Will come back and correct......

Every member of the family always and has been disappearing for many years. It was around that time that started having a distinvitve mark on their nose, a scar if you will. Each memeber by a certain age are supposely killed in action in their latest mission but the villagers long ago ignore that excuse that the Hokage gave to stop the rumors.

There were some rumors circlulating about Iruka's mother who did not die in the battle with the demon fox like the Hokage said she did. There was some witnesses that said that they saw her after the battle, wounded but not dead.
The Hokage waited a week before sending her to another mission, a classified A mission. All people in the office knew about the mission was that it was to guide a reprsentive of Spring to the village of hidden leaf.
It was rare that someone dies in these missions, the ninjas uaually come back with wounds as deep as and as big as a fist but nothing that serious like death.
It was a shock when Iruka's mother died, the rumors started again. Maybe she did not die but ran away

lost my train of thought, will come back I hope.