All of the same rules from the main thread still apply, however please also observe the following additional rules:

      Please use the appropriate sub-forum for the time period where the interaction takes place. This way we can more easily keep track of when things between characters happened and reference them in the main thread! I will automatically add in new sub-forums with every time skip that is over 2 days. At this time I have not decided exactly how sub-forums will be labeled, but I will come back and update this post to clarify further once the first subforum aside from the Pre-Utopia sub-forum is created.

      The main focus of this guild will for small groups or 1x1 mini-rps that help flesh out relationships between timeskips. It can also be used to help flesh out the pre-Utopia relationships between siblings, friends, or lovers. Everyone is welcome to join in, however the guild is not mandatory to participate in Utopia. This is for side interactions only.

      With this wonderful group I don't feel I really need to say this, but please do not post in a thread that your character is not a part of. Everyone can have a thread and if you want to get with someone to see what their character does, please just reach out and see if they would like to roleplay it out with you. Butting into an ongoing interaction is just rude, and we are better than that.

      As always, I am able to add additional rules as needed and will notify everyone if new rules have been added.