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USS Majestic - Tales of the Dominion War

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 4:32 pm
These are the voyages of the Starship Majestic
Its ongoing mission to defend the Federation,
to ensure peace and stability through the quadrant,
and to boldly defend,
those who cannot defend themselves!

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Starship Name: U.S.S. Majestic

Class: Majestic-Class, Miranda-Class Refit

Registry: NCC-31060

Armaments: Six dual-port Type-VII phaser arrays (two fore, two port, two starboard). Two Type-X pulse phaser cannons (two fore). Two Photon Torpedo Tubes (two fore) with firing capacity of two torpedoes per tube, total torpedo complement of 100 Mark V Photon Torpedoes.

Proplusion: Four standard Federation impulse engines (rated to 0.97c, standard maximum speed 0.25c to avoid time-dilation effects). Two warp nacelles capable of up to warp 9.2 for twelve hours. Standard cruising speed, warp 5.

Current status: Utopia Planetia drydock, awaiting crew.

Stardate: 50049.3

Crew Manifest:
Commanding Officer: Captain Aleczahnder Lorhrok (Trill Male)
Executive Officer: Commander T'Nec (Vulcan Female)
Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Commander Jaime LuQuor (Bajoran Male)
Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant Commander Kurzon Miller (Trill/Human Male)
Chief Operations Officer: __________
Chief Tactical Officer: __________
Chief Security Officer: __________
Chief Helm Officer: __________
Other: __________ __________ __________ __________

OOC: To anyone who payed attention in Sacrifice of Angels, you know that they Majestic is doomed to destruction when they, along with the USS Sitak are ordered to run the Defiant through the Dominion fleet. This will be the untold stories of the one of Star Trek's most potentially heroic starships. Please post your biography in the OOC thread, and I'll assign you a rank there.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:11 pm
*Lorhrok sat in his ready room looking out the viewport. Cramped as it was on the newly refitted U.S.S. Majestic, the crews had seen fit to give him a private office. It wasn't as big as the captain's on his last posting, the U.S.S. Wellingon, but it was his first one. The Trill decided that being a Captain definitely had its privileges.*

Still, though, I'm not a captain to very much right now. A ship without a senior staff and most of the crew still in the Academy, he thought.

*He shook his head. Starfleet Command had left it to him to select his own senior staff, a nearly unprecedented choice. Typically, only the executive officer was fully optional. The other positions would be selected and would stay unless the commanding officer fully objected. Due to the current remobilization of the fleet, however, many new captains were being left to their own devices.*

Fun, fun, and more fun.

*The chime to his ready room sounded. Somewhat surprised, since there were less than twenty people aboard right now, Lorhrok turned to face it.*

Captain Lorhrok: "Come in!"

*A rather proper looking Vulcan woman entered, a redshirt. She strode purposefully across the room until she was standing about four feet from the captain, then stopped and extended her hand. In it was a PADD with her basic information on it.*

Commander T'Nec: "Commander T'Nec, Executive Officer, reporting for duty."

*She snapped a quick salute and stood awaiting orders, looking about as emotional as a stone.*

*Lorhrok looked at the PADD, just the required cursory glance before putting in down and giving his new XO an amused look.*

Captain Lorhrok: "At ease, Commander, before you hurt yourself."

*The Vulcan raised an eyebrow, and folded her arms behind her back.*

Commander T'Nec: "If I hadn't been serving on human ships since you were in diapers, I might not have recognized that as 'humor'."

Captain Lorhrok: "Except that you did, meaning it's starting to wear off on you. And, since you didn't notice, this isn't a human ship. It's Federation."

*Lorhrok gestured expansively at the Trill spots that ringed his face. At this the Vulcan, again, quirked a brow. A flicker of what could've eventually evolved into a smile appeared along with the urge to mutter something along the lines of, 'Interesting.', but was gone very quickly.*

Commander T'Nec: "I stand corrected. However, may I note now that your humor very much resembles a human's. Sir."

Captain Lorhrok: *dryly* "Duly noted, T'Nec. Now, as your first duty, I'd like you to try and find me a Chief Medical Officer, would you?"

*The Vulcan almost winced visibly at this request. Almost, but not nearly enough for a human--or humanoid for that matter, short of an empath--to see it. A Medical Officer, T'Nec was quite capable of finding. In fact that was the problem: she had the perfect person in mind. He was a capable doctor, and a loyal crewmember. The only problem was that she knew him, and he wasn't the easiest of people for her to get along with.*

Commander T'Nec: "Understood, sir. I already have someone in mind."

*Now it was Lorhrok's turn to quirk an eyebrow.*

Captain Lorhrok: "Come now T'Nec, I've heard of Vulcan efficiency, but that's pushing the line a bit, isn't it? How do you know this individual?"

*T'nec waited a tick before answering, in that brief moment solidifying herself to speak well of the man. It was only logical to set personal rivalries aside for the good of the ship.*

Commander T'Nec: "I served with him on the Banshee, and last time I checked, he is open to reassignment. I firmly believe can have him here in less than a day."

*T'Nec omitted the part stating that the majority of that 'less than a day' would be spent trying to convince the good Doctor to do her something remotely like a favor, and take the position. Lorhork looked at her in mild bemusement for a moment or two.*

Lorhrok: "Very well, then, Commander. Is there anything else?"

T'Nec: "No, sir. If that is all, I will set about my duties without delay."

Lorhrok: "Go ahead, T'Nec, go get this ship a Chief Medical Officer. Dismissed!"

T'Nec: "Understood, sir."

*A quick salute and T'Nec left the ready room, considering what it would take to get the Majestic its CMO.*

OOC: The first post, a joint effort by the CO and XO.  


PANIC! On The Enterprise

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:47 pm
As Executive Officer T'Nec wound though the cooridors towards her quarters, she considered the somewhat childish standoff between she and the man she was now going to attempt to comission. For a time he'd made his soul purpose in life to attempt to make her lose her cool. Needless to say, such plans backfired in the light of Vulcan calm and logic.

Nevertheless, as T'Nec sat at her desk, she was having trouble finding reasons to make him come onto the Majestic. He was older now, in human years, which meant one of two things: he saw past their squabbles and was wiser now, or was older and more grumpy. He was a Bajoran, which made him quite capable of being grumpy with people when he felt like it.

"Computer, bring up message program. Contact Lieutenant Commander Jaime LaQuor."

"Processing." A screen came up on the desk screen. It was connecting, which meant, her call would probably be taken immediately. Which left her little time to prepare with a somewhat scowling ridge-nosed face, with brown eyes, and a similarly colored hair.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my old buddy Twi'lek."
"T'nec. And, it is a pleasure to see you again as well, Jaime." Not so much as a break in facial expression from the Vulcan, but the first name was out of character by a little bit.
"What do you want, Nec? I need to leave for a meeting in half an hour." T'Nec glanced at the stats for the convo, and saw that she was right--the Doctor was on Earth.
"Are you waiting to be comissioned?"
"I would appreciate it if you would answer the question."
"I have an offer for you. I am the Executive Officer on the Majestic, and I have been ordered to recruit a Chief Medical Officer. I was wondering if you would be interested." She held her breath to some extent, as the Bajoran man eyed her suspiciously.
"With you? Again? As my superior officer? I think not, Commander." He moved to shut off the transmission, but a slight show of...something...from the Vulcan stopped him.
"As a favor, to me."
"I don't owe you any favors!"
"But, I will owe you one." He considered it, taking his sweet time weighing the consequences, and letting T'Nec 'sweat it out', even if she wasn't.
"Vulcans don't lie, do they..."
"No. We do not." A sigh from the man, and then,
"We'll see. If I'm not there in twenty four hours, I'm not coming."
"Very logical of you, Lieutenant."
"Go shove your logic, Nec." And the screen went blank. T'Nec sat back and made a facial expression that was the Vulcan equivilant of a sigh. That had been easier than she'd thought it would be.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:45 pm
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Doctor Bones McCoy

PANIC! On The Enterprise

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:15 am
=Time Lapse: One Standard Hour=

The ship still seemed too empty. Even with another senior officer onboard, the halls were more or less devoid of life. Maintenance here and there, but not much of anyone else.

"As I said, I did not think you would come."
"Then what was the point in calling?"
"A small thing called hope."
"And maybe, faith?"
"In you? Hardly."
"You sure know how to make a guy feel welcome."
"I do try, Commander."
"If this is you trying then I've officially given up hope."
"Where is your faith?"
"Not in you."
"Ah, touché. I see you've lost all of your humor, but none of your wit."
"A teaching position will do that to a guy."
"You were not gone for that long, Commander. As you would say, 'quit being a whiner.'?"
"We are here."
"Still stating the obvious, eh Nec?"
"Still pointing out when I state the obvious?"

The XO pressed on a pad next to the door that led to the Captain's ready room. It would chime her request to enter, and show just how much Vulcan efficiency could be counted on. She'd said she'd get a Doctor, and she had.

-Joint post between XO and CMO, because such a conversation would've been annoying and not amusing otherwise.-

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 2:09 pm
Lorhrok was sitting at his desk, tapping away at his computer terminal. There simply weren't enough officers around to fill in the entire command staff. He'd probably end up having most of the senior staff pulling double-duty. They'd be able to leave spacedock much sooner, and---

The Trill's musings were cut off at a sound from the door. He could have sworn that he heard what sounded like bickering. Bickering? There was practically no one on board that would have known each other long enough to bicker like that. Unless it was T'nec and the new CMO. He had gotten the feeling that they weren't entirely on the best of terms.

He jumped back and rushed to his seat as the door chimed. It simply wouldn't do for the door to open and them to find him leaning close to where it had been, listening to them.

Lorhrok called, "Enter!"

Jaime shot a look at the Vulcan next to him. It wasn’t any certain kind of look but instead just one of those looks. He entered and smiled his best ‘you picked the right man for the job’ smile. He didn’t even bother to look back at T’nec, instead walking forward to the Trill captain in a rather self-confident manner. In his hand was a PADD, in his head were guesses at what someone thought when they saw a very human name put to a very Bajoran Doctor.

“Jaime LaQuor, Chief Medical Officer, reporting for contractual obligation.” He smirked over his shoulder at the Vulcan standing stiffly still in the door. He was mocking her, but he doubted she realized it. It wouldn’t be the first time.

The smirk was lost on T’nec, as she was more interested in staying professional in front of her commanding officer than playing games with Jaime. She’d let that happen once, but never again.

Lorhrok looked to be somewhere between amusement and disapproval at the Bajoran's nonstandard way of introducing himself. Since they'd no doubt be working together for a while, he opted for the former and smiled as he took the PADD. Pretty boring stuff, really. Assigned to here, assigned to there, normal across the board. He put it down, and then said, "Lieutenant Commander LaQuor, traditionally, smirking is reserved until after the CO dismisses oneself." He let only the smallest hint of a smile twist his features.

“Eh…sorry, sir. Old habits die hard. I won’t let it happen again.” In less than the time it took for the wormhole at DS9 to open, the smirk and most other traces of most other things were gone from the Doctor’s face. He took a step back, and inclined his head slightly. “My formal apologies for misconduct, Captain.” The CMO fumed quietly inside at the fact that he’d let it go a little too far, and gotten caught.

Lorhrok let him squirm for a moment, then said, "Don't worry overlong about it, Doctor. Vulcans have a way of being great targets for smirking."

For even a moment longer Jaime squirmed. How, exactly, was one supposed to rely to something like that? If he agreed he could be just setting himself up. If he didn’t, he’d be lying. What was a Bajoran to do?

“Only sometimes, sir. The rest of the time I wonder if it’s me that they’re smirking at.” It was a long running joke of LaQuor’s paranoia—he believe everyone was sneering at him behind his back. Especially Vulcans, only, Vulcans refused to show it.

“I assure you, Doctor,” T’nec came out of her stationary semi-trance next to the door. “Vulcans do not ‘smirk’.” She paused. “Externally or otherwise."

Lorhrok concealed a grin of his own. "Very well, you two. Dismissed, and keep on looking for new crewmembers."

“Sir.” LaQuor turned briskly on his heel and began to make his entrance, but stopped at the door. “Ladies and ranking officers first.” He gestured at the door, this time avoiding a smirk.

Logic demanded that T’nec not even dignify the Doctor with a response, so she instead walking out the door silently. This, of course, was not an uncommon thing for a Vulcan to do.

-Joint post between CO, XO, and CMO-

PANIC! On The Enterprise


PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:13 pm
Kurzon had just come aboard his new ship. He had gone over all the technical manuals thourghaly and knew what the ship could do. He was shown to his quarters and had set up his weopon collection. On the Starboard wall he had set his Klingon weopons, on the port side his Vulcan, on the aft wall he had pictures of his family and such, and on the front wall he had set his Earth and Trill weopons. He simlied and headed for engeenering.  
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