Well, I'm 17, I'm Vietnamese, I moved to the US since I was in 3rd grade, I'm fluent in Vietnamese, I can write Vietnamese "almost" perfectly without mis-pronounciation or mispelling too many words. I have a huge vocab when it comes to the English language (I just don't show it that often unless I'm RPing seriously), I RP for fun. Um, er... I know a litle bit of French, but nothing that major or serious. I'm a novice at CSS (or was is CCS) on Gaia, I made my own profile from scratch. Er... I'm also questing for Winged Anklets right now, and I play NetBattle. I also play Phantasy Star Online, Morrowind, SSMB, and that's pretty much about it. There's also a pic of me in my profile, not that anyone would care. Anyhow, just cal me by the name Cress. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, just... don't ask for donations right now, I'm questing. sweatdrop

PS - I can be a nice guy 98% of the time if you don't irritate me to death, even though I don't look like it. Anyhow, ttyl, ppl. surprised heart