First off this is rated PG-13 and is in very early stages of development. If anyone disagrees with the rating of this story please let me know and I will remove it. All crticism and comments are welcome. This was co-written with Cheezkake1129 who is my loyal lover, who I couldn't do jack-s**t without. Haha onwards!


The morning had come all to fast for Skyler as he rose reluctantly from his bed, eyes adjusting to the light that shone through his window. He stood and began shedding his clothes as he stepped into the bathroom. Once the water had reached a suitable temperature he stepped in and welcomed the warm water that massaged his all to tired body. Lazy hands ran across skin and through hair as he finished cleaning himself and turned off the water. Soon after stepping out of the shower he ran his hand across the mirror that was fogged from steam . Wiping away the steam that had built up in the mirror Skyler looked at the reflection that stared back at him.

Skyler was naturally graced with height that surpassed most of the men his age. His eyes were a bright green that can not be described by any simple means, they glow even in the utmost darkness and possess an angelic kindness to them. His currently wet chin length hair always seemed to fall in his eyes, especially his bangs. His mother always used to tell him that his hair reminded her of the color of chocolate


The door was already opened as Skyler walked into work. He was late by a few minutes since he had stopped on his way by the park to admire the beautiful weather. Although he was still fighting fatigue and a desire to be elsewhere Skyler slipped his nametag onto his shirt and made his way behind the counter. Judging by the look of things it was going to be a busy day, it was 11 o'clock on a Saturday morning and the cafe was already half full. It seemed that midterms were amongst the high school students as most of them were surrounded by heavy text books and notepaper. One boy , though, caught his attention, He seemed to be studying whatever was in his hands very hard judging by the look of intensity in his eyes.

"Skyler! Quit daydreaming and get to work!"

Smiling to his co-worker he moved his attention from the boy and back to his job.


The cafe had finally quieted down after long hours of vivacious teenagers passing in and out of the door. Everything was quiet and he was finally ready to go home, that is, until he saw him. Sleeping soundly in the corner, was the boy he had noticed earlier in the day. Slowly Skyler walked to the table where the boy rested his head on his books. Sand colored hair was sprawled across the pages of what looked to be a chemistry notebook. In all his years he had never seen a person sleep so peacefully. As he moved his hand to shake the boy from his slumber he noticed how full the boys lips were. His soft pink lips seemed to match his pale clean skin perfectly as they moved slightly in his sleep. It was only a matter or seconds before he realized that deep blue eyes were staring back at him, the boy had woken up.

Of all the things that could possibly happen at the moment he jut had to wake up, especially when he was dangerously close to the boy. Skyler wasn't sure if it was visible yet but he could feel himself blushing in the dimmed lights of the cafe.

"I'm sorry but we're just about to close." Quickly moving to the table beside him he picked up dirty plates and walked to the back of the counter.

Time seemed to slow as Skyler removed his name tag and placed it in the bin next to the register. It had been a long day and his body was screaming for some kind of solace. Rustling of papers could be heard form where Skyler stood as the boy gathered his books and set them in a neat pile on his lap.

"Excuse me but what time is it?" The boys voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke.

"It's around 10 PM."

"Oh alright, well I guess I'd better get going."

Skyler watched with interest as the boy moved from his seat steadying the load of his books in his arms. The boy was rather short, he probably wasn't a centimeter over 5'11". His eyes remained on the him as he walked over to the register to pay his bill.

"This should cover it right?" The boy held out a five with an open palm.

"Yeah, hey what's your name anyway?"


"Well Hayden my name is Skyler and you look about ready to topple over with those books of yours. How about you let me walk you home?" Skyler smiled at the boy as he proceeded to remove his work shirt and drape it over his arm.

Skyler could see that Hayden was blushing from the moment he took off his work shirt to the moment he nodded his head in agreement. The undershirt Skyler wore allowed the spring breeze to drift along his skin and aid him in the relaxation that always followed work.

Skyler smiled as Hayden silently agreed to his invitation. As the two young men walked down darkened streets silence stood like a barrier between them. Short and quick glanced were exchanged between the two but nothing serious had seemed to come from the act.

"Well this is my place...thanks for walking me home." Hayden's eyes focused on his shoes as he spoke to Skyler.

The comprehension of Skyler's hand on his shoulder took him moments to process, the blush that colored his cheeks took even less.

"I guess I'll see you around then." With that Skyler disappeared down the street once again.

A week had passed and there was still no sign of the shy fragile boy that had brought a smile to Skyler's face. Everyday he would come in, do his job, and hope that Hayden would walk through the door. Summer was fast approaching and most of the teenagers were flocking into the cafe earlier and earlier, but still no Hayden. Almost as if it was a sign to not give up Hayden walked through the door just as the cafe reached it maximum occupancy.

Walking out from behind the corner Skyler made sure that Hayden wouldn't be able to see him. The noise of the crowd excluded any hint that would let Hayden know he was coming. Almost in a snake like manner Skyler placed his hands over the smaller boys eyes and whispered into his ear.

Hayden began to struggle slightly against Skyler's hold before he pulled his hands away. Their eyes met briefly before a look of blunt embarrassment came across Hayden's face.

"Oh! It's you...I'm sorry. How've you been?" Hayden bit the corner of his lip slowly.

"I've been good! No problems around here except for the fact I never get a chance to stop. What about you? I had begun to think you had disappeared on me."

"Oh I had a lot of work to do for school. Other then that I've been just fine."

Nodding Skyler walked began to away with a wave,
Pausing for a moment he turned back to Hayden, "I'm sorry it's really busy. Let's finish this later ok?"

After a brief and hot day Skyler was once stuck with tragically mind-numbing duty of closing the cafe. The tables were clean and chairs were put on their respective area. Everything was set for him to leave, but leaving was the last thing on Skyler's mind. Hayden had waited for him all day at the same table where they had first met. The only difference was that this time he wasn't asleep.

In no rush to get back home Skyler sat in the booth opposite Hayden leaning back against the cool leather seat. Taking a moment for himself before he began to speak he closed his eyes and stretched out his arms.
"Sorry about before, boy did it get busy." Skyler went to look Hayden in the eyes but before their eyes could meet he looked away.

"Do I make you nervous for some reason?" Skyler began to worry if he had begun to scare Hayden off, so in an effort to calm him he leaned over the table and placed his hand under Hayden's chin, lifting it slightly upward.
"You don't have to be nervous around me, I promise."

"It's not's just...I've always been shy." Hayden finally looked Skyler in the eyes and blushed furiously.

"Don't be."

Skyler brushed his lips against Hayden's before he pressed their lips together. Hayden's lips were warm and soft against his as he moved his hand from under his chin and through the smaller mans hair. He held the kiss before pulling away slowly.

"I want you to do that...again." Hayden's eyes had gained an intensity that had not been there before.

Crawling across the table Hayden settled into Skyler's lap adjusting himself so that he was straddling him. At first everything moved slow Hayden's mouth exploring every inch of Skyler's neck. His lips found their way back to Skyler's and when they did there was no stopping them. Soft nibbles were placed on bruised and needing lips and when Skyler's tongue pressed into Hayden's mouth he did not object. Warm tongues wrestled for possession of the others mouth as Hayden's hips began to rock in rhythm with Skyler.

Hayden's breath hitched when Skyler's hands moved under his shirt and almost immediately removed it from the boys body. Hayden leaned back in bliss and moaned softly as Skyler's lips placed kisses along the center of his chest. Soon Hayden's hands were in Skyler's hair urging him to keep at his actions.

Then his phone rang. The vibration that came from Hayden's pocket pushed right against Skyler's groin taunting him with the utmost of evil intentions.

"Jesus Christ...that would be my phone," Hayden's hands dug into his pocket and retrieved the device reluctant to answer it "oh mom, hi. I'm just coming home now. I'm fine I just got a bit...distracted. Yeah bye."

Skyler muffled a laugh as he buried his head in Hayden's chest, "That sucks, I guess this is the end of the night for us huh? You know, before I get myself in trouble, how old are you?"

Hayden smiled wryly and reached for his shirt, "I'm seventeen and I want to see you again."

Skyler smiled and placed a kiss just below Hayden's earlobe, "I'm off tomorrow. Meet me at the park okay?"