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Reply Year 1 Sept. 9th to Sept. 20th Time Skip
Chance Encounter at the Swimming Pool

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Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 4:16 pm
Characters - Alosa and Michael
Prompt - Michael goes to the pool at night to teach himself to swim only to be discovered by Alosa who offers to help teach him. What new connections will come out this encounter?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:23 pm
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                                        It was a miracle that Michael had found the pool. There had been a point where he'd gotten hopelessly lost on his way there, having only passed the room once before. Somehow he had made it. Though he wasn't sure what comfort that small victory was. Not when he had to consider why he had even sought out the pool in the first place. The part of Alore he had grown up in was landlocked, and the region he'd been stationed in when he was in the war had been as well. He'd never really seen a body of water larger than a bathtub up close and in person. Not including any opulent water fountains or ponds that he'd seen from a distance in the garden.

                                        This wasn't home, however, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that eventually he would probably need to know how to swim.

                                        Nights were the obvious choice, hoping that the bustle and activities of the day would push the other students back into their rooms for an early tuck in instead of going for an evening swim. It would be a shame if he had come all the way here and other students were milling about. While he couldn't do much to cover the scar that started on his right cheek and ran down his neck, he hadn't been entirely oblivious to the questioning or cautious stares it had granted him. Michael didn't want to think about what the other students would whisper if they saw his mangled torso. Thankfully, the pool seemed to be entirely abandoned this evening.

                                        Peeling his shirt over his head, he stripped down to his boxers. That had been the other part of his consideration. He didn't actually own any proper swimming attire, and it most certainly had not occurred to him to ask one of the staff if they would be able to provide any. The war might have taken a considerable amount from him, but it hadn't taken his sense of modesty. The tips of Michael's ears colored from the idea of being caught with his pants not only down, but completely off like this.

                                        It was an unwelcome thought that he pushed away as quickly as it came.

                                        Padding over to the edge of the pool, he ran his foot through the water. Surprisingly, it was warm. The school must have heated the pool or something through a power from Stilicidium or Funkazan. Which he wasn't entirely sure. Who knew how powers worked in other countries? The warm water was a surprising treat, and he sank down to sit with his legs in the pool. His nerves frayed, realizing a little too late that it might be a fools errand to attempt to learn how to swim on his own without anyone around to help if he started to drown. It didn't stop him from pushing himself off of the ledge and into the pool.

                                        Maybe it was a little bit stupid to actually try swimming without figuring out how it worked first. Michael had an idea of how it should work in his head. But making his body move like that underwater was another story. He was supposed to be paddling with his arms and kicking, but it felt a lot more like he was failing wildly and not really going anywhere. Worst of all how was he supposed to breathe like this? Panic was starting to settle over him, alarms in his head that he had made a very stupid choice trying to do this on his own. He had barely moved when he finally touched his toes back down to the bottom of the pool. Flipping his head back to get his wet hair out of his face, he coughed before sucking in air.

                                        pool ☀︎ alone

Kumako Shock

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Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 12:28 pm
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tab Alosa had needed to take a break after the day she had, so much was going on and she desperately needed to be reminded about how she felt a home when she had the time to relax and rest so she decided to be a little bit of a rule breaker. She knew there was a pool and she had previously asked about where it was located. She desperately wanted to get her feet in the water again after the morning when she met Ophelia. As she pushed the door open to the pool area she didn't notice the other person in there quite yet as she wasn't expecting anyone else. She pulled her shirt off and her skirt down, revealing her bathing suit that had the colors of her kingdoms flag on it. Her parent's insisted that this was what she wore when she swam and she just went with it because she wanted to just go to the school in the first place. Turning around she finally took notice of the other party in the pool, a smile breaking out on her face. Someone else wanted to go for a swim? How fun! " Oh hello! You must be-"

tab Now Alosa wasn't known for being the smartest out there, nor did she tell people she was good at noticing signs but she almost immediately noticed that Michael wasn't doing well. She walked over to the pool, and upon realizing he was struggling with staying above the water alarm bells went off in her head. ' He can't swim!' the sudden realization came to her as she moved around to the side, diving in and coming up right next to where he was. She grabbed his arm, and using her powers pulled him closer towards the shallow end where he would have been able to stand with his head outside of the water. She did so while under water, so when she popped up she had let go of him and pushed her hair back with one hand looking at him concerned. " Are you okay? Gods, do you not know how to swim? Why would you come alone if you didn't?" she rattled off her questions, not thinking about how he might not be totally oriented or ready for someone else to be there. She paused a moment later giving him a chance to breathe.

tab " I'm sorry...let me start over. Are you okay?" she asked, moving her feet in the water as she looked at him, she almost seemed to be perfectly still as if she wasn't needing to swim hard and she was actually using her power and connection to the water to be able to stay still. Alosa took this chance to look him over, she hadn't seen him before. He was clearly taller than her as he was able to stand where she had pulled him and she was not. He had dark hair and plenty of scars not only on his face but on his body. She smiled a little at him, her pink eyes soft as she awaited his response to her question if he was okay. She did also make note of one thing, something she chose not to make a big deal out of. He didn't appear to be wearing swim trunks. She knew people made choices but this seemed an odd one, perhaps she'd have to get some for him if he was going to make a repeat attempt with swimming alone.
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Where they are: The Swimming Pool
Who they are with: Alone -- Michael
What they're feeling: Excitement, Panic
What they're wearing: Bathing Suit
PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 3:55 pm
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                                        A splash resounded around him. At first he thought it might be his own flailing, but then he felt a hand on his arms. Being pulled through the water was a new sensation. Not wholly unpleasant. Just... different. There wasn't a better way that he knew how to describe it. A small part of his mind registered that the hand felt too small to be able to move him around so easily, but the water had a weightless effect that seemed to make every part of his body feel like a feather. Maybe that was why she could move his bulk so easily.

                                        His feet were now firmly planted on the cool tile that rested at the bottom of the pool, and he stood. Even at this depth his shoulders barely crested the water's surface. "Are you okay? Gods, do you not know how to swim? Why would you come alone if you didn't?" The words tumbled out of his companion before he had fully registered that he was touching the bottom of the swimming pool again. Sucking in a greedy breath, Michael sputtered for a moment before scrubbing a hand over his face to get his hair out of his eyes. What he didn't expect to see was a woman chastising him for his admittedly bad idea. A very still woman, who didn't look for a second like she was actually treading water despite her weakly kicking feet. Was this her power? Her element? His eyes flickered from a soft topaz into a vibrant green as he decided that wasn't important right now. Apparently, she agreed with him as she paused and restarted. "I'm sorry...let me start over. Are you okay?"

                                        Giving a weak laugh, Michael could feel the heat that sent a blush across his cheeks, down his neck, and across his chest. "I'm fine, thank you." The lie came out easily. Though, he doubted she would believe him if he said what was causing him turmoil in this moment. Here he was, half drowning and dressing in nothing but his wet undergarments while in the presence of a woman who would be a princess while lit up like a nightlight because he couldn't truly stop his internal glow. Who could possibly find this situation anything but mortifying? Yet, if he voiced this beautiful stranger would worry, thinking he'd hurt himself on his foolish quest.

                                        Finally processing her questions, both of his hands shot up to drag down his face before coming to rest on the back of his neck with his elbows pulled tight to his chest. He laughed again, a bit stronger now that he'd regained some of his composure. Sure, he still felt unbelievably exposed. It was hard not to let his mind wander, worried that she might assume he'd done terrible things. Many did when they were confronted with his scars. Others were simply disgusted with the sight, telling him to cover them up. But at least she had solved one of his problems for him this evening. "Yes, I'm sorry." Michael's laugh dying down into an amused, but sheepish grin. "I knew it was foolish. I just didn't want..."

                                        Didn't want what?

                                        The question hung in his mind for a moment. What had he really thought this would accomplish? If there was a pool there was logic behind the possibility he would need to know how to swim at some point in classes. They had seemed invested in making sure that the royalty was active, if the brutal self defense classes were anything to go by. "I suppose I wanted to be prepared. I know what to expect less and less with this school everyday and how long is it until we get thrown into a lake? Better to learn on my own before hand." He finally said, the logic sounding even less sane out loud. Shaking his head, he tried to rid himself of just how silly the whole thing made him feel. "Oh, I nearly forgot. I'm Michael. I do hope you can forgive the indecency and grant me the name of my savior."

                                        pool ☀︎ alone

Kumako Shock

Loyal Lover


Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:15 pm
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tab Alosa hadn't fully registered that he was glowing but she had locked eyes with him, and she fully noticed his eyes changing color. Her own eyes lit up with curiosity but she made herself wait to hear if he was okay. Once he answered and seemed to be getting his footing back and air in his lungs she smiled, relief clear on her face. " Good! I'm so glad I came by when I did." she said before her pink eyes finally adjusted to the fact that he was glowing. She gasped softly, a smile on her face before she took a breath and let him reply to her other questions finally. At first she was disappointed that he had gone swimming on his own especially when he was unable to swim. His hesitation for why he was doing it made her tilt her head slightly looking head up at him before she heard his answer and she finally laughed along with him. " I totally get it! Honestly, this place has been a wild ride, I'm so glad I convinced my parents to let me come!" she had placed her hands together before she nodded at him. " If you'd like I can teach you. I've practically lived in the water since I was little. That is-" she cut herself off and placed her hand over her mouth. " Oops. I almost gave away what kingdom I'm from." she brushed the back of her head as she continued to move her feet in the water.

tab Alosa smiled up at him after he introduced himself waving her hand softly. " No no! Please do not worry about it, we're in the swimming pool. It's natural to be wearing so little. My name is Alosa, it's a pleasure." she replied before she reached her hand out and gently pressed it against one of the scars on his upper chest. She knew better than reaching too low. Her eyes looked them over before looking back up at him, pointing at her own eyes. " Did I see your eyes change color? And...this might sound funny, but it seems like you're glowing. Is that normal for you?" she asked him, she smiled as she did and aside from her unprompted questions she was trying to be really good. Her eyes shifted from meeting his to the rest of his features. He was handsome, he was kind and despite all the scars she found him very approachable. She didn't like to judge by scars anyway, they did just come out of a war after all!

tab Alosa swam over to the side of the pool, the weightlessness around her disappearing. She placed both hands on the flat surface to pull herself up. She pulled up with her arms, getting a knee out of the water. " Let me go grab my hair tie, I'll be able to help you out easier without my hair in my face!" she stood up and made her way over to her bag before pulling her hair up into a ponytail and walking back over. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going though as she looked over at him. " So! I know we're not supposed to tell, nor ask really, but I'm going to make an educated guess and say you're from Alore...." she did make her way to the edge of the pool safely but as she crouched down, ready to put her feet back in her foot slipped and she ended up falling back into the pool, almost directly on top of Michael.
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Where they are: The Swimming Pool
Who they are with: Michael
What they're feeling: Excitement, Panic
What they're wearing: Bathing Suit
PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 7:42 pm
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                                        Closing his eyes, Michael waited for chastising remarks to begin. He'd been foolish. So foolish it could have ended his life if he hadn't been so lucky to have the pink eyed woman show up when she did. It was a fact he was intimately aware of. Yet, biting remarks of scorn never came. Instead she excitedly proclaimed how happy she was to have come to this peace parade masquerading as a school. The soft gasp that followed her words was enough to tell him that she'd noticed he was glowing. Opening his eyes, he found her looking at him with a curious glint in her eyes. Part of him wanted to shrink back into himself. As if trying to suck all of his light back inside, he dimmed visibly.

                                        Watching her hand fly to her mouth and her expression turn bashful when she realized she might be giving too much away was cute. How she managed to make such a small gesture seem dainty and feminine was beyond him. Yet, he enjoyed watching it as he let his hands sink back into the pool. "Oops. I almost gave away what kingdom I'm from." Smiling, he shook his head as if to say it was no problem. Even if he could easily piece together that she was from Stilicidium with what she said, the lady before him didn't need to know that. It's not like Michael had any way to hide his own kingdom of origin anyway. This just put them on an even playing field without stressing anyone out.

                                        Sucking in a sharp breath as her fingers danced over the scar on his right pectoral, it took everything in him not to stare at her hand. They were too close. And he was intimately aware of when her fingers touched the overly sensitive skin around his scars. Or when the pressure disappeared beyond his dead nerves and she must be touching the scar tissue itself. Michael couldn't even think of Nadine touching him this way. This didn't feel proper, making his heart race. Really, it wasn't when he considered how he was dressed. Even if Alosa was willing to overlook it. Any effort he put into meeting her eyes quickly vanished as she asked about his eyes and glow.

                                        Casting his gaze to the side, he could feel his face heat. "Oh, uh. Yes." His voice was sheepish as Michael scrubbed a hand down his face, letting it rub against the stubble on his chin for a moment. "Sorry if it's a bother. It just... Happens? I can't really turn it off." Admitting it was grating, but there was also no point in hiding that he was essentially some plastic glow star children put on their ceilings. He'd finally managed to bring his gaze back to her, only to find that Alosa had swum to the edge of the pool and was pulling herself out of the water. Despite his better judgement, he'd been unable to pull his eyes away from her figure as she ascended. Part of him felt bad, but ultimately it may have been for the better.

                                        " So! I know we're not supposed to tell, nor ask really, but I'm going to make an educated guess and say you're from Alore...."

                                        The slick tiles along the edge of the pool had been her undoing, causing Alosa to lose her footing and tumble forward. His arms shot out on instinct. Some of it might have been to protect himself. Most of it was certainly to protect the sweet girl who had refrained from scolding him and talking to him like a child despite his poor decision making this evening. Sure, she clearly knew her way around the water. But it wasn't like light couldn't hurt him just because he was from Alore. With a splash and a tangle of limbs, Michael caught Alosa. The positioning of his arms were awkward. Their faces were inches apart as he registered that he'd hooked her in nearly a princess carry, if it could be called that. One of his arms had hooked around her chest and pulled her in, pressing their torsos together. The other... The other was the problem. Somehow he'd managed to loop an arm between her legs to catch only one knee in the crook of his arm with the tips of his fingers grazing the swell where her a** met her thigh.

                                        "Sorry." His voice was breathless, embarrassment twinging on the edge of it. Quickly he retrieved the arm that had landed between her legs, trying his best not to think to hard about how he'd caught her. Not daring to let her pull away just yet, he used his now free hand to brush her bangs out of her eyes before running it down the side of her cheek to gently move her head from left to right and look for any injuries. When he met her eyes his irises had changed to a light blue. "Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" It was hard to search her for and scrapes or bruises in the water. Even more when he was finding it hard not to let her go so he could see more than her face or shoulders. Mother Sun, what if she slipped again when he wasn't here? Granted even if he was, how much help would he be?

                                        Gently, he stepped back and uncurled her from his chest. His hand stayed on her elbow, using the weightlessness of the water to his advantage with helping her keep afloat. He hadn't figured out exactly what her power was outside of something water related, and Michael wasn't willing to risk letting her head sink below water when he knew she wouldn't be able to touch the bottom of the pool at this depth. Using his free hand to cover his eyes, he couldn't help but laugh at the situation he'd found himself in. Nearly drowning. Alosa possibly seriously hurting herself. How had they gotten here? "You got me. Not that it's a surprise, but yes. I'm from Alore." Uncovering his eyes, he shot an amused look at her. "Our little secret, okay?"

                                        pool ☀︎ alosa

Kumako Shock

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Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:13 pm
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tab Alosa had no intention of chastising or making him feel bad. Everyone made mistakes, even if his scared her half to death she was okay and so was he! That's all that mattered, right? When the light coming from Michael dimmed but didn't go away she couldn't help but find herself that much more curious. She could tell he didn't enjoy attention drawn to it, but she couldn't help herself. At least it was just them. Alosa could tell she was making him a little uncomfortable with her hand on his skin but she genuinely didn't mean to do so, pulling her hand back she flashed him an apologetic smile before she heard his explanation about the glowing. She shook her head and smiled wide at him. " Oh, no! I think it's really cool! And your eyes too, that's really fun." she did notice him watching her when she pulled herself out of the pool, but in the interest of not embarrassing herself or him anymore she kept the thought to herself. That was her plan, anyway, until she lost her footing found herself falling.

tab She knew she'd probably hit the water so she closed her eyes but she found herself hitting something more firm? Her pink hued eyes slowly opened and realized that Michael had caught her. Immediately her face went a little pink as she realized how close they were. She hadn't fully processed how he caught her until he let go of her leg and she felt his fingertips brushing up against her skin, sending a shiver up her spine. She immediately registered how he caught her and her mind ran before she closed her eyes and tried to will the blush away. She was acutely aware of his arm still around her, her own hands having landed on his shoulders. She remained quiet but she opened her eyes as she felt his hand brushing her forehead, her pink eyes making contact with his just as they changed to a light blue color. She blinked, the feeling of his hand against her skin surprising her with how gentle he was being. He was covered in scars and yet, he was being this gentle with her.

tab Her brain finally registered that he had both apologized and asked a question. She shook her head and smiled a little, her expression a little shaken but she was appreciative that he'd caught her in the first place. " No don't apologize, thank you. That could have been much worse." she insisted, it wasn't like he had grabbed her intentionally to do that, or that she minded in the first place. " I'm okay, no injuries here!" her voice a bit more cheerful this time as her expression cleared up and she seemed to shake the embarrassment. She felt his hand on her elbow still even after he had unwrapped his arm from around her and she felt her heart racing a little, but she was grateful he still worried, lowering her arm and resting her hand on his forearm. She was able to kick her feet to stay in place, but she appreciated him all the same. She looked at him as he covered his eyes, her cheeks heating up slightly at he laughed. She felt her heart race a little more as she told herself to stop thinking like that.

tab He spoke and uncovered his eyes, her eyes meeting his this time and she smiled, an equally amused smile lingering on her lips. " Our little secret." she agreed, before she laughed under her breath a little. " To make it fair, as I'm sure you've figured out, I'm from Stilicidium." she spread her free arm out a little and smiled softly. " Water is my safe place, except that i'm an absolute klutz." she knew he knew that already, obviously, but he hadn't written her off entirely which made her happy. She then thought about something. ' If he can't swim....that makes sense for why he'd want to learn. There's more water here....' she placed her free hand on her chin as she looked up at him. " There's not a lot of water around Alore is there? That makes more sense as to why you don't know how to swim..." there was no judgement in her tone, just pure curiosity.

tab Alosa was still a little embarrassed, but she never let that stop her before. The only reminder that the princess was feeling that way was the ever-present light hue of red on her cheeks. She was used to embarrassing herself, but it was another thing to feel like she'd enjoyed the outcome of it. Rare in fact. She could use her powers to make herself more stable, so he didn't have to hold onto her arm, but she was enjoying the sensation. It wasn't often anyone was allowed to touch her, never mind in this kind of situation! " I'm more than happy to teach you if you'd like!" if it meant spending more time with this man she'd do it, not that she'd decline many people something that could help them.
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Where they are: The Swimming Pool
Who they are with: Michael
What they're feeling: Embarrassment, Happiness
What they're wearing: Bathing Suit
PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:43 pm
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                                        Worry had settled into his bones. It had taken Alosa an alarmingly long time to recognize the issue with how he'd caught her. Despite being a near stranger. In fact, she had told him not to apologize. Thanked him. Then maintained the contact he'd kept on her arm to keep her head above water. It was like looking at a sitting duck. Michael had seen some of the other students. Watched them as they went about their days. How was it that she hadn't ended up being eaten up and chewed out by some of those students? Mother Sun help her.

                                        As she spoke, going as far as calling herself a klutz, a new desire bloomed in his chest. Maybe it was just a phantom trying to replace whatever purpose he had once had and lost. Either way, he wanted to see this girl protected. There were too many risks at this school for someone so innocent and open. Even if it was misplaced, he found himself wanting to protect that. To protect her.

                                        "No. At least, not in the part of Alore I grew up in." He scrubbed his chin, realizing it wasn't just the lush gardens of his manor or orchards of his Duchy that didn't have many lakes or rivers. He'd spent most of his time in the war occupying muddy trenches or clashing blades on dusty prairies. "Not where I served either, now that I think about it. It never really occurred to me until now how little water I've seen." It felt odd to admit it out loud, but now that he did it rang true. Before the carriage ride here he couldn't think of another time he had seen so many lakes, rivers, and even the ocean.

                                        At her offer, a gentle smile tugged at his cheeks. It was cute. How she pressed on despite the pink staining her cheeks. "I would, actually." It was his turn to blush, looking away as his eyes shifted to a soft purple. "Though, I might need to invest in some proper swimwear in that case. I wasn't expecting anyone else to be sneaking into the pool this late, so I improvised." His eyes glanced down to his soaking wet boxers, the pool making his body look distorted as he did so. "This isn't exactly a great long term solution."

                                        Slowly, he started to step backwards while pulling Alosa along with him. The water level around him dropped as he pulled her through the water, allowing her to stand on her own. Letting his grip on her elbow loosen, he hand traced down her arm to lightly grab her fingers as if he were about to lead her in a dance. He finally stopped when the water was at his waist, too ashamed to continue and risk exposing himself to her. Mother Sun would that be a horrible way to start his swimming lessons. "Well, Miss Alosa, if you don't mind teaching me, I'm ready to learn."

                                        pool ☀︎ alosa

Kumako Shock

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Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:12 pm
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tab Alosa didn't know what the typical experience within the school was, but she certainly had a lot of different ones. Michael seemed the trustworthy type and she appreciated his response to her taking the time to realize how awkward it was being so close. She tilted her head slightly as he spoke about not being around a lot of water. She hummed to herself as she placed her free hand on her lips. That was a far cry from her own life so far, she practically lived on a floating island her whole life. She figured since they knew roughly where each other was from, it wouldn't hurt to be honest with him. She didn't know much about the kingdom of Alore, but she figured they'd have some water. Her family were all swimmers but that tended to be the case when your powers were specifically related to water, although she still somehow managed to get into messy situations, like earlier. " That's such a difference! The castle is almost on a floating island that we can shift as need be. We're rarely not around water."

tab It was not lost on Alosa that when he looked away she had not only seen his blush but his eyes color change again. Her expression lit up a little as she silently admired his powers in that regard. " Wonderful! I'm happy to help." she laughed softly as he mentioned needing to invest in proper swimming trunks. " I'm sure they have some here! If I had any brothers I'm sure they'd know better than I do." She had no doubt though that the staff here at the school had resources for them, after all they were called to this place. If they didn't have the ability to provide the students with that which they needed that might be a problem. She shook her head and smiled a little. " It works for the time being! That's the important part." the weight of his words seemed to finally hit her and her pink eyes glanced down where she had seen him do so earlier; and she felt her cheeks turning red as she realized exactly how he had improvised.

tab It took her a moment to tear her eyes away and she rubbed the back of her neck softly with her free hand that wasn't resting on his arm. " Yeah I can see how that isn't suitable for multiple people. I'm not complaining though, I think you look good with all but boxers on." she smiled widely, not processing how embarrassing the comment could make one feel and she moved along with him until her feet could touch and she placed her feet flat on the bottom of the pool. His hand gently sliding down her arm made the girl blush but it made her skin tingle a little and she smiled at him. With her feet on solid ground she realized that he wasn't too much taller than her, and she was grateful for that at least. It would be easier to both teach him to swim and much easier to reach his lips for if they kissed. 'I wonder what it would feel like...' She tilted her head slightly, her hand still in his as her mouth opened to finish her thought. "...if we kissed..." Pink eyes widened at the sudden thought she had and she had pulled her hand back from his as she covered her mouth. Her words left her mouth before she had a chance to stop them, and she shook her head at the thought that he might get a hint of what was in her mind.

tab In a quick effort to change the subject before it could be approached too far, she cleared her throat and smiled. " First thing to practice would be floating and just getting used to having your head underwater without panicking. So you can float on your back....and then when you've gotten the hang of that, standing while you dip your head under water and blowing air out to get the lung control." as she flowed into the steps, she was trying to remember how she was taught, although that was many many years ago. Hopefully her slip up from earlier wouldn't be too much of a heavy air over them, although she was still kicking herself for it. Her mind did wander to the fact that floating would involve him to be on his back, and that would mean his hips would be near the top of the water too. She shook her head and pushed down the thought. ' Keep it together! You're a princess, act like one.' she told herself.
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Where they are: The Swimming Pool
Who they are with: Michael
What they're feeling: Embarrassed
What they're wearing: Bathing Suit
Year 1 Sept. 9th to Sept. 20th Time Skip

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