

Established on Sunday 7th August 2005.

Founder - Angilwingz