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love me til death

Benevolent Flatterer

13,725 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:56 pm
Characters: Anika, Fane, Sverre
Prompt: Anika attempts to break into Fane's room thinking it's Syena's. How will he react to the break in? How will Sverre react to Fane having a random girl in his room on the first day?  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:10 pm
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As she walked through the men’s dormitory hallway, Anika was determined. Her fingers traced the doors as she walked by, singing the numbers as she passed by, ”112, 114, where are you 122…” She sang to herself, hauntingly. The feeling of the warm wood against her cold fingertips was exhilarating.

Anika had dreamt of this moment for years. She had hoped to encounter Syena during the war and had thought for years about what she would say or do. A swift kick to his precious jewels was tempting but not worth the embarrassment of leaving her for a princess seemingly unannounced in her eyes. The time had seemingly flown by with the war and she never had that chance, until now.

The duchess had hoped to see him during the day but had only managed to make contact with his new fiance. The girl was seemingly too perky, and a bit annoying; a downgrade in her eyes. In Anika’s eyes, it was clear this marriage was just about status; which made Syena’s decision even tackier. She had even offered to be friends with Anika, clearly too trusting. That kind of behavior would get kingdoms killed.

’There you are Syena…’ Anika thought to herself as her fingers laced over the number “122”. She didn’t have much time before the prince was likely to return. That is if he wasn’t already in there. The duchess put her ear to the door for a quick listen, she couldn’t hear a sound. Either the doors were incredibly thick or he wasn’t in the apartment yet. Anika jumped at the opportunity quickly taking out the supplies she had assembled to get into the room; a pin, a stack of playing cards, and matches. She hadn’t had any experience herself breaking into rooms but had seen others do it before and was sure the process was easy. She slid the playing card through the door and turned the door knob. Nothing. She attempted to swipe the card through the slot again, but nothing. Anika tried to use the pin to fit into the lock but it was too short to bend.

Anika let out a small groan, not quite ready to be defeated just yet. She looked both ways of the hallway, it was still seemingly empty. She walked as far back as she could and kicked the doorknob. ”OWWWW,", Anika cried out, rubbing her ankle, “YOU STUPID NO GOOD PRINCE, YOUR DOOR JUST BROKE MY FOOT!” She yelled out, no longer caring if anyone heard as the pain radiated from her foot to her ankle. ”Come out here right now you coward!” She cried out as she pounded on the door. She no longer cared if he was inside the room or not, she just wanted to feel heard.

OOC: Low roll after low roll. xd
Wearing: Rocking Red
Thoughts: Bite me you sick prince
Location: Outside Fane's room
With: No one

love me til death

Benevolent Flatterer

13,725 Points
  • Nerd 50
  • Wry Dealer 500
  • Medalist 100

Kumako Shock

Loyal Lover

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:00 pm
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                                        Today had been long. Between whatever he'd done with Sverre at the asscrack of dawn - Fane was still undecided if it was a confrontation or if they had been flirting despite spending several hours mulling over it - and the disaster of a dance class? He was pooped. It was with great effort he'd managed to extract himself from his bed after falling into it to write the much promised letter to his step mother. Despite what she used to think of him, apparently he'd somehow grow into the child she expected to actually send a letter if she asked. And he wasn't about to let her down.

                                        Not anymore at least.

                                        The soft scratching of his pen on paper was the only sound in his room as he relayed the day to the queen. Except, like, without the part where the wall had been destroyed and some girl had been bleeding and another one froze over... Okay so like maybe he wasn't writing down half of the events of the day that he had just witnessed. But it was for a good cause! If the queen had known what had really happened she would have had heart failure. He didn't want Addie to lose her mother too. At least, that was what he was telling himself as he moved on to asking her how things were in the palace and how she was adjusting to working without the help.

                                        At the sound of something distant that somehow sounded like it was coming from his lock, he lifted his head, confusion on his face. Then he heard a thump that definitely came from his doorknob, followed nearly immediately by a loud yowl in pain. He'd started to get up and investigate when a screech emanated from the other side of his door.

                                        “YOU STUPID NO GOOD PRINCE, YOUR DOOR JUST BROKE MY FOOT!”

                                        Who the <********> had he pissed off this time by simply existing? He took a moment, rooted in place going over the last 24 hours to try to find someone he could have possible offended but couldn't find the same voice anywhere as he shuffled quickly through his time. A new confusion settled over his face as he hesitantly placed his hand on the doorknob. He didn't have to open the door. Actually, he could sit right back down and finish his letter. Maybe if he did the stranger screaming through his door would go away and leave him alone and everything would be fine.

                                        Only he couldn't.

                                        They sounded hurt.

                                        Resigning himself, he twisted the knob and opened his door to find a woman a head shorter than him pounding at the air that used to be his door. Crumpled. In pain. Reaching down, he offered his hand to try and steady her with a concerned knit in his brow. "Are you alright miss? Did you, uh... fall into my door?" It was a stupid question. There was no way that what she had done was anything but deliberate with the pounding and screaming and discarded... was that a playing card? Finally pulling her up the best he could, he didn't want to bother checking to see how many people were in the hallway watching whatever this was unfold. In fact he could almost hear Sverre laughing at him. "Here, come sit down and we'll send for some ice."

                                        If he was stronger, he would have picked her up. The best he could manage was helping her hobble over to his bed and making sure the door behind them was firmly shut so voyeurs couldn't look on at the pair of them. Helping her sit as gently as he could, he shook his head looking at her heeled boots. "Hopefully getting off your feet feels a little better. And here-" He cut himself off, rubbing the back of his neck before kneeling down in front of where she sat on the bed. Taking her hurt foot into his hand, he unzipped the ankle before gingerly sliding the material down from her thigh. And then he realized where he was kneeling and what he was doing. Heat singed his cheeks, this wasn't a position he'd been in since... well, probably around 8 years ago. "We need to get this off to see how badly you hurt yourself." He added quietly, trying to explain himself.

                                        bedroom anika
PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:51 pm
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Was it really possible? The man she had envisioned all this time had been such a… disappointment? He was seemingly shy and confused which was fair considering he had no idea who she was. She had planned to introduce herself soon after she berated him but seeing him weak and taking care of her? It was a puzzle. She had not planned for this at all.

There were very few times that Anika was without words and this was one of them. She took the man’s hand and let him take her into his room. Her ankle barely hurt at this point, but, she was planning on milking this injury for all it was worth. She limped into his room, faking a small groan as she sat down.

She stopped herself from calling out as he grabbed her feet, remaining silent and taking it all in. Anika had always imagined Syena more confident and taller in her head. Seeing him so kind and gentle was stirring up a lot of mixed feelings for her. She didn’t know whether to yell at him, slap him or kiss him.

“Listen here you piece of s***. You can fake being nice to me all you want but I know the real you on the inside. You still abandoned me and embarrassed me and my family. Do you really think I can just forgive that?” She explained, taking off her boot and sock. “Just because I’m not some pretty little princess you think you can just step all over me, well think again.” She said, the last line feeling like velvet coming out of her mouth. She got closer to his face, noticing the tattoos and piercings covering his body. ‘He told me tattoos and piercings were for lazy self-hating street urchins.’ She scoffed. Despite all the anger and frustration, she couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

This couldn’t be Syena. She had built this moment in her head for years, she just needed to coat the real Syena out. She wasn't sure if she was more frustrated with her ex-fiance or herself at this point. She was starting to question why she had even come to this point. The war had some terrible effects on him, but, that didn't negate her feelings. She just wanted him to realize that he had hurt her pridefeelings.

Anika leaned in even closer, her breath tickling his neck, “Are you sure you’re that concerned about my “foot”? You’re such a hypocrite. Does this act normally work for you? I can smell the self-loathing and desperation.” She whispered in his ear huskily. She pulled back away from the side of his face and looked back into his pathetic sad eyes, "Admit it, seeing me now, you regret picking her over me. Don't you?" She challenged, aggressively grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards her, locking his lips with hers. Her ruby red lips pushed aggressively against his as if she was attacking his mouth.

OOC: redface
Wearing: Rocking Red
Thoughts: I don't know if I want to fight or F you so I am going with both.
Location: Fane's room
With: Fane

love me til death

Benevolent Flatterer

13,725 Points
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  • Wry Dealer 500
  • Medalist 100

Kumako Shock

Loyal Lover

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:21 pm
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                                        Something about the way she was looking at him radiated pity. Or disgust. Maybe even a little disappointment. Possibly even all three. It might not have been odd for someone to feel any or all of those things towards him, but he was also genuinely unsure of what he'd done to piss this particular girl off. And he must have, because she was ripping him a new one in a way that... Frankly, reminded him of Sverre. Everything she said was a slap to the face or a punch to the gut. Mainly because she was right about everything. Even down to his self loathing and desperation. Just not about doing it to her. "Wai-"

                                        Before he had time to process or protest any of it, her fist was balling up the collar of his shirt. And then she was kissing him. Far more aggressively that he would have expected. Granted, the bar was low. He hadn't been expecting to kiss anyone tonight. He also wasn't sure what to do with his hands. Yeah she'd started this, but it was still unclear exactly what she wanted him to do. Would it piss her off even further to cup the back of her neck and pull her into the kiss? Would it offend her not to? Not to mention the tiny voice in the back of his mind that he was absolutely terrible at listening to screaming that this was probably wrong and she hadn't meant to kiss him. Which was probably very true, but She wasn't exactly stopping kissing him either. Not that he thought it would make him any better at listening to the very smart part of his brain. Especially since it did feel nice. And it had been a long time. She clearly needed to blow off some steam based on everything that had just happened. <******** it.

                                        A flip switched inside of him, no longer content to take the back seat and let her just kiss him. Cupping her cheeks gently, he ran the pad of his thumb along her jawline before pushing his hands into her hair. He quickly gasped for air between kisses before going back to attack her mouth with the same ferocity that she had originally pushed on him, swiping his tongue on her lip to request entrance. As he did so, they were moving. He lifted her easily, making sure that he could move from his position to the floor to crawling on top of her without their mouths ever parting.

                                        They were still sitting up, and one of his hands had untangled itself from her hair to hold her up. It was not lost on him that one of his knees had come to rest between her legs as he had shuffled them into a position that had to be more comfortable for her. She'd been hunched over him to start, and how their positions were reversed and he was hunched over her. A small part of him wondered if she would prefer to be above him, but he was more concerned with giving her what she seemed to want from him right now. Something that he was slowly starting to realize he also wanted.

                                        Finally sucking on her lower lip one last time, he broke the kiss. Not so much for air, but to trail light kisses down her jawline and neck where he could nibble on the soft skin there. "Tell me what you need."
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:54 pm
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                                                      SVERRE ⏲ FALKER
                                                      DUKE OF CHRONOS

                                                      Today had been absolutely heavenly for Sverre. Sure, it'd started out like s**t and there'd been some property damage involved. But for the first time in a while, not a spec of it could be attributed to him. Not only that, but Sverre had met the first person in years to acknowledge his beauty properly. Sverre made sure to thank Charlene in-kind, and was on his way back to his quarters to retire for the evening. He'd even spotted Irene among the crowd, something he hadn't expected when he left on his moped to come here. While that did mean he was out one less backup plan should he find this school beneath his talents, Sverre was happy at least that he had one good chum around.

                                                      But another, shittier thought still lingered in the back of his head that wasn't as lovely. Something that totally sucked a**: Fane. During his morning rendezvous with the prince, Fane had mentioned Adelaide in passing to him and Sverre couldn't get it out of his head. He and the poor kid had been good friends. Well, as good of friends as someone could be with their boyfriend's gremlin of a kid sister. Still, he'd been with her for the many nights of the king's arrest and knew that she had been through a lot that day. Days? Either way, Sverre almost felt bad for never checking up on her during the years since. Worse off, she'd been left with just Fane around.

                                                      Kid's probably super ******** up now from that alone. I wouldn't wish torture like that upon my greatest enemies. Ugh, maybe I should hear him out about Addie.

                                                      Deciding to pay his prince a visit, Sverre heard a scream around the corner. Turning it to find Fane's door closed and no one outside, he figured whatever had gone on quite possibly continued into the prince's quarters. This...did not make Sverre go any faster. In fact, the duke even slowed his step down a bit. Feeling as though whatever that was wasn't his problem, the young man decided to take his time getting there. Once he did, however, he heard more sounds coming from inside the room. Putting his ear to the door, Sverre was able to sort out two distinct voices: Fane's and that of an unknown woman. But as quickly as he heard speaking, in a split second those sounds were placed with...other sounds. Carnal, love-making sounds.

                                                      I swear to god you'd better be fighting for your life in there, Calvino, because if not you're sure as hell about to be.

                                                      Finding the door unlocked, he swung it open to find himself watching Fane and some literal nobody making out on the prince's bed. While Sverre wasn't all too shocked, he was in fact more angry than he'd ever been in his entire life.

                                                      Stefan Calvino Jr. you absolute <******** MANWHORE! Missed me my a**!

                                                      Sverre caught himself before he said those words out loud. He was fuming, but he wouldn't let it show. No, Fane didn't get to ruin today for him. Never again. In fact, if that was how the prince wanted to play it than Sverre would play too. Knocking on the door he'd just opened, Sverre casually stepped into the room. "Sorry, am I interrupting something important?", Sverre asked as he took out his pocket watch to give it a fake glance.

                                                      "Oh heavens me, I didn't realize it was ********! So sorry, lovebirds!"

                                                      Closing the door behind him, he put his pocket watch away and sauntered his way further into the room. His words were writhe with sarcasm, but a keen ear would be able to recognize the indignation they were finely laced with. Plopping a seat right on the bed behind them, Sverre had five goals in mind now:

                                                      1. Make sure this poor sap kissing his prince knew what an even poorer sap Fane was.
                                                      2. Remind Fane of what a duplicitous slut he was being.
                                                      3. Free Space
                                                      4. Second Free Space, probably for a drink when he was done with whatever the ******** this was
                                                      5. Profit

                                                      "Buuuuut since I'm already here, I've gotta ask: could ya try to be a little more quiet when you're making sweet, hot love to one another? And Fane, isn't this like the third girl you've been with today? Make a choice already, will ya?"

                                                      As he continued to be a little s**t, Sverre brought his gaze away from his snake of a prince and to the poor young woman who fell pray to his charms.

                                                      "By the way, hotness, I am so sorry that you decided to settle on a loser like Fane over here. You can do so much better for yourself, trust me. Not me, of course, though I totally understand since I am the most handsome gentleman on campus. But don't worry, with moves like that I see brighter pastures in your future for sure!"

                                                      Location: Fane's bed
                                                      Company: Fane, Floozy


Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler

love me til death

Benevolent Flatterer

13,725 Points
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  • Wry Dealer 500
  • Medalist 100
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 3:40 pm
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Anika was surprised her actions were met with such a positive response. She let herself fall into kissing him as he pushed his lips back against hers. It was so easy and gentle that she had almost forgotten how mad she had been in the first place. Almost. It was easier to channel her feelings this way instead of thinking about how she felt. She could let him think he was using her but in reality, she was the user. Still, she couldn’t let him believe he had won that easily, no matter how sweet his lips made her feel as he pressed them against her neck.

“None of this means that I forgive you.” She said with a fierce moan as she started trailing bite marks down his neck. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her to the bedroom, fully ready for what he was going to do to her. Anika pulled him to be on top of her, his leg resting in between her thighs.

"Tell me what you need."

She froze for a split moment, her initial response was to say “Tell me you still care about me.” but she knew that was weak. And despite the crude remarks from her dance partner in the early morning, she was anything but. Anika gave a seductive smirk. She had him exactly where she wanted him. She fumbled greedily for his belt buckle, fingers trembling in anticipation. ”What I need is for you to have a spine. You have to have some use af-.”her thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door opening as she hastily pulled the belt through the loops.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something important?"

Her instinct was to say yes but she was still processing the compromising position she was in. She hit the long-haired man on top of her a few times indicating for him to get off of her and he quickly abided. ’What a good little dog.’ She thought as she sat up and patted her hair down. She gave the intruder a confused look as he went on to tease the interaction between the two of them. Anika gave the man a once-over as he spoke. He was more confident than the man she was with now. It was more how she originally imagined Syena to speak. But why was he addressing her prince as “Fane”? Was it some childish nickname Syena had never told her about? The intruder wasn’t making any sense.

"Buuuuut since I'm already here, I've gotta ask: could ya try to be a little more quiet when you're making sweet, hot love to one another? And Fane, isn't this like the third girl you've been with today? Make a choice already, will ya?"

Anika gave the man she had just made out with a confused look. Was there more to this ball of nerves than she realized? She was determined to find out, that is if this deranged psycho ever left. There was clearly more to the story than what this stranger was willing to share for the time being. But maybe the duchess could use this man’s pain to her gain once more. If he really was important to Syena, what better way to mess with his head?

"By the way, hotness, I am so sorry that you decided to settle on a loser like Fane over here. You can do so much better for yourself, trust me. Not me, of course, though I totally understand since I am the most handsome gentleman on campus. But don't worry, with moves like that I see brighter pastures in your future for sure!"

Anika gave a confident smirk and a small clap, ”Are you done? I appreciate how much you care about my standards, but don’t you think if I was here to begin with that would show I’m scrapping at the bottom of the barrel.” she started to explain as she straightened herself up, grabbing the belt and folding it over. She walked over to Sverre, looking him over as if she was ready to devour him, ”I just am trying to have a good time, wouldn’t you like to help me?” she said cracking the belt and pouting her lip. She got close, letting go of the belt in one hand, letting it fall to the floor, and putting it on one of his straps gripping it tightly and whispered in the man’s ear, ”Show us how much better of a man you are.”

OOC: redface
Wearing: Rocking Red
Thoughts: Let's take a ride~
Location: Fane's room
With: Syena and Intruder
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:30 am
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                                        "Sorry, am I interrupting something important?"

                                        At the new voice in the room Fane's nibbles and kisses stopped on... Well, he actually didn't know her name. Had she said? If it wasn't for the fact that he was still pressed against her he'd be flickering through the last twenty minutes to find out. But right now he was letting out a shaky breath onto her neck, wondering if his fantasies were becoming more real by the day. It would make sense, it had been two thousand one hundred and ninety seven days since they had last seen each other. Apparently that was long enough for him to start hearing people who weren't there. How much longer until he was seeing a phantom of his lost love?

                                        Only the bed next to them dipped with the weight of someone. And the woman under him was pounding at his chest for him to get off. He was not the sort to continue when someone told him to stop, so he gently untangled himself from her. He kept his gaze away, unsure if he was ready to believe that Sverre had come to his room on his own. They were talking, Sverre and the girl, but Fane couldn't seem to hear a word they were saying. At least he couldn't until he heard his belt crack. With how fast his head whipped to Anika murmuring in Sverre's ear, it was a miracle that he didn't get whiplash. He was here.

                                        He was here.

                                        Crawling forward - the act made more of a pain in the a** by the fact that his belt was no longer keeping his pants in place - Fane placed his palm on the other man's cheek. As he ran his thumb over the other man's lower lip, he felt the last remaining tether of self control in him snap. If his kiss with the woman had been ferocious, the way he captured Sverre's mouth was bruising. He'd been going with the flow when he kissed her, but now he was filled with an all encompassing need. With the way the three of them were positioned - Sverre sitting, the woman standing over him, and Fane kneeling beside Sverre - he'd had to pull his love's face to the side at an awkward angle to have him. But that didn't seem to stop Fane from lavishing him with rough, wanton kisses. Biting Sverre' lip, Fane took the opportunity to deepen the kiss at his reaction. It took him several minutes longer than it should have to remember they weren't alone.

                                        Breaking the kiss, Fane pulled himself behind Sverre to bite his neck and make eye contact with the woman before him. He didn't know what kingdom she was from, but that didn't stop him from loudly and repeatedly screaming "thank you" to her in his mind. With any luck, she would understand what he was trying to convey to her. He'd never really believed in the gods, but if this had been their will then it might be time to start considering it. He gave her a small, devilish smile before deciding to assist her in swaying his love into agreeing to her proposal.

                                        Licking up Sverre's neck to the shell of his ear, he sucked on the lobe for a moment before whispering to the other man. "Well, Sverre?" His voice was all gravel as his hands slipped to the buttons of Sverre's shirt, popping them open one by one to give the woman a show. When he finished unbuttoning the shirt, his hands moved to the button of his pants and fussed with it. His mind was hazy and he couldn't seem to remember that the suspenders Sverre was wearing were in his ******** way and he couldn't just unwrap the other man like a present until they were gone. "Won't you stay and show her how good you are?"

                                        bedroom anika & sverre

Kumako Shock

Loyal Lover

Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:53 pm
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                                                      SVERRE ⏲ FALKER
                                                      DUKE OF CHRONOS

                                                      ”Are you done? I appreciate how much you care about my standards, but don’t you think if I was here to begin with that would show I’m scrapping at the bottom of the barrel.”

                                                      Sverre couldn't help but snicker at this mystery woman's comment, finding her fiery attitude to be quite amusing. He hadn't expected the woman who'd been so unfortunately stuck making out with his failure of a prince to be so quick to comment on how utterly lacking Fane was, but Sverre understood the sentiment. By his biased completely and utterly unbiased recollection, his prince was never that passionate of a kisser. Sverre had always been the one to take the lead on things, and had always been better at the job.

                                                      The raven-haired mystery woman was hot and clearly knew it, cracking Fane's belt like a ring master's whip as she eased her way over to him. Her hips were hypnotic, and it was clear to Sverre that this was a woman who knew exactly how to demand attention. And by all accounts, it was most certainly working. With each click of her boots against the floor, Sverre's heart rate was going increasingly aflutter. And as she lowered herself down to grip his suspenders with what Sverre saw as a clear need for proper satisfaction, the young man couldn't help but be mesmerized by the absolute beauty of a woman now close enough to exchange warmth with him.

                                                      ”Show us how much better of a man you are.”

                                                      "Well with a pitch like that, it almost feels less gentlemanly to say no. Just try not to fall too far in love, okay beautiful?"

                                                      He placed a singular hand on the woman's face to pull her into him, the other tracing its way down to her hips. There were hourglasses and there was her figure, and the latter was making even the finest of artisan Chronosian works look like simple cubes by comparison. But as he drew himself to her, their lips so close to meeting, he was pushed away by the other individual sharing the bed with them. As Fane traced a delicate thumb across Sverre's lips, the duke couldn't help but smirk at this turn of events.

                                                      "Aww, is the not-servant-boy getting a little jeal-"

                                                      Sverre's words were swiftly cut off like a knife through butter as Fane hungrily took first dibs on the duke of time's mouth. The young man's first thoughts were to protest, to back himself up and bang on Fane's chest and demand he get himself and his delicious lips off of him that instant. How dare this duplicitous slut go after him like this, Sverre thought. He'd been right there all those years ago, utterly smitten with Fane. Willing to accept the lies the prince had told him and move forward together. Willing to be in love. But now, so many years after betraying that love, now he had the nerve to lust after Sverre again? Yapping about how he missed Sverre was one thing, but this was a new low.

                                                      Or at least, that was what Sverre was trying to force himself to think.

                                                      But instead of that, it was like he'd been transported to back then. His heart raced with excitement even as he screamed internally for it not to, and he found his hands instinctively exploring the sexy piece of man that was his ex-lover. That being said, things weren't exactly as they once were. Fane was going at Sverre like a man who'd been stranded in the desert for days having finally found water, the duke of time's mind ablaze by the prince's newfound ferocity. Being so accustomed to being the one who took charge in their prior relationship, Fane's savage lust came as a shock. Sverre wanted to push back at first, take back the lead, but instead found himself helplessly becoming enamored by his prince's newfound aggression.

                                                      Damn ******** right you've missed me, you ******** idiot...

                                                      That was all Sverre could think of while sounds of his passion filled the room, a single heartache-born tear trickling its way down his cheek as he desperately clung to his king of quartz.

                                                      Despite it all, there was a part of Sverre that always wanted this. For Fane to apologize to him for making him feel like a side piece, for him to beg Sverre for forgiveness. And while the prince hadn't said any of that yet with his words, his lips and tongue were doing wonders at communicating his wanton desire for reconciliation. As Fane broke their kiss, Sverre was left panting from how many times his heart had skipped a beat.

                                                      "Well, Sverre?"

                                                      Having gotten so caught up in the moment, it took a second for Fane's words to register in Sverre's head. As he began to find his bearings, his prince began unbuttoning the duke's shirt to reveal to the mystery woman the most glorious torso in all of Utopia. Sverre had been so lost in their rekindled passion for one another that he'd almost forgotten she was there.

                                                      "Won't you stay and show her how good you are?"

                                                      While still catching his breath, Sverre's expression changed sweet and desperate affection to a lustful smirk. "With pleasure", the now topless duke said as he brought himself back to the raven-haired beauty beside him. Like a moped going at full throttle, his hands quickly recovered lost ground as he pulled her into a kiss. Shuffling his position a bit, one of his hands gently tracing the beautiful woman's cheek as their lips finally made contact with one another. The other found its resting spot gripping her lower hip with greater need than before, having grown rather fond of her generous curves. Furthermore, by her shapeliness alone Sverre was sure that a certain attribute of this unknown knockout would likely be much more bountiful than that of his boyfriend.

                                                      Sverre was certain that his actions these past few moments would put his gentleman status into question, but he didn't care. He had the opportunity to enjoy the company of two of the hottest people he'd ever met, how could he pass that up?

                                                      Location: Fane's bed
                                                      Company: Fane, Floozy
                                                      OOC: I do not know how to write hoo haa time, gomenasorry y'all

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:10 pm
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The past few moments had been a lot to take in for Anika. She was about 80 percent sure neither of these attractive men was her ex-fiance but she didn’t care. She watched the man she was sure was Syena, aggressively and passionately take the intruder and attack his lips with more force than her kiss with Syena previously. Watching them made her urn for her chance to engage more with the two and not be left out. She found herself sitting beside the stranger as she tried not to drop her jaw at the intensity between the two.

The blue-haired stranger started unbuttoning his top and she liked what she saw underneath. Normally she would try and focus harder on the dynamic between the two males but there would be time for thinking later. Now was a time for her to act. She started removing her jacket slowly as she took in the moment happening before her, the temptation to start unbuttoning the buttons herself increasing.

She still had the thick leather belt in her hands, previously she had considered the option of tying Syena to the bed while she and the stranger had their fun but with the way things were unfolding, it seemed like that would have to wait for later. She let go of the belt, fully removing her jacket as she felt someone’s lips crush against hers. Her eyes opened with shock for a moment as she felt the blue-haired stranger’s lips press against hers in a pressing manner.

He didn’t feel as desperate for affection as Syena did before but still, she pushed her lips against his, matching his energy. His lips felt soft as they continued to explore each other’s mouths. She felt a slight chill as one of his hands touched her cheek and the other gripped her waist. Anika felt herself fall more into the kiss and the passion, moving one of her hands to the back of his neck and the other behind her to support herself. Her nails lightly pressed into the nape of his neck as they continued to move back and forth.

Anika gasped for air, coming out of the intensity, and looked over at Syena. It seemed like she had been so wrong about her ideas of the prince looking at his saddened eyes. She almost pitied him, if he didn’t piss her off so much. ”Come on, you have some use, don’t you?” The duchess said before starting to make a trail down the raven-haired man’s neck with her lips.

OOC: redface I feel so out of my element. I hope this is okay heart
Wearing: Rocking Red
Thoughts: Let's take a ride~
Location: Fane's bed
With: Syena and Intruder

love me til death

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