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- Keep Out -

You have entered a restricted area. Go back now! You are hereby trespassing. If you do not turn back, we cannot guarantee your safety. Please turn back, and consider yourself forewarned!? pirate

* As you walk in you close the door and feel around in the dark for a switch. You decided to ignore the keep out sign and you find your curiosity peaked. You finally feel the form of a switch and flick it on. A light bulb lights up over head. You find you are standing in a dark dingy hallway. Filled with cob webs and strange odors. You could barely hear any of the sounds from the party going on behind this door. Suddenly you hear a faint whisper call your name from down the hall. You stare down the hall and make out 9 doors lining the walls (4 on each slide and 1 at the end). The far door had crates and boards blocking it. There were boxes and old storaged items in this hall. You were alittle spooked thinking this hall might be haunted but you were feeling daring enough to investigate.

You walk a few feet and see one of the doors to your right side down the hall was slightly opened. You couldn't see any light coming from the crack of the door. But suddenly the door closed with a click. And you thought who ever was whispering to you was behind that door hiding. You start to feel alittle spooked but continue to walk abit more and scan the doors as you passed them. The one that closed was the 3rd door on the right wall. You continued on to go toward that door to see who was calling you. As you walk you suddenly hear loud thump hit the far door. Obviously from something on the other side. Who could be in there. The door was practically blocked with the crap infront of it. You start to feel the small hairs at the back of your neck standing. *

Choose your Destination;

A: Get the hell out of here and go back!
B: Climb over the crates and boards and see whats behind the far door.
C: Choose to see who is behind the 3rd Door (right wall)
D. Choose random Door
E. Choose random Door