Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:42 pm
Christianity, the religeon gets alot of bad press, from a large chunk of people, as a devout Christian for around 7 months now I find it odd that we're one of the most insulted religeons. Anyway, I'm just curious to see what everyone here thinks about Christians, personal experiences with christians. Views on christians. biggrin
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:46 pm
depends on how they treat me. if they insult my way of life, or tell me what I do is wrong and I'm going to hell, I'll treat em the same way. however, if they are accepting of my personal views and religion, I have no problem with them at all. depends on the individual 3nodding
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:19 pm
Edward Grimm Christianity, the religeon gets alot of bad press, from a large chunk of people, as a devout Christian for around 7 months now I find it odd that we're one of the most insulted religeons. Anyway, I'm just curious to see what everyone here thinks about Christians, personal experiences with christians. Views on christians. biggrin Hmm I would have to say that overall christians get just as much flak as any other religion, it's just more noticable really on the internet were more people feel free to express their own personal opinions without fear of repercussions. I would say Pagans, Jews, and Muslims also garner quite a bit of static from other religions, so I don't really think that chirstians are the only ones being picked on, rather it is more like human nature to try to discredit other people to make themselves feel better. I'm not saying that it's right, I just saying that it is. Christianity itself is a rather broad topic to talk on though. I will say that my personal view on christians goes something like this: You believe what you believe, and I believe what I believe. As long as you don't try to push your belief on me we will get along as people.
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:14 pm
All groups are stereotyped in one way or another, and all groups have the few among them who seem to get the most noticed and make the rest look bad.
Christians go through as much discrimination as everyone else. They also inflict as much discrimination as everyone else sweatdrop
Christians are nowhere near as insulted as others; Muslims for example, are stereotyped as terrorists now, because of the actions of a few. Witches are stereotyped as homicidal Satan-worshippers.
Really, Christians are just considered annoying, but even then, not as annoying as Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.
I have a Catholic friend who was told by a Christian that she was going to hell for her beliefs. I have been told the same thing myself. It's people like that who give Christianity a bad name. While everyone is entitled to their opinions, there's never any need to shove it down someone elses throat.
Personally, I believe that we all need to find our own faith, and our own truth.. for some people, that will be Christianity; for others, not. It is a shame though, that human nature seems to consist largely of segregation and discrimination.
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:18 pm
I myself am a Christian. It's hard to do God's will as stated in Matthew 28:16-20 and not come off as though you are pushing your beliefs on people, especially with how sensitive people have become. As a Christian I realise that there are a lot of those who follow Jesus who tend to be very pushy and give Christians a bad name. But I believe that also a lot of the smack regarding Christianity also comes from close-mindedness of the other party/parties, due to the fact that they refuse to realise that it's a Christian's duty per his/her beliefs to share the Gospel with others. Instead of realising that and calmly stating that they believe something else or aren't interested, the other side automatically goes defensive. Granted the approach on the Christian's part could be handled wrong. But over all it's a two sided thing. In any case, I'm not one to push my beliefs on others because I realise I won't get anywhere positive by doing that. If I'm queried as to what I believe then I have no problem stating it. Other than that I just try my best to live by example.
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:20 pm
I am Catholic, and while I do say that people insult Christanity based on a small group of people, I will also say that in order for those insults to originate, there was probably(and always shall be), people who take their religion very seriously, and feel that any religion other than their own is wrong. I believe that everyone has a right to believe what they want, so I am not about to try to convert others simply because I am Catholic. I try to remain open minded to other religions, as I enjoy learning about cultures all over the world. So no religion is wrong, as everyone believes what they want to. Other religions also get insulted as well, but I think that people really just shouldn't comment if they have something negative to say about a religion, as it is a personal attack. I really don't care what people say about Christanity, as I am not about to suddenly change my views or change my lifestyle. Overall, I am just saying that I could really care less about what other people think. 3nodding
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:42 pm
I'm Catholic but I'm not a huge fan of the people who are "devout" Catholics who are really conservitive. I think that those kind of people are trying to hard to be holy and are probably finding something or suffering from severe guilt. I would probably like religon more if it was less judgemental and more like myself... I guess I'm just sort of scared of "bibal clonkers"
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:41 pm
I'm a Christian, Baptist to be exact. I can't qoute every page of the bible (or any of it for that matter) I don't know the old stories, and can't tell you the names of all the disciples and probably couldn't even recite the ten commandments. However, I believe in the message and word of God and try to live my life accordingly. While it makes me angry when people stereotype Christians (I'm not a bible thumper scream just because I believe in God) but I can also understand why. One day at church, my pastor refered to Japan as a heathenistic country because it isn't christian. I was like, what the hell? Just because they have different beliefs, that doesn't make them heathens. So no, I don't agree with everything they say. I also believe their are a lot of hypocrites who follow the religion. So I tend to just interpert it for myself and use it as a guide to how to live my life morally ( you know, don't kill people, try to be nice, help everyone, stuff like that...)
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:28 pm
I'm a satanist.. that is what I am.. nothing more nothing less. If one was to lable me that is what I am.. I'm not a prep I'm not a nerd, I'm not a joke.. I am a satanist and that is for sure. You may not agree but I may not agree with you. If you give me no gref I will do the same. If you mess with me I will mess with you.. want to test my power. just see what I can do.
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:18 am
Ive noticed that when i was younger all my really close friends were Christians and they didnt treat me any different for my beliefs, i came from a family of Atheists. After i started wearing black clothes and putting on makeup, they sorta stopped talking to me and all we do now is glance at each other in the hallway and say hi. It makes me wonder why they dont try to talk to me like we did before. Makes me sad, but i have really good friends now who are atheists as well that i get along with great.
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:29 am
My parents are Satanist, well mostly my mother. And I remeber losing a friend or two who was Jehovah Witness's growing up. Their parents got a hold that my mother was a satanist and then they couldn't hang out with me anymore. It didn't even have anything to do with me.
I've known christians that are fine. But other's are too closed minded and pushy. It's not the religion that bothers me it's the followers.
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:35 pm
I'm a christian, and I do believe what the bible says- that if you dont accept Jesus then you will go to Hell. but I won't force it on people,I may invite them to my church if I think they would enjoy what we are doing that week, but its their decision and its not my job to push them to anything 3nodding
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:57 pm
Tsoocaru1506 I'm a christian, and I do believe what the bible says- that if you dont accept Jesus then you will go to Hell. but I won't force it on people,I may invite them to my church if I think they would enjoy what we are doing that week, but its their decision and its not my job to push them to anything 3nodding Kudos to you. That's how I do things as well. ^_^
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:10 am
Most "discrimination" against Christians is because of radical fundalmentalists. In a sense, this is justified so long as Christians accept these fundamentalists as Christians. Namely, if you do not criticize groups like the Westboro Baptist Church, you are going to be criticized for being anti-gays. Oh well.
Personally, i think Christianity is an absurd religion filled with contradictions/fallacies. My attempts at discussing my views with Christians generally fail, as few if any of those i meet are willing to listen. While i accept individual Christians can be good people, i do not believe the religion is in any way good. As for insulting Christianity, i leave people be if they do the same. But if i see Christians preaching in public (or recruiting, etc.) i do challenge them. The way i look at it, it you are putting it out there, you better be willing to defend it. Of course, living in the Bible Belt makes it rather irritating.
P.S. I think i did a good job of not ranting. Of course, this was probably a bad topic for me to jump into...
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:42 am
If they don't try and shove what they believe onto me, them I love them (most of the time). I used to go to church ect. I just got tired of it. I don't need to go to a church to pray, nor hear some guy read from the bible and just put me to sleep. I'd rather be playing video games xp
For me, I REALLY dislike the Catholic (sp) church. Before I was born my mom was married to a man who would beat her ect, she asked the church if she could leave him and they said no evil So yeah, she left him anyway, but in the churches eyes she's still married to him.
That's a big no no in my book. If I were to ever go to church, the people there would not tell me I cannot get a divorce.
Anyway, I know when I was younger I lost a friend 'cauase she told her parents I was a witch (now, I think that was stupid on her part) so they stopped letting her hang out with me. But now that she doesn't live with her parents and has screwed up her life, her parents like me o.O;;