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[Fanfiction][YuGiOh]Unbalanced Kisses Chapter 4 Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:40 am

Title: Unbalanced Kisses
Author: LadyNox (Dark Goddess, any where outside of Gaia)
Status: Unfinished
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Warnings: None
Disclaimers: Yu-Gi-Oh ain't mine.
Summery: Jounouchi liked it a lot better when Kaiba called him degrading names and Yami spent all his time in Yugi�s puzzle.
Note: All types of feed back is accepted. Except for flames, of course.

Chapter 1: Discord of The Body And Mind

Honda was late, Jounouchi thought checking his watch. Classes had ended over twenty minutes ago. Jounouchi sighed and pulled out a stick of pocky. The idiot was probably chasing Miho around the school. If that was true then Jounouchi was in for a long wait.

Placing the tip of the thin stick of chocolate-biscut goodness in his mouth, he leaned back against the wall of the gymnasium and sighed. Idiot Honda, they were going to be late because of him. Wasn't Honda suppose to be the more responsible of the two? He wasn't doing a good job if Jounouchi was the one waiting around for him to show up.

His thoughts were caught off by the sound of footsteps and he stared as a shadow emerage from around the corner. Jounouchi frowned, he'd recognized that shadow anywhere. Kaiba Seto. He had to control a growl, fists tightening behind his head. Even the little hairs at nape were starting to rise.

Then he began calm. Kaiba would probably walk right by him. The brunet rarely noticed him once the bell rung at three. Hell Kaiba was probably on his cell phone right now, scaring the life out of some sniveling employee. Kaiba wouldn't even know Jounouchi was there if he just stayed quiet and blended into the wall. Pleased with himself, Jounouchi became more comfortable against the wall and continued chewing on his pocky stick.

Sure enough Kaiba Seto came around the corner with his usual I-am-God stride. And Jounouchi had predicted, he was on his cell phone, going on about something or other; but unfortunately he did notice Jounouchi. The look the brunet gave him made a shiver run up his spine. What the hell did that look mean? It was unnerving, like he was something Kaiba wanted...

Jounouchi snorted. Yeah, something Kaiba wanted to torment. He turned his head so he wasn't looking at Kaiba anymore. Maybe Kaiba would get the hint and leave him alone. But Jounouchi could still feel those icy blue eyes on him, running over the curves of his body. He tried to ignore it, but honestly it was so unnerving.

He growled, turning his head back to the brunet, ready to chew him out. "Now look here Kai...ba..." he trailed off. Kaiba was standing right in front of him. When the hell did he get there? Jounouchi noticed that Kaiba wasn't on the phone anymore but he was still sure as hell looking at Jounouchi in that strange unsettling way.

No wait, Kaiba wasn't looking at him... he was looking at the pocky stick! Was he planning on stealing his pocky? That was ridiculous. Why on earth would Kaiba want his pocky? If the brunet wanted some that badly, he could buy all of Glico. Jounouchi knew Kaiba was up to something, probably something he wasn't going to like either. But he couldn't figure out what it could be.

Jounouchi decided that making some space between them would be best. Kaiba really was too close for comfort; personal space obviously wasn't a phrase Kaiba Seto was familiar with. Jounouchi started to move to the side but Kaiba shot his arm out, pressing his palm against the wall next to Jounouchi's head. Though surprised, the blond was certain that if he tried the other way, the same would happen. So he was trapped. He looked back into Kaiba's distrubing snake-stare. Yeah... that was what it was like, a snake staring down at a field mouse. When the hell did he become a field mouse?

Jounouchi swallowed, he felt cornered. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He growled at Kaiba.

"Shut up," Kaiba commanded. Yes commanded, and if that weren't bad enough he was also leaning closer to Jounouchi who was trying his damnedest to immitate that girl from X-men and pass through the wall. Unforunately that wasn't working out too well for him and there was only so far Jounouchi could go. It wasn't far enough.

There was only half a pocky stick between them now. Those blue eyes were staring right into Jounouchi's eyes, immobilizing--captivating him. Why else hadn't he pushed Kaiba away? It was like something out of those nature shows. So was Kaiba going to swallow him now? He blushed--what a thought to have!

Kaiba's lips closed around the other end of the stick. Jounouchi would have gasped but he was holding his breath, watching as the brunet ate it, slowly moving forward until there was less than inch of biscuit between them.

And then he closed the distance.

Jounouchi released the breath he was holding, feeling those thin lips pressed against his own. Oh God, he couldn't think straight. Brown eyes were wide, staring into intense blue as Kaiba's lips moved against his own. Oh God and now there was this tongue � Kaiba's tongue � pushing past his lips, which weren't doing a good job as barrier, and brushed against Jounouchi's tongue. He tasted like chocolate.

He whimpered. Whimpered! Oh God....

He felt his tongue twitch, moving against the intruding one. Jounouchi Katsuya was tonguing Kaiba Seto! It felt good. The world was coming to an end.

The world did end. It broke into a million pieces, blown away by cosmic winds to the far reaches of universe and was brought back, put back together again in an instant. Throughout it all they hadn't moved. The spot behind the gymnasium--where Jounouchi's knees buckled from the intensity of Kaiba's kiss--had stayed the same. It felt like an eternity. But the world changed... he had changed.

The kiss finally broke and Jounouchi could breathe again. His eyes opened slowly--when had he closed them?�looking upon Kaiba's smirking face. Jounouchi found pleasure seeing Kaiba's cheeks red and his eyes a darker shade of blue. At least he wasn't the only one affected.

A silence seemed to hang over them as they stared at each other. Jounouchi still found it impossible to move and Kaiba seemed to think that other than Jounouchi, there was nothing interesting to look at. Although Kaiba's stare was blank, unreadable, which was confusing as hell. Was all that just some sort of impulse on Kaiba's part? Maybe he was taking �******** with Jounouchi's head� to a new level. No, even by Kaiba's standards that had crossed a line.

"Kaiba..." he didn't get a response. Even before his lips had formed the first syllable, Kaiba was leaving. Jounouchi knew he should call the boy back, demand an explanation but he couldn't form any words, nor could he move his limbs to catch Kaiba, to stop him.

But at least it was over. It wasn't going to happen again and whatever ******** up reasons Kaiba had for doing that wasn't really that important because whatever that was, it wasn't happening again. Right?

Wrong. It wasn't that Jounouchi couldn't stop thinking about it. On the contrary, he was quickly able to throw the incident to the back of his mind, label it as another weird experience involving the crazy--not eccentric--millionaire and try to forget it. Honestly, who wanted to go around thinking about being sexually harrassed by Kaiba Seto? He was ready to put the whole confusing incident behind him and continue on with his existence.

Unfortunately, the fates were against him. Or better said, Kaiba had it in for him. For the next week, if Jounouchi found some solitude on campus, even for a moment, Kaiba Seto would soon be there. It was like he had ESP or something. He never really said anything to Jounouchi, besides the occassional 'shut up', but he didn't need to. As always his eyes and his actions did all the talking for him and each time Jounouchi found himself unable to resist and worse, he always ended up participating in these little forced elicited get-togethers.

The attacks became progressively worse with each encounter. First it was kissing which progressed to full out make out sessions which progressed to groping which fortunately--unforunately? he wasn't too sure--hadn't progressed to anything else. Hopefully Kaiba's sense of public decency would put a reign on his perversions, or at least Jounouchi hoped because there would be nothing stopping Kaiba from ******** Jounouchi stupid in an empty boys' bathroom if he ever felt the desire too. The truth of that statement rankled Jounouchi just as much as the harassment.

Why didn't he stop it? Jounouchi didn't know. If it were because Kaiba was physically over powering him then he could understand why the acts continued. His pride would be incredibly injured but at least he'd understand. But it wasn't about that. The most Kaiba had ever done was grab his wrist and pull him back into a rather intense kiss. Any other physical touch was for sexual stimulation only. Boy was it stimulating. Kaiba's aggression was never threatening. There was just something about the situation or about Kaiba himself that just made Jounouchi lose all motor control and, more importantly, coherent thought.

But the acts never progressed to anything that could be defined as sex. Kaiba always stopped before they would cross that threshold, leaving them both a little more than breathless. Then he would just stare at Jounouchi for a while before leaving the blond confused and aroused.

The worst part of it all was this feeling of being used, of being inadequate, like he had failed every time Kaiba left. It made him frustrated and confused. Shouldn't he be happy that Kaiba didn't continue his assault, that somehow he had deterred anymore advances? It's not like he wanted Kaiba Seto clinging to him � touching him. But there was still that feeling of inadequacy. There was still this hurt feeling, like he was being used. It was worse than if the brunet had dropped a few bills in his pocket before leaving.

But he must be doing something right (let's clarify this as 'right in the eyes of Kaiba Seto') to make Kaiba return, to start it up again. It made Jounouchi feel better about himself when he thought of things that way. Though he only felt marginally better because there was still the problem of Kaiba harassing him and of Jounouchi letting him, even participating in it and feeling better when Kaiba came back to do it again. He hoped the last part had to do with wounded pride. All other implications were unacceptable especially with Kaiba acting all weird.

But still... did that mean that deep down inside he was sexually attracted to Kaiba? Maybe that was why he never protested because a part of him really wanted it? Jounouchi would be a downright liar not to admit that Kaiba was attractive... maybe hate was blurred by lust (not love... never love)?

Or maybe it really was all Kaiba's fault like Jounouchi had originally thought. He liked that reasoning better. It didn�t make him think about uncomfortable things like the possibility that he was some strange undefined masochist.
"Jounouchi-kun?" Yugi called, poking lightly at Jounouchi's temple effectively pulling him out of his thoughts. He had been trying to understand what the hell had been going on for the past week!

"Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot recently..." That's because he's had a lot on his mind recently! Not that Yugi knew anything about it, Jounouchi thought, pressing his hand against his neck. Kaiba had left a hickey there. And it was like the b*****d had calculated for it to be high enough for it to be virtually impossible to fully hide. He had spent a good half hour tugging at his sweater, trying to make it rise higher. He hoped that no one would notice it anyway.

"Oh sorry," Jounouchi grinned sheepishly. "I think I'm catching ADD or something."

"You can't catch ADD Jounouchi-kun," Yugi sighed. Jounouchi waved him off carelessly.

"You said you wanted to talk to me?" Jounouchi asked. Yes, he remembered now. Yugi had called him this morning saying that there was something really important that he wanted to talk about when he had the time. Gotta love Yugi, putting people before him even when he really wanted something. Anyway, Jounouchi had come by as soon as he could but Yugi had gone out for a second so he had been waiting for Yugi, effectively being left alone with nothing but his thoughts.

"I wanted to know if you wanted something to drink." Yugi said looking a little exasperated.

Jounouchi blinked in confusion. "You called me all the way down here to offer me refreshments?"

"No!" Yugi blushed. Why, Jounouchi couldn't even begin to fathom. "Of course not, I asked you that when I got home but you didn't answer."

"Oh... and no," the blond respond, leaning back against the sofa. "I didn't hear you."

"I know," Yugi replied. He became quiet for a moment before continuing. Yugi's expression told Jounouchi what he was going to say before he even started. "If there's anything--"

Jounouchi raised a hand up, effectively stopping the small boy from finishing his sentence. "There's nothing going on, Yugi," Jounouchi said firmly. He didn't want Yugi worrying or even knowing about what was happening. It was all werid enough already without Yugi knowing that his rival was molesting his best friend.

Yugi sighed again but Jounouchi wasn't sure if the boy had given up. He doubted it, Yugi was rather determined when it came to his friends' well being.

Time to change the subject!

"So what'dya want?" Jounouchi couldn't help his curiousity. Even though they were very good friends, the smaller boy had a tendency to keep things secret. Whether it was because he liked to deal with his own problems himself or didn't like burdening his friends, Jounouchi wasn't sure. But it was rare for Yugi to ever say "I really need to talk to you about something important". Suffice to say Jounouchi was all ears and ready to help in any way he could.

Yugi looked sheepishly at him for a moment before shifting his attention to his feet. "Well actually... it's not me who wants to talk to you." And with that said Yugi's ever present puzzle glowed, signifying that the other Yugi, Yami no Yugi, had taken over.

Slanted red eyes settled on Jounouchi who was beyond confused by the way. "I apologize for the deception, I'm the one that really wishes to speak with you."

"Huh?" was Jounouchi's �eloquent� reply. What in hell could the spirit of the millennium puzzle want to speak to him about?

Yami's quirked his lips in what Jounouchi assumed was suppose to be smile. He watched the spirit move around the coffee table to sit on the same couch Jounouchi had firmly planted his bum on thirty minutes ago.

"Uh... did I do something wrong?" Jounouchi asked uncertainly. It earned him a strange look from the pharaoh.

"Why would you ask such a thing?" Yami looked a little confused.

"Well, you know, you only like showing up when something's going on, usually bad, so I just assumed..." Jounouchi was aware that he was babbling so he shut up. But to his credit he was rather confused and incredibly put out by the whole situation.

Yami did that almost-smile again, but this time it seemed to be leaning more towards an actual smile. Was this progress? Jounouchi wasn't sure. Hell he wasn't even aware as to when he began trying to make the spirit smile. Though Jounouchi couldn't help but admit that a smile on the man... boy... whatever, would be rather attractive.

Yami shook his head a little. "You've done nothing wrong," he assured. "You are completely innocent."

"I'm far from innocent," Jounouchi joked a little, grinning. He needed to loosen up the atmosphere... or at least loosen himself up.

"Not in my eyes," Yami asserted in a way that made Jounouchi a little self aware.

He ceased all joking and looked directly at the spirit. "What exactly do you want to talk to me about?" Jounouchi asked.

Yami's almost-smile disappeared, his expression turning serious once more. Though he didn't look away from Jounouchi as he thought about whatever he was thinking about.

"I have romantic feelings for you," Yami said, rather bluntly. Well the pharaoh was never one for beating around the bush and Jounouchi supposed he was grateful for that. But still, the sudden admittance floored him. If he had been standing he would have fallen down he was so shocked.

"You what?" Jounouchi cried out though Yami didn't repeat himself. He just waited patiently for Jounouchi to get over his shock.

"I can't believe it..." Jounouchi whispered after a few more minutes.

"I've no reason to lie to you, Jounouchi-kun." Jounouchi swallowed a few times, now wishing he had accepted Yugi's offering for refreshment earlier.

How the hell could Yami be so calm? He was admitting his feelings for Christ's sake. Shouldn't that mess with his duellist calm even a little?

"I don't know what to say..." Jounouchi admitted. Yami nodded.

"You needn't answer right away," he replied but then added. "Just don't take forever." He smiled a little, it wasn't an "almost smile" or a "maybe smile" and though it wasn't big it was still rather comforting. It was nice to know that he didn't have to spit out an answer right away.

It was surprising how Jounouchi just could not reject him right away... and it wasn't just because Yami was sort of his best friend too. So did that mean that he was actually entertaining the idea of dating Yami no Yugi? And if he was, how the hell was that suppose to work out?

He decided to voice this. "And Yugi's okay with all this?" It was Yugi's body after all. God wouldn't it be strange if Yugi had someone and Yami had someone...?

"We've already discussed it, yes," Yami replied. Jounouchi had to prompt him to continue. "He's totally fine with anything we do together."

"Anything?" Jounouchi asked incredulously.
Yami smirked. "Why? Is there anything particular you have in mind, Jounouchi-kun?"

Jounouchi's cheeks felt like they were on fire. "No!" he yelled, his hands fidgeting a little. "That's not what I meant... it's just that... you know.... with you sharing a body--"

Yami had been watching Jounouchi silently as he babbled on but the spirit did not do so for long. Long slim fingers reached out and cupped Jounouchi's cheek, effectively shutting him up. Yami's red eyes caught hold of him, they were so serious, so overwhelming... like Kaiba. Oh gods! That was the last person Jounouchi wanted to be thinking about at the moment, especially with Yami leaning in. Was he going to kiss him?

"Jounouchi," the spirit began and Jounouchi didn't miss how Yami omitted the honorific at the end of his name. "When you look at this body, I don't want you to think of Yugi. I want you to think of me."

He was so close, Jounouchi felt like he couldn't breath. Those red eyes were the only thing he could see. He could feel Yami's cool fingers against his cheeks, a sharp contrast to the warm breath that washed over his face, his lips

Jounouchi reached out and grabbed hold of Yami's slim shoulders, keeping their lips from meeting. He gently but firmly pushed the spirit back, taking a huge gulp of air. It was like breaking the surface. Had he been drowning? Yeah, in those blood red pools.

Yami looked hurt, understandably so considering that was as good a rejection as any. Jounouchi felt bad but he couldn't find his tongue at the moment.

"Are you in love?" Yami asked after a few minutes of oppressive silence. Jounouchi gave him a confused look and Yami raised a hand again, this time though his fingers brushed against his neck. Right over Kaiba's hickey. Jounouchi froze. "With whoever gave you this?"

Jounouchi left like screaming, luckily he was able to control himself. In love with Kaiba? "No!" He all but cried. "Th-that's nothing!" Yami's eyes narrowed and Jounouchi supposed that his stammering didn't make his statement very believable.

Jounouchi grasped Yami's hand, pulling it away from the mark on his neck. He tried to reassure Yami again. "Seriously it's nothing," Jounouchi began, silently congratulating himself on keeping his voice steady. "It was a mistake."

"Was it?" Yami didn't look convinced.

"It was." Jounouchi nodded firmly. Yami smirked then and Jounouchi felt uneasy again.

"Good," he said. He pulled his hand free from Jounouchi's grasp. His thumb grazed lightly over Jounouchi's bottom lip. Jounouchi could only watched wide eyed and with growing trepidation. "You're enough of a challenge as is. I don't need to worry about 'mistakes'."

Yami's fingers stopped their light caress of his lips, moving away completely and before Jounouchi could even know that he was to miss their presence, Yami's lips had already replaced them.

Crap, another one.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:00 pm

Good story. The complexity will keep me reading it.



PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:27 pm

It seems interesting I'll defenetely keep it on tab ^^
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:51 am

I loved it!

Hey Cheesecake

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N I N J A _C H E E S E

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:44 pm

NICE!!! whee
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:06 pm

wow!! eek 3nodding razz



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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:04 am

It's really great, when will you make the next chapter?
PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:59 pm

wow that was a really good fanfiction ! ! ! more please !



PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:32 pm

I love it! 3nodding
PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:02 pm

*Snerk* Some one has his hands full. I wonder if any Yami/Jou fans are reading this? What ever way this fic goes, I hope to read more of it soon.
I like your style, and you have a lot of talent at writing.
Please update soon


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:12 pm

[ Message temporarily off-line ]
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:39 pm

Lol you DO make Jou ukeish but thats not nesessirly a bad thing ^_^ I can't waut for the next chapter Nox ^_^

Jade Rotaski

Confident Shounen

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strawberry creamsicle

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 9:57 am

Jounouchi makes a good uke heart
PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:35 am

It was great! I agree with stud muffins about Jounichi making a good uke. xp


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