Well..here is the very very beginning of the story I just wrote. Enjoy!

Hans glances around the courtyard of his high school lazily, noticing the amount of people huddled under the overhangs of the brick buildings. He shakes his head at the people afraid of the falling rain and stretches out on the green bench. He closes his ice blue eyes for a few seconds then opens them. Hans notices a tall, thin boy walking along with a small, old black umbrella. A few people point out the boy and laugh at his old umbrella.
The boy barely glances at them and keeps his head looking down at the ground. His shoulder length black hair is blown back by the wind and his thin face is revealed. Hans' eyebrows contract slightly and the boy looks up at him. He seems to hesitate slightly but walks over to Hans. The boy shakes his umbrella out when he reaches the large overhang that Hans is sitting under. Hans raises his eyebrows slightly to see the vibrant grass green of the boy's eyes and says, "Hello there. New here huh?"
The boy opens his mouth but closes it, nodding. Hans slips his legs over the edge of the bench, placing his feet on the floor. "So...what's your name then?" The boy bites his bottom lip and says softly, "Brian..." Hans props his chin on his hand and says, "So where you from Brian?" "I'm from California.." Hans raises an eyebrow and says, "You sure don't look like your from California." Brian rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah...I know. I don't get out into the sun much." Hans smiles and says, "Same here. I'm not exactly fond of the sun..it can die for all I care."
Brian lets a small smile come to his face and says, "Yeah...it really could." Hans draws his legs under him and says, "So, new boy, what are your classes supposed to be anyway?" Brian fishes through his pocket and takes out a crumpled piece of paper. Hans takes the slip of paper and scans it. He grins and says, "Well..it seems we have every single class together. I'll just have to drag you all over the school then." Brian's smile grows and he says, "I'll be like one of those puppies that won't leave their owners side." Hans stands up and pats Brian on the head. "Good boy!" They laugh but Hans doesn't notice the slight blush on Brian's cheeks.

Tell meh if you want more!