All I want is to see your smile…
I want you to be happy… For eternity.
I love you more than you could know.
I’d do almost anything for you.
If you were to die, what would I do?
Killing myself is an option but…would you want that?
You’re the reason I’m still alive…
All I want is a hug.
To listen to your heart. The rhythmic beat of the heart that rejects me…
You’re heart.
Pure yet corrupted. Kind yet cruel. Inviting yet…rejecting…
“With exceptions.”
I know I’m not one but I’m still hurt.
I don’t want to be selfish, but I cannot help this feeling.
A hug would only strengthen it, but I want to hear that sound…
The sound…your sound.
The sound of your beating heart.
Though I’m not in it, I want it to be happy.
For you to be truly happy. I cannot bring this.
Your happiness means the world to me.
I’ve never felt this way for anyone else.
Your smile brightens my day and yet darkens it.
You’re two sides to my coin.
Happiness, sadness. Light, dark. Freedom, torment.
You hold power over me. Your will I must follow.
Do you know of this power?
I’m bound to you, your every word.
Your word is my law. Is this true love?
Can unrequited love be true love?
Though I want you to be mine…
Though I want to be yours…
It could never be. For I am nothing to you.
I’m just an ignorant fool.
I want you to depend on me.
I want to be dependable.
Am I worthless?
What am I worth to you, exactly?
Without you by my side, I feel empty…hollow…
This void was made by your rejection.
When will this pain end?
“I am content”
Words to lure you away.
Content is my word for longing.
I trick myself into thinking being around you is enough but…
That’s a lie.
I want to hold your hand.
For you to hold mine.
Eternal bliss.
I want to grasp eternity, to set you and I free.
Free of our worries, free of this world.
Even if separate, as long as your smile exists.
I want you to embrace me, saving me from this shadow reality I dwell in.
To truly love someone is to put his or her feelings before your own.
That’s how I feel in all of this.
I don’t care how much I am rejected, as long as you’re happy.
My heart is your walking mat.
There for you to trample on, a step to your achievement.
A doll without a heart.
You’ve stolen it.
I exist as a puppet to your whim.
Waiting in the corner for your passing glance.
Look at me, only at me!
Rare selfish acts are loud; I want you to pay attention to me.
Be around only me.
If at least for just one day.
A single day with you…only you…
Eternal Bliss.