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Reply Year 1 Sept. 9th to Sept. 20th Time Skip
New Scars, Old Memories

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Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:19 pm
Characters - Ivanna, Ryker
Prompt - Ivanna finds Ryker mid-workout and they start talking again about how things have been since they've seen each other.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:09 pm
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tab Ivanna had felt very uncomfortable around others. She wasn't one for socialization outside her comfort zone. Which, thus far in her life, had been basically her family and one person in particular. Prince Ryker. So when she had found out he too was attending she insisted she go. The school did not let her expectations down. She hated it. The only side bonus was she was in the same place as her crush, although she'd never admit how she felt out loud. So when she had discovered that he kept the same routine of working out, not that she was following him cause she wasn't, she was happy.

tab Ivanna felt slightly offended that he insisted on telling her that they have to behave. That, she was fairly sure, mostly directed to her. She shook her head at him but smiled. She'd basically behave if he asked her to, and she was sure he not only knew that but she saw it as a sign of respect towards him. She of course also thought of her mother, her dearly infuriating mother. She would at least want her to pretend to be lady-like. She cracked a grin as he mentioned her mother's reaction and she couldn't help but laugh. " She wasn't pleased, but I had to cave in somewhat and she taught me actual things I could use here." her mother had made sure to teach her basic dances, although Ivanna struggled to learn some of them.

tab Ivanna had brought her attention back to his scars, as he pointed out the one on his eye she looked up. She tilted her head slightly looking at him and frowning a little. " While it suits you in it's own way...doesn't that affect your balance?" she asked, concern flashing through her eyes but she didn't say anything about it. She couldn't help but wonder how it happened, and there was a little bit of rage bubbling up in her gut too. She then smiled and shrugged. " Either way, you came back alive. That's the important part." she said quietly, part of her felt very relieved and she was sure it showed but she didn't let it too much. She didn't want him thinking she was getting soft on him.

tab Ivanna had widened her eyes as he stepped towards her teasing her about sweat. She laughed, before she backed away slightly. " Yeah but that's exactly it, it's sweat!" she said back, before she finally couldn't help herself. She rolled her eyes and grinned at him. " You're lucky you're.... you." she said, pausing before finishing it and she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. She closed her eyes for a moment taking the feeling in before she felt his arms back around her. She really missed him. Even if it was just sparring, there was a comfort knowing he was nearby and safe. Scarred, yeah, but if anything it made him look tougher and their kingdom could use that, especially with her being one of the representatives.

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Where they are: Workout Room
Who they are with: Ryker
What they're feeling: Excited, Comfortable
What they're wearing: Work-out Gear


Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:43 pm
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Ryker laughed at the thought of Ivanna’s mother fighting with her about coming to the academy. The idea that this was supposed to be a place where the kingdoms would unite and have some form of peace crossed his mind but for a moment. “So you’re telling me that you actually gave into your mothers wishes about learning that stuff in exchange for coming to the school?” He bit his lip holding back a brief chuckle. “Well at least you managed to convince her to let you come here.”

He noticed her frown and shook his head holding up his hand to the scar and running across it. He let out a small sigh and took a breath. “When it happened, yes it affected my balance pretty badly. Now after having had sometime with it this is one of the few lasting effects of my regrowth. This eye is scarred like this and I am also blind in it. My depth perception is not everything it should be. And its just a reminder to myself that I was very lucky that day that I was saved.” He smiled at her a little bit of pain evident in his features as he looked at her. “I managed to come back alive. Think you would figure a way to bring me back and kill me yourself otherwise.” His smile grew a little more as he laughed.

He laughed at her backing away and then commenting. “So I can get away with hugging you after my workout cause I'm me huh?” He wrapped his arms around her and took the moment in. They hadn’t had much time between when he left and got back to see one another let alone get a moment together.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:19 pm
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tab Ivanna rolled her eyes as he joked around with her and his comment about her mother and her wishes made her laugh. " Yeah I know...I had to learn how to dance. Most of it was political stuff though." She knew her mother meant well, and her father had a lot to do with the things she had to learn because neither of them wanted their "little girl" getting into trouble. She had despised most of the teaching but she ultimately gave in and learned what she had to be able to come to the school.

tab Ivanna was listening to him as he spoke about his scar and for a brief moment she saw the slight glimpse of pain in his expression. Her eyes softened when he had looked at her afterwards, her heart clenching a little. She had a feeling of wanting to hug him to help him feel better, and part of her wants to go after the people who were responsible for it but she wasn't able to do anything. She knew the war was needed and something that he was chosen to do but she wasn't happy about it. When he made his remark about coming back alive after she did, she smiled at him her eyes lighting up. " Damn right. There'd be no choice, I'd make you come back home.' she said and nodded confidently.

tab Ivanna smiled, suddenly ignoring the sweat as she wrapped her arms around him. She closed her eyes and took in the moment as well. She had missed just having him around even if it was just as a friend or sparring partner. She knew that he had been through a lot and she was glad he was able to depend on her even for some things. She hoped that one day there could be more, but she had to become stronger for him. Ivanna leaned back after a few moments, looking up at him as she smiled. " I'm glad I convinced my mother to let me come, this is going to be a challenge for me but it's worth it." she said, admitting that she knew she'd struggle with behaving herself. She wasn't known for admitting her faults, never mind telling somebody about it. Ryker was different than anybody else, he was him. She then grinned at him though and nodded. " Because you're you, exactly. Nobody else could get away with it." she said, finally stepping back after a moment. She didn't want to let the hug linger too long, she'd get herself all embarrassed.

tab Ivanna wanted to steer the conversation a different direction than it was going. Speaking of the war hurt him so she didn't want to keep going on it even if she did have questions for him. For another time, perhaps. She knew that she'd have to broach the subject eventually so why not now? " Upon your return did the king and queen say anything about an engagement? Mother has been looking for me and I keep telling her not to bother." she was 17 and with her birthday coming up next month she was dreading it. Sure her mother would have her meet them first, she wouldn't spring it on her but she also kind of hoped that nothing would come of it and she'd let her be. That was one of her concerns with Ryker, he was a prince after all, the time would come when he would be asked to take a wife. She hated that idea.

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Where they are: Workout Room
Who they are with: Ryker
What they're feeling: Excited, Comfortable
What they're wearing: Work-out Gear


Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:28 pm
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Ryker nodded in understanding. “Well, you are here now we just have to behave at least a little bit so that we don’t risk an encounter. However I will have to say that against my own judgement that we should still be on guard at least for the moment. If you would like and I am around I can do what I will to handle political things. Only if you would like.” He had to understand the workings of the political structure due to his station. During the conversation of his scars and her saying “ Damn right. There’d be no choice, I’d make you come back home.” He couldn’t help but smile past the memory at the thought of her dragging him back from the dead to make sure that he survived.

As they hugged his smile grew when she couldn't see it. “Well even if it’s such a challenge you can always come to me if you need any help while we are here.” He let go of her and looked at her. “You see there is no need to feel like you are in this alone. And I am glad you can come to me for help or at least feel like you can.” After that the conversation took a different turn and it was suddenly a question about his mother and father. He took a deep breath and thought about it for a moment. “No I don’t think that they had mentioned anything about it.. At least that I can remember. I’m sure that they have at least looked though. So really there is no telling what we are going to return to.” He knew her birthday was coming up and that knowing her mother would try something but at the very least she was introduced. He knew his time was limited before he was told to take a wife.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:43 pm
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tab Ivanna nodded appreciatively when he offered to take the lead on political matters. She still wasn’t too sure of everything herself and because of that she was a little worried she’d mess something up that would be unfixable. He had more experience in that department because of his status and they both knew it. ” I think that would be best. I don’t know all the specifics and I don’t want to ruin things for the kingdom.” she didn’t like others, but she knew for Mars to thrive they sometimes had to rely on others and she would feel guilty if she ruined a connection. If not only a little bit.

tab Ivanna couldn’t tell he smiled bigger but she was too, feeling comfortable enough with him to be able to be relaxed. She looked up at him when he offered his assistance and she couldn’t help but nod her head before she let her arms relax at her sides. ” Of course! And I know you’re capable to handle most things on your own, but the same goes for me. If you ever need a hand, or backup, I’m there.” she knew that he probably would never end up relying on her for that but she wanted him to know the offer was always there.

tab At his next response Ivanna had to fight the urge to sigh in relief. She knew that it was only a matter of time for them both; but she really wished she could veto any option for herself. Being that of a high-ranking family, she couldn’t. She was bound by duty and she begrudgingly accepted that fact, Ryker was even more so bound, and she knew there was a reason her mother kept trying to introduce her to people and discourage her connect with the prince. ” I’m not looking forward to my birthday, that’s for sure.” she mumbled, her eyes shifting to the side as she crossed her arms over her chest. ” I’m sure even with us being away and here mother won’t be deterred to find someone to try and introduce me to. Probably even someone from here wouldn’t surprise me." She surely hoped not, but she had a gut feeling she’d end up getting a message about something planned.

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Where they are: Workout Room
Who they are with: Ryker
What they're feeling: Excited, Comfortable
What they're wearing: Work-out Gear


Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:22 pm
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Ryker looked at her and nodded as she offered her hand in help as well. “We both know you are completely capable of helping and handling your stuff as you need. But Just know I will be here when you need.” She spoke more about not looking forward to her birthday and that even being away from family her mother would be still likely looking to get Ivanna with someone as soon as possible. “Well that's no good that you aren't looking forward to your birthday.” He paused a moment and looked at her. “If only there was a way to tell them we don't need to be given away like that.. We should be able to look on our own. I’m sure mother and father are looking as well for me no matter how much I protest.” He let out a deep thoughtful sigh as he wondered if there was anything that they could do.

“Do you have any ideas?” He asked as he looked to her for any inkling of an idea that she may have. He continued to wipe down his brow to finish drying himself off so that he wasn’t completely soaked before his time to bathe which would be coming up shortly.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:36 pm
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tab Ivanna couldn't help but feel a swell of confidence as he reiterated that he'd be there for her. Ryker was the one person she had no issues taking help from, even if it was hard sometimes to accept help. They'd seen each other through quite a bit of things when they were younger, so she was just content with the way things were. Ivanna sighed as he spoke about if there was any way to tell their parents that they didn't need to be given away and instead letting them choose and find someone to marry. She tilted her head slightly, her mind running as he asked if she had any ideas. She didn't have many, if any if she was being honest. This was a hard thing to work around, especially for him. Where he was a prince, that might inevitable. She on the other hand could probably ask for more time, see if she could find someone. But ultimately she'd have to be married to somebody as much as she only wanted that to happen with one person.

tab Ivanna heaved a sigh and looked up at him as she spoke. " Hard to say. I know mother might give me some leeway, if I asked, but that would mean finding someone here to marry..." she bit her tongue and finished the thought in her mind. ...other than you, Ryker.' she genuinely didn't know if her mother would approve or even go to the king with such a suggestion if she brought it up. But first she'd have to ask Ryker how he felt and that just was an awkward conversation she did not want to have. Well, she did, but at the same time she didn't. She shook her head again to get out of her own mind. " For you it's a little different. You might be bound by more rules...more restrictions. I don't know if they would allow the option of you choosing unless you knew who you wanted to marry." she felt compelled to be honest with him, because if she could be honest with anyone, it would be Ryker. " Then again, depending on how things go here, there might be the want to create new alliances which wouldn't look good for either of us." she grimaced softly, looking to the side. She couldn't imagine being forced to marry into another royal family; or even worse a duke who she had to go live with. She didn't want to leave her kingdom, or her prince. She shrugged her shoulders and kept her gaze trained to the side, staring a hole in the wall. ' If I were to be asked to marry into a kingdom that was more upbeat and musical....that would be even worse. They'd expect her to fall in line and upbeat wasn't something she did all the time.'

tab Ivanna looked back over at Ryker. He seemed like he was finishing up and she smiled at him. " Don't let me keep you if you need to go, but we still should make a plan to meet and work out in the mornings. Let me show you how much stronger I've gotten." her powers had increased as well the older that she got, so she truly was the definition of 'stronger than she looks' because she knew that she was underestimated quite a bit, and it wouldn't stop here.

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Where they are: Workout Room
Who they are with: Ryker
What they're feeling: Annoyed, Discouraged, (somehow) Comfortable
What they're wearing: Work-out Gear


Shy Vampire

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Year 1 Sept. 9th to Sept. 20th Time Skip

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