Welcome to the Rant and Rave.

The Rant and Rave is a place specifically set aside for you to talk about real life and personal problems, issues, or questions you might have. Politics, rants and other related topics go here.

What belongs here?
- Real life/personal topics
- Politics
- Rants
- Venting

Please remember to be courteous to your fellow members, flames and personal attacks are not permitted.

- Remember when posting, try to make your title as informative as possible. That's what is going to tempt people into your thread.
- Promote discussion. Ask people what they think. Don't attack other points of view.
- Respect other people's opinions. If you disagree, either state your opinion intelligently or shut up.
- Try to approach personal topics with a sense of tact. Don't forget that posters have chosen to share their experiences, problems, et cetera with you in their thread.

Sub-forum Mods:

Lady Gyrfalcon
Drakie Cakie