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[Fanfiction][Trigun]The Priest Ate an Angel

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:08 am
Title: The Priest Ate an Angel: a Trigun Fanfic
Author: Ironiiku or Lucrid Lotus or Ryan
Pairing: Wolfwood x Vash
Rating: PG (I had to change it. It was getting more violent.)
Summary: Wolfwood recounts his favorite memories with Vash.
Warnings: Angst, Death
Disclaimer: Wolfwood and Vash are not mine. If they were, I'd have the damnedest of fun with them. ::sigh:: XP

Current Status: Unfinished

~~[Memory 1]~~
I'll never forget those blue eyes, those gorgeous sapphires in the desert wind. I'll never forget those passionate, loving, unforgiving eyes. Of all the people in the world, why did those eyes have to pick me? Why was I the "lucky" one? I wish I'd never met those eyes, knowing how much pain I would cause them. I wish I'd never met those eyes...


"Hey, Wolfwood!"

Ah, there he is, my clumbsy little fool. With doughnuts, I see... how typical. "What do ya want, Vash? Can't you see I'm busy?!" Actually, I'm not that busy. The jeep's almost done anyways, so I'm sure that I can spend a little time with him.

"Fine, then I'll just leave," he pouts, sticking out his lower lip. God, it really annoys the hell out of me when he does that... but its... kind of cute, almost like a little kid.

"Don't give me that look, dammit," I snarl at him, pulling a cigarette out of my pants pocket. (I'm not wearing my coat where I usually stash my cigs. I put it in the jeep's driver seat when I began working on it.) "You know that pisses me off..." I sneak a peek over at him, and he looks seriously pissed with me. Geez, he's such a kid... but... I don't really mind. It's almost like I pretend to do it, putting up some kind of mask, some kind of barrier, almost like I'm hiding something... or... maybe it's nothing...

"Fine! Then I'm going away to--"

"Buy more doughnuts?" That stops him in his tracks. How predictable can you get?

"Noooooooo....." He twidles his thumbs, half a doughnut already crammed into the gargantuan mouth of his. What a dumbass.

But he's my dumbass.

"I'm going toooooo... buymoredoughnutsbye!" And there he is, running away, just as I predicted in my mind earlier. He always does this when we argue. I think doughnuts are his stress food or something. If he doesn't stop now, he'll transform into Vash the Obese. Ack... that's kind of scary to think of...

"Hey, Vash, wait up!" I yell out to him, hoping he can hear me. Of course he did; he stopped right when I said his name, and, damn, he knows how to stop fast.

I snatch my jacket from the car seat, toss it on, and stride slowly over to Vash who waits like a little puppy. A sad, lost, little puppy.

"You mind if I come with you?" I know what he'll say. He'll just tell me to stay here because he's in a bad mood and doesn't want to talk to me, but I know he's really saying "yes". I can practically see that smile under his wannabe-of-a-frown expression.

"No. You need to stay and work on the jeep. If it's not done today, then we won't be able to leave tomorrow, Wolfwood." He almost whines at me, but I can still see the "yes" under all that.

"Bah, who cares! We can stay a day longer, can't we? I mean, this little town ain't so bad. The people are nice, the weather's okay, and the wind doesn't blow so damn much." I smile at him, playing along with his little charade. Man, why does he have to make everything so difficult? Can't he just get to the point for once?

"Well... uh... fine!" He turns around, pretending to be upset. What a pansy. He loves it here and he knows it.

"Come on then, Vash the Stampede," I say, putting sarcastic emphasis on "Stampede."

"Well, we gotta hurry. It's a specialty doughnut shop, and they're gonna close down at sunset!" He takes my hand and tugs, trying to hurry me along.

"Oh, no!" I give a small, fake expression of surprise. "It seems that... time... is slowing... down..." I begin to slow down, resisting the tug of his whole body.

"Dammit, Wolfwood!" Now he really is upset with me. It's cute when he does that. "Hurry hurry hurry!!!"

Finally, with a tug of my own, I send Vash flying into my arms, where I squeeze with strong and gentle delight. "Don't worry, Vash," I whisper cooly in his ear, "when we get there, we'll buy all the doughnuts you want. But right now, let's just enjoy the moment together and watch the sunset for a while, okay?"

Those two, deep oceans of his stare back at me with equal sympathy that I give him. "Okay. We'll enjoy it for a while." He leans into my hug, absorbing it fully.

After a while, I pull him away, and give him one last kiss on the forehead (which he rubs at quickly). I take his hand lightly and squeeze with affection. I want to say "I love you," but right now it's too peaceful that I don't really want to ruin the moment. So, with a little tug, I slowly pull him towards town, towards the sunset, towards something so great and amazing, that I can't really describe it. But I know it's there, and I know that we'll meet it someday... together...
~~[Memory 1 End]~~

~~[Memory 2]~~
There's much pain that I've caused Vash before, most of it emotional, mental things that I never really meant to do. I regret ever falling in love with him, with that sincere smile that always said "I love you." I wish I'd never kissed those soft lips with the passion so intense and so great, that I had to show him just so I wouldn't explode. Damn those eyes... damn that smile... Why was the burden of love ever cast upon me? Why did God in heaven give me love only to return it with pain? What a cruel God... Of course, the pain that I've caused Vash back then will never compare to the one that I'm about to give him...


"Eh? How about another?" I wave my glass in front of the bartender's face. His horseshoe moustache kind of bothers me, but I'm too drunk to care.

"Are you sure you haven't had to much?" He's wiping down a shotglass, probably one I used earlier.

I give him one of the most vicious glares he'll ever see. "I'm done when I tell you I'm done."

He's shaking pretty badly. Did I really do that?

"Y-y-y-y-yes, s-s-sir!" He unsteadily grabs a bottle of scotch, my favorite one, luckily, and the way he grips the thing, I swear he's gonna break it. Good thing he doesn't before he pours me a glass. Right after that, he accidentally drops it on the ground. What an idiot...

I'm about to take a drink, but Vash stops me before I can proceed. "Hey, I think the old man's right: you've drank too much... you're drunk..." I turn my head to look at his silly face, and as I notice his cheeks are flushed, he's obviously drunk himself.

"Don't tell me when I can't drink," I glare at him, but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe he's grown immune to it after all these years.

"Oh, come on, Wolfwood," he almost stumbles backwards. Oh, yeah, he's way drunk. "Let's sing together." He tries to pull me out of my chair, but his grasp slips and he falls backwards onto another stool, crashing into the floor and causing way too much noise. I see the waiter flinch, and then it almost seems that everything pauses for a moment. Suddenly, everyone starts laughing there asses off. For some reason, it really annoys.

"Goddammit, Vash!" I jump up from my stool. No body bothers to glance our, knowing that it's none of their business. "Stop acting like an idiot, okay? What the hell is wrong with you?"

After a while of silence, with Vash not paying any attention to me, a big, burly man walks over and helps Vash to his feet. This guys head is shaved, but not his face. His beard seems to almost eat his entire face, which I can't stop staring at. His clothes look like that of a stereotypical biker, which I immediately don't trust, but I'm too pissed and too drunk to care right now. So, I slump back onto my stool, leaning against the bar in furious thought.

'What a damned idiot.' I'm still upset with Vash, of course.

I don't even notice when the man takes Vash through the doors outside, singing and laughing like a bunch of old friends who haven't seen each other in so long.

"Can I have another?" I ask solemnly, almost depressed that I yelled at Vash.

The bartender hesitates slightly, and when he's about to pour another I stop him with my hand. "On second, though, maybe I shouldn't..." I stand up from my stool and look around, trying to see if Vash is still here. 'He must have left back to the hotel. Oh, well, I'll go see him now... but, maybe I should buy him a doughnut first.'

I place the money on the bar and stride through the front doors without a word. As I'm turning left, I hear a slightly muffled crying, like someone's in pain or just extremely uncomfortable. Without even knowing what I'm doing, I follow the noise over to the side of the building.

I see two dark figures, one pressing on top of the other, and it seems like the one of bottom is resisting somehow.

"Hey waddya doin'?" I don't even really care, but I guess that they can humor me.

"H-H-Help, Wolfwoo--" The voice is cut off with a hand.

Wait, that voice sounds too familiar. It sounds kind of like... VASH! Holy s**t!

"Hey, what the ******** do you think you're doing?!?" I yell, rushing over to the burly figure before I kick it in the ribs. It sends him flying, and he cries out it pain as he hits a couple of tin trash barrels.

"Vash, Vash! Are you okay?!?" I kneel down beside Vash, who's lying in the mud. It looks like there are a few bruises on his face. That ******** b*****d! I swear I'll kill that man!

Right as I look up to see if the man's where I left him, I see lead almost come out of nowhere before it strikes me in the side of the head. My body recoils, and I stumble backwards.

"You stay outta this, priest," It's the biker guy. His voice is real gruff, like he's one of those smokers who's almost a train instead. "This dude here wanted a little fun, so I thought I'd give it to him. But the little b***h changed his mind at the last moment."

"I don't give a ********! Just get the ******** outta here before I kick your a**!" I glare at him, gritting my teeth as blood spills down my neck, staining the collar of my shirt and jacket.

"How's 'bout ya ******** off?" The biker smirks. Suddenly, he raises the lead pipe, almost like he'll throw it, but brings it down into Vash's rib. I think I almost heard a crack.

Vash screams and turns on his side, bawling in anguish. Oh, that b*****d! Wrong ********' move!

"GAAAAAH!" I jump at the man in blind fury. He hurt Vash, HURT him! But I swear to the All Mighty God in Heaven that I'll make sure this ******** is punished for his sins. This b*****d's going to Hell!

He swings the pipe in a wide horizontal arc, striking my hip. The pain is immense, but my rage doesn't allow me to feel it.

"Gah!" I grab his head, and his look of complete surprise amuses me. That's when I slam his head into the wall. "IS THIS FUN FOR YOU, YOU SON OF A b***h?!? IS THIS SO ******** FUN NOW?!?" I reel his head away from the wall, only to slam it into it again... one... two... three more times before I drop him to the muddied ground, bloody and crying.

Then, I pull a revolver from my pocket. It's small, but pretty powerful. But the thing is, I don't know where it came from in the first place, or even how it got there.

"IS THIS FUN NOW?!?" I kick him in the ribs multiple, splintering bones, shattering them to bits. He's crying like a little p***y, and it pisses me off even more. I kneel down beside him and whisper through clenched teeth, "Ain't so tough, now, are you, tough guy? I didn't think so!" I grip his collor, jerking him up from the ground right as I jam the revolver into the ugly, distorted thing he calls a face.

"WOLFWOOD, NO!!!" Vash cries.

But it's already too late. I've already pulled the trigger, and everything seems to slow to a crawl. I here the bullet sliding from the barrel, into the man's head, and out the other side before it blows a hole in the ground. There's blood, bone, gore, and brains. I'm not sure how much because I can pay attention to is the body that has a huge hole for a forehead now. It's dead, it's cold, and it scares me, so I drop it.

"No... no...!" Vash is hitting my back, trying to pound me into a pulp, I think. But he's weak right now, so there's no damage caused. "Why...?" He slumped against me, wailing like a child. I hated to hear him like that. He doesn't know how much it tears up my heart, but it does, nonetheless.
[Memory 2--Incomplete] ((I'm gonna get it done soon. It's much longer than the first memory.]]

((Don't worry; I'll finish. If you get your panties out of a bunch, then it'll be okay.)) dramallama

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:39 pm
WHERES THE REST!!! crying crying crying OMG! Thats such a good start you have to continue it or ill never forgive you!  

Jade Rotaski

Confident Shounen

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:14 am
Jade Rotaski
WHERES THE REST!!! crying crying crying OMG! Thats such a good start you have to continue it or ill never forgive you!

Don't worry, I'll finish. I was thinking of the ending earlier (I never think of the middle. I always think of the end first, for some odd reason.)  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:09 am
That was beautiful... *wipes away tear* YOU MUST RIGHT MORE! *takes out Bazuka* NOW! twisted  


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:42 pm
Don't worry, I will. It's gonna be really good, and I promise.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:35 pm
You see, I need more people to read this. SO F***ING READ THE G-DAMN FANFIC!!! (Although, I'm sure this doesn't make sense.)  



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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:36 am
I'llc read it again if you like!  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:48 am
I'llc read it again if you like!

I didn't do much, though. I'm still working on it right now.  



PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:03 am
You must write moooore!!! I want to read moooore!
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