Last Exile slash anyone?

The most visible thing is of probably the dynamics between Dio and Luciora. Luciora's protectiveness towards the younger Elaclair is more than obvious, he cares for him to the point of being able to give up his life for Dio's sake, anytime, without hesitation. Dio, though eccentric and usually all over Claus, also has deeper feelings for his first and for a long time only friend, servant and, ahem, property, which shows clearly in the flashbacks at the end of the show and the last scene he appears in.

Then, there's the technical team of Sylvana, who tend to get physically close in all sorts of situations throughout the series, and joke about that so persistently that it eventually becomes suspicious. twisted

My personal favourite pairing doesn't have so much back up in canon; actually, it's based solely on one scene in episode 11, but as I tend to love less apparent ships way more than the obviously hinted ones, it's still my no.1. I'm talking about Vincent/Alex. I have very low tolerance for Alex/Sophia and I'd gladly pair the captain with about anyone else, but that's not the only reason; that one single scene in ep.11 was an example of such beautiful fanservice that I couldn't help but fall for this ship. Too bad it's got such tiny fan base.