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Reply [The Arena]________Fanfiction & Fanart & Original Creations
Fanfiction - Oneshot [AxelxRiku] (Hawt make out seen :B)

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 12%  [ 2 ]
Luff <3
 68%  [ 11 ]
Don't like the pairing.
 12%  [ 2 ]
Ew. </3 (Aww ; ; )
 6%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 16

The Rainbow Spork

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:05 pm

I know.
Weird couple.
But I love it!
And yes, I know Sora liked Axel before he 'died' but I changed that!

Disclaimer: I don't any characters. I wish I did though. ; ;

EDIT: I changed it a bit.

A man, clad in black washed upon the shore of Destiny Islands. His bright red hair weighted down with water. Laughter was heard a little bit down the beach. Sora, Riku, and Kairi were walking towards the man. Sora and Kairi hand in hand, with a slightly uncomfortable Riku following. Obviously dragged on their outing.

“Sora! Look!” Kairi shrieked.

Sora blinked a few times, and then followed her finger to where the man was.

“Axel!” Sora hissed, “What is he doing here? He vanished!”

Riku said nothing, just stared at the attractive man.

“Oh, but Sora! We can’t just leave him here! He looks hurt.” Kairi complained.

“Fine, but I won’t carry him. He could try to take the keyblade.” Sora crossed his arms and ‘hmpfed’.

Riku, wordlessly, walked over to Axel, bent down next to him and picked him up bridal style. “I’ve got him. Where to?”

“Well, he can’t come over to my house, my parents would flip,” Kairi said, matter of factly.

“He’s not coming to my house.” Said the irritated Sora, still arms crossed.

Riku just rolled his eyes and shifted Axel so his head was no longer hanging lifelessly. “We’ll take him to my place. My parents are on a trip,” and started walking off towards the boats. Riku then jumped within his own, after laying Axel carefully along the boat so his head rested safely on Riku’s lap then started to row back to the main island.

Sora looked at Kairi, obviously confused. “What’s up with him?”

“Oh Sora,” Kairi giggled, “you’re so naïve sometimes.”

“What!? What’s going on? Tell me Kairi!”

“You’ll have to figure it out on your own silly!” She giggled as she skipped off towards the boat.

“Hey! Kairi! Wait for me!” Sora speed off after her, only to row them both back to the main island.

~*~At Riku’s House~*~

Riku kicked the door to his open after negotiating with Sora and Kairi to open the door. They, obviously, refused to help him. Well, Sora refused. He claimed that Axel could awaken at any moment to steal the keyblade or snatch Kairi away from him again. Riku could only roll his eyes.

After carefully steering into the room, minding that Axel’s head could be knocked around and may, cause him to stay unconscious for a while longer. Riku, secretly, wanted him awake and “make sure he’s okay.” Riku, of course, wouldn’t admit it to himself that he may have a tiny crush on the red haired man. Only a small one, just enough to make him stare whenever Axel is in the line of view, and fantasize about cuddling with him. See? Tiny crush.

“C’mon Kairi! Tell me!” Sora could be heard outside the door, completely oblivious that his silver haired rival was already in the room.

“No, if you can’t see it, you won’t hear it.” Kairi stuck her tongue out playfully and entered the room with a confused and slightly annoyed Sora following her. “So, Riku how is he?”

Riku was to caught up in staring at Axel lying on his bed, breathing softly. “Huh? What? Oh right.” Riku quickly recovered from the blush, hoping that neither of his friends saw. “Damn...” he thought, “My pale skin has betrayed me yet again!”

“Riku? What’s up?” Sora asked.

“Nothing! I’ll check for a fever.” Riku bent down, placing his cheek upon Axel’s forehead, his own face heating up.

“Riku? Are you sure that you aren’t sick either?” Sora asked, still oblivious to just about everything going on.

Riku shot up, blood rushing to his face. “Oh no, I’m fine.” Riku glared at a giggling Kairi after recovering from the blush.

“Well? Riku, is he okay?”

“Oh. He has a slight fever.”

“We’ll get some medicine Riku! No worries. I’ve got some stuff at my house,” Kairi chirped happily.

Riku blinked. “What are you talking about? I have some medicine too.”

“No Riku! You’re stuff won’t work!”

“Kairi, you’re house is on the other side of island.”
“It’ll be worth it, I promise.” Kairi winked at Riku, grabbed Sora and dragged him off, out of the room. Sora’s protests continued until Riku heard the front door close. They consisted of “He could mob him!” or “Why do I have to come? Will you tell me now?”

Things finally clicked in Riku’s head. ‘Kairi wanted me to stay with Axel. Hoping that he would awaken with me here. And so then-’ Riku’s thoughts were cut short when Axel rolled over on his bed, hugging the pillow. Riku suddenly felt as though he was going to explode. He just wanted to grab him and never let go, his inner FanBoy taking starting to take over.

“What are you staring at?”

Riku nearly jumped out of his skin. He quickly looked over at Axel to find that he wasn’t there. Suddenly, he was pinned against the wall by Axel at his throat.

“What am I doing here?” Axel demanded.

“I brought you here. You washed upon the shore of one of our islands. Sora and Kairi are out getting a medicine to make your fever go down.” Riku put his hands over Axel’s and tried to pry his fingers from around his own neck.

“Idiot! I use fire! My body temperature is higher than most peoples!” Axel snarled.

“Don’t you think that I know that? I hade to get Kairi and Sora to leave some how.”

“Wait, what? Why did you want them to leave?” The pyro asked, his grip on Riku slowly slacking. Riku just turned, to the best he could, to the side and avoid Axel’s eyes. Axel brought his hand back to his side, only to place them on either side of Riku’s head and stepping closer. “Why won’t you look at me?” Grasping the younger male’s chin to turn and look at him straight in the eyes. “You know, you have gorgeous eyes.”

“What?” Riku gasped, Axel’s comment taking him off guard.

“I like your eyes. Got it memorized?”

“Oh…thank you? Why were you cuddling with my pillow?”

“You can’t take a compliment, can you? Oh, I wanted to smell it before I started moving. It was soft and it smelled nice.” Axel said running his finger down Riku’s cheek. “I noticed that you didn’t carry me on your back. I’ve been hurt before, and people have carried me on their backs. Tell me, do you care for me?” Axel didn’t give Riku a chance to respond before going on. “And also, when we were on the boat, you placed my head on your lap. Then you once again, you carried me in your arms. And instead of using your hand to check my temperature, you used your cheek. Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you use your cheek instead of your hand? Is this really that difficult?”

“Well, people’s hands in general are used to more extreme heats than the face. Wait, you were awake?”

“Yes, hence how I knew everything you did. You really didn’t notice? I kept looking at you.”

“Why?” Riku was starting to become defensive.

“Why what?” Axel asked, perplexed.

“Why were you staring at me? Is it really that difficult?” Riku was mocking Axel.

Axel laughed softly, the air blowing Riku’s hair off his face softly. “Is it really so difficult to know why I was staring? You are extremely hot. And coming from me, doesn’t that say something?”

“Excuse me?” Riku would have fallen if Axel wasn’t holding him up.

“U-R, H-O-T. Got it memorized?” Axel didn’t notice, nor did Riku, that the red head’s face was moving closer every moment.

“You spelled ‘you’ and ‘are’ wrong.” Riku gave Axel an “are-you-effing-stupid” look. But with the blush covering Riku’s face, Axel found it adorable, instead of menacing.

“I know, but it got the message across, didn’t it? You haven’t given me an answer yet pretty boy.”

Every time Axel said something about Riku’s appearance, his face got a little brighter. That’s when our silver hair friend began to stutter. “S-stop that!” Riku’s eyes are now closed tightly, face to the extent of redness. “W-what question?”

“Do you care for me? Got it-‘’

“Yes! I have it memorized already! And…”


“And... Well…close your eyes.”

“Is this some stupid island game of yours?” Axel raised an eyebrow.

“Just do it or I won’t answer.” Riku demanded.

“Fine, geez,” Axel closed his eyes and waited. Only to have his eyes open wider and faster then they ever have before. Riku was kissing him! Axel’s mind just seemed to shut down right then and there. Instinct took over as he snaked his arms around the younger boy’s waist pulling him closer.

Riku, of course, wasn’t expecting for Axel to kiss him back. Much less pull him so close. Riku’s, obviously happy, hands found themselves in Axel’s long, soft, red locks of hair.

Axel on the other hand, wasn’t quite so happy. He had started to become upset when he noticed that he was running out of air. So of course, to Axel, less of something means do it faster and better. He began to coax Riku’s lips apart with his tongue, and thus started a war. Riku of course, being himself, accepted the challenge and fought back, giving Axel a run for his money. The silver haired boy submitted first, pulling away only for lack of oxygen. Only to be pulled back into another lip-lock by Axel. Riku submitted this time, moaning into Axel’s mouth. The red head took that as a sign to continue, and so his hands started to wander up and down Riku’s back, ending up inside the younger male’s shirt.

“Axel…I,” Riku started, but then stopped when he heard one of the only things that could ruin this moment: a giggle.

Horrified, Axel and Riku looked up and saw a giggling Kairi, and a flabbergasted Sora. Axel was about to pull away when Riku suddenly buried his face within his collarbone. Feeling that he should hold Riku in his time of need, he rested his own head on Riku’s and breathed in the younger boy’s scent.

“What the hell are you two doing?!” Sora demanded.

Kairi giggled again with a blush. “Now do you understand Sora?”

“Yea! You wanted my rival and enemy to make out for your own pleasure!” Sora was angry. Better yet, he was pissed.

“Did not! Although it was hot.” Kairi turned and put a finger to a chin. She then turned again to find Axel and Riku lying on the floor with bright blushes on both of their faces.

“You two could have at least waited until we left!” Sora yelled, yet still pissed off.

“We weren’t doing anything you idiot!” Axel yelled from the floor with Riku’s head still buried on his collarbone.

“Like I would believe you!”

“Sora..” Riku mumbled, still embarrassed.

“Riku!” Sora swooped down and grabbed Riku by the shoulders before Axel could react. And shook him. Hard. “RIKU! What did he do to you!? Are you okay!?” Sora was practically screaming.

“Sora,” Riku was getting dizzy, and nauseous. “He didn’t do anything Sora. I kissed him.”

“But why?”

“Because…” Riku looked away, not at Axel, nor at Kairi, at a blank wall. Hoping that no one would see his blush.

“Because why?”

“Yea, why?” Axel was now sitting up and looking at Riku curiously.

“Shut up you.” Sora glared at Axel. “This isn’t about you.”

“Uh, Sora? It kinda does.” Kairi looked at Sora bewildered.

“Because…I care for him.” Riku responded, still not looking at anyone.

Axel suddenly doubled over and was clutching his chest. Grasping where his heart should be, and now is, he stopped moving. “I...I have a heart.” Riku looked over at Axel with eyes wide, and Axel looked back. Sora was looking back and forth between both older males and sighed.

“Fine,” He suddenly let go of Riku and pushed him on Axel and grinned.

Axel caught Riku in his arms and held him on his lap. Then looked at Sora with a confused face. Riku slowly leaned back in Axel’s chest and snuggled into his chest. Looking perfectly content and comfy, he waited for Sora’s next remark, knowing full well what was coming.”

“Just don’t get Riku preggers, ‘kay?”

“So Sora,” inquired Riku, “I didn’t know you wore lipstick, and where’s Kairi’s special medicine?”

“Umm...” Sora rubbed the back of his head and wiped the remnants of Kairi’s lipstick off his face, both he and said girl blushing.

Axel wrapped his arms around Riku’s shoulders and said, “If he was a girl, I’d go for him and be straight,” Axel replied kissing Riku’s cheek affectionately.

“Shut up,” Riku mumbling, obviously embarrassed.

Snickering Axel looked up at Kairi and Sora. “Payback is a b***h, got it memorized?”

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:14 pm

I don't know why, but I found that extremely funny, except for the kissing part, which was freaking hot!


I liked it! I haven't even thoguht about AxelxRiku, I should read some fics of them sometime. ;D

Immiediate 10.


The Rainbow Spork

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:29 am

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:06 am

It's so cute!
You should write a lemon xD

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:20 am

that EFFING ROCKED!*huggles Rainbow* thankyou!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:09 pm

Fear it.
For I have a mediaminor account.
Should I post some more of my stories?

The Rainbow Spork

Desire the Endless

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:22 pm

Nice! 4laugh
PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:37 pm

You have no idea how wonderful you just made my day.

Err... Night.

Well done!



Tipsy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:25 am

Yes, more stories would be great!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:06 pm

That was so adorable! 4laugh I've never even played KH2!


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:12 pm

PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:34 pm

Bow has realized that she can't write full stories.
Only one-shots.
She's to impatient for the "long love" thing [For stories anyway] and she doesn't like to make her fans wait.
And lemons...
Yea...I've never really thought of writing those.

The Rainbow Spork


PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:47 pm

-cuddles with it-
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