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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:11 pm
  ◢ ASPHODEL VARHESTblue carnal love
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AGE : Ageless ▌GENDER : female ▌SEXUALITY : aromantic asexual ▌
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:43 pm
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      User Image
         ♕ NAME : Asphodel Varhest
         ♕ NICKNAME : Del is her official nickname, but she'll answer to anything that isn't outright offensive
         ♕ AGE : Unknown
         ♕ GENDER : Female
         ♕ SEXUALITY : Aromantic Asexual
         ♕ SERIES : Voltron {OC}
         ♕ HOMEWORLD : Quantum Abyss

         ♕ HEIGHT : 7'0" / 213 cm
         ♕ WEIGHT : 300 lbs / 136 kg
         ♕ EYE COLOR : Ice Blue
         ♕ HAIR COLOR : Purple {various}
         ♕ DISTINGUISHING FEATURES : A snowflake star on her forehead and a splattering of stars on her legs and shoulders.

blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:17 pm
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      User Image
          IN DEPTHxxx
         ♕ LIKES 
              ▌Nimna Varhest

         ♕ DISLIKES 
              ▌Pickles & Citrus
              ▌Loud & Obnoxious Behavior
              ▌Small Children

         ♕ FEARS 
              ▌Nimna getting hurt or killed
              ▌She is always on edge when around small children as they are rowdy and so easy to hurt with her size

         ♕ PERSONALITY 
              First and foremost, Asphodel is loyal. She is unconditionally loyal to Nimna, willing to do anything and everything she asks her to do, but is also willing to act in her best interest when what she wants and what she needs become two separate things. She also shows loyalty to the Organization, but is more or less tolerant of the other members; as long as Nimna works with them or until they hurt her, she'll show them loyalty. Another trait of hers is her intelligence, which is common among her species. Asphodel is capable of the same complex thinking as people are, if not more complex at times, and has proven to be an excellent problem solver and strategist. She's observant, often taking in and storing even the smallest of details, and has an unwavering patience; a combination that sometimes accumulates in the somewhat creepy habit of sitting perfect still for hours on end just watching and learning. Her intelligence makes her a quick learner as well, though she's strangely incapable of learning sign language and Morse Code.

              While she has a professional and serious demeanor when necessary, Asphodel is actually an individual that likes to spend her free time napping or keeping herself entertained and stimulated by playing games or going hunting. She's mostly independent and self-sufficient, able to take care of herself just fine, but she would much rather be around others than be alone. She has spent a very large chunk of her life alone before meeting Larkspur and it's not something she wants again. Asphodel would ideally prefer to stay with Nimna at all times, but when she can't, she's content to follow others around headquarters. She's selective with her affection, preferring to give it to those she's genuinely attached to, but Asphodel isn't one to turn down affection from others and she's happy to be a "dog" for the group.

         ♕ BIOGRAPHY 
              Asphodel's story begins in the Quantum Abyss, a section of the universe where dense neutron stars, even larger dark stars and black holes interact in a way that violates the laws of physics and causes shifts in space time. It's a chaotic, ever-changing environment and this chaos is where she was born and grew. For the majority of her life, Asphodel was alone; she is certain she had a family at one point, but perhaps she was too young to remember them when they disappeared or the Quantum Abyss made her forget. Whatever the reason, she spent a very long time on her own surviving in the dangerous landscape of her homeland before one day, she met Larkspur. To this day, she never learned what Larkspur was doing in the Quantum Abyss, but Asphodel also does not care. To her, the result is all that matters now and the result of their first encounter was an enriching and lifelong friendship. They traveled the stars together for many years until eventually, Larkspur had to return to her homeland.

              Asphodel followed her. She didn't need to, and Larkspur even encouraged her to not give up their journey, but Asphodel never cared for the discoveries they would make or the destinations they set in mind. To her, all that mattered was that she remained with Larkspur. Whether that was exploring the vast expanse of the universe or within the borders of a single world was irrelevant. It was all the same to the ancient wolf. She didn't care about staying in place and she wasn't burdened with the task of helping Scala ad Caelum. In fact, she was happy to do what she could and when all was said and done, she was happy to live there peacefully. She was happy to watch Scala ad Caelum grow. It was a good life; not as adventurous as their travels, but not dull, and the sense of community the world gave was perhaps one of the greatest treasures Asphodel could've found.

              That did not stop her from mourning Larkspur's death. In another life, maybe she would've left Scala ad Caelum to return to the Quantum Abyss or perhaps she would have chosen to follow her dearest friend, but that is not the course of action Asphodel took in this life. Larkspur left her with the task of watching over her family and, being the loyal companion she is, she has kept to the silent promise she made that day. Asphodel can't ever tell you how long it has been; she can't ever tell you how long she was with Larkspur or her descendants either. To her, an entity that was born and spent a significant portion of her life within the Quantum Abyss, time is warped for her. What may be mere moments for others could be years for her. So, she has no grasp on just how dedicated she's been to this task. What she can tell you is that each descendant received the same love and loyalty she gave to Larkspur. She stayed with them dutifully throughout their lives, a constant companion in the Varhest family that will likely outlive the bloodline itself, and Asphodel has cherished each and every one of them.

              This loyalty to her friend's family led her to watching their history. A silent witness to many things: the rise and fall of Scala ad Caelum, the beginnings of a generational obsession, and the dwindling of the Varhest family until only Nimna remained. Asphodel never understood what it was Nimna's family was trying to do; the specifics were lost on her even when someone would try to explain it to her. What she does know is that 1) it is important to Nimna and her family and 2) it is deadly. At least, that is her understanding of it after the death of Nimna's mother. She thinks she is dead anyway; like Nimna, Asphodel has no memory of the event. Not because she genuinely can't remember, but because she was not there to witness it. Nimna was all she found when she felt it appropriate to check on them. The last of Larkspur's bloodline.

              Asphodel's last little treasure.

              Nimna, however, was not the same after whatever it was that killed her mother. Regardless, Asphodel never left her. She remained as she always has, acting as a source of stability and a constant companion for Nimna through her newfound emotional volatility. Eventually, Nimna set them out on a journey to the Keyblade Graveyard where, perhaps not entirely out of pure happenstance, they encountered the Organization. The stranger that would become their commander spun a story that sounded like a tall tale, but Asphodel has been across the universe. Nothing is truly impossible. Nimna, and consequentially Asphodel, agreed to follow this stranger on their quest for these mysterious crystals. While she is certain these are not the miracles they are being advertised as, Asphodel still dedicates herself to the cause; after all, Nimna has made her wishes clear and, good or bad, the wolf will follow her.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:26 pm
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      User Image
         ♕ WEAPON : Natural Assets; Teeth and Claws
              N/A : ---
              N/A : ---

         ♕ WEAPON : Claymore; Wolf's Bane
              Dormant State : Wolf's Bane was made by mixing luxite, the same metal used to make the weapons used by the Blade of Marmora, found in the Quantum Abyss. As such, when not in use, Wolf's Bane enters its dormant state. In this state, it takes the form of a short sword and is sheathed on a harness.
              N/A : ---

         ♕ SKILLS 
              Combative Arts : Asphodel is trained in combat. She's exceptionally skilled at brute force attacks, combining her teleportation with her weight and, sometimes, her weapon.
              Blade Combat : While she doesn't necessarily need it due to her natural assets and abilities, Asphodel was taught to use a blade.
              Problem Solving : As an intelligent creature, she is more than capable of finding solutions to problems she may face. She's skilled at locating traps and deactivating them, can think of strategies almost on the spot, and has the innate ability to organize teams that would work well together.
              Stealth : Despite her size and bright coloring, Asphodel is a master of stealth. She can move quickly and quietly without disturbing her environment and is incredibly patient, allowing her to stay in waiting for hours before she makes a move.
              Omnilingual : Asphodel is able to naturally understand any language she comes across. Thanks to the talkbox made by Nimna, she is also able to speak any language.
              Quintessence : Asphodel had been directly exposed to pure quintessence every day up until she met Larkspur. Because of this, there are several benefits to it. Her lifespan is unknowable and she is incredibly strong; much stronger than others of her kind. Furthermore, she has an unnatural healing factor.
              Teleportation : A natural ability of the Cosmic Wolf. She's able to teleport herself and others to different locations at will. This allows her to teleport directly to worlds, but only if she's visited the world physically at least once. When she performs a teleport, Asphodel leaves behind a scattering of lavender particles in her last location.
              Advanced Sense : Her senses are extraordinary, with her hearing and sight being her strongest. Her sight is so strong that she's able to see clearly in the dark and her hearing allows her to pick up the faintest of sounds from miles away.
              Color Change : Asphodel is able to change the shades and tones of her fur. She can't go beyond the purple spectrum, but she can change her fur to any shade of purple she wants or needs.
              Bioluminescence : Her ruff, tail, and the star splatter patterns are able to illuminate, allowing her to be a source of light in dark places when needed.

blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:36 pm
    User Image
      User Image
         ♕ VOICE : Ratana
         ♕ THEME SONG : Starlight , Die For You
         ♕ CRUSH : Larkspur † {Platonic Life Mate}
         ♕ EXTRAS 
              ▌Asphodel's full look. The bright bits are the parts of her that glow.
              ▌The decision to make an animal the Organization's second-in-command was an odd one for sure, but out of her and Nimna, Asphodel was the most logical choice. Nimna's stubbornness and one-track mind as well as her emotional instability and introversion were not ideal qualities. Asphodel simply met the standards.
              ▌If she can find a partner, she will absolutely play a game. While she enjoys typical "dog" games like fetch and tug of war, she is capable of complex games such as chess. The more complex the game, the more enjoyable it is.
              ▌Hunting. Whether practice or actual sport, she loves to hunt.
              ▌Despite her intelligence, she has the habit of categorizing others as "not-wolves". She knows about different species and is capable of understanding the differences, but it's a habit from her puppyhood she hasn't lost.
              ▌Has a "pet" rat that hides in her ruff or the thick fur of her tail. It used to be an annoyance, but now she's used to it and even goes out of her way to collect food for it. Doesn't have a name for it, so it is referred to as Rat.
              ▌Though not all that affectionate, even she enjoys a belly rub every once in a while. She also likes baths and to be brushed.
              ▌Often gets mildly uncomfortable in the presence of creatures larger than her. It's not a fear and she won't become immediately aggressive, but if she can avoid them, she will.
              ▌She has a custom-fitted black coat so she can travel safely through the Corridors of Darkness, either on her own or with a member of the Organization.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:33 am
tab tab tab tab tab tab ╳ 『ASPHODEL』◢ ▒【VARHEST
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        __________________________________________________ _ _ _ _

                tab tab tab ORGANIZATION XIII

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                ███▌pharaoh fuad NUMBER I
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { OFFSHOOT That Taisho Guy
                blurp about the character

                User Image
                ███▌nimna varhest NUMBER III
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { FIRE Fangs of the Father
                The last of Larkspur's bloodline and Asphodel's best friend. There is nothing she cares more about than Nimna and there is nothing she wouldn't do for her.

                User Image
                ███▌name NUMBER IV
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { POWER user
                blurp about the character

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                ███▌genevieve stanton NUMBER V
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { DATAKINESIS Fangs of the Father
                blurp about the character

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                ███▌name NUMBER VI
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { POWER user
                blurp about the character

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                ███▌jinx hallow NUMBER VII
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { NECROMANCY Femme Mantis
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                ███▌name NUMBER VIII
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { POWER user
                blurp about the character

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                ███▌name NUMBER IX
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                ███▌name NUMBER X
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { POWER user
                blurp about the character

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                ███▌xliana NUMBER XI
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { PLANT MANIPULATION Trafalgar Hoshi
                blurp about the character

                User Image
                ███▌name NUMBER XII
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { POWER user
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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:37 am
tab tab tab tab tab tab ╳ 『ASPHODEL』◢ ▒【VARHEST
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tab tab ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇
        __________________________________________________ _ _ _ _

                tab tab tab CRYSTAL HEARTS

                User Image
                ███▌rina kana BLUE SEASHELL CRYSTAL PRINCESS
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { UMI KINGDOM Trafalgar Hoshi
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                User Image
                ███▌shōichi kabuki PRISMATIC WING CRYSTAL PRINCE
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { MUGEN FUNE That Taisho Guy
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                User Image
                ███▌olivine fallen ORANGE HEART CRYSTAL PRINCESS
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { THE SURFACE Femme Mantis
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                ███▌name CRYSTAL
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { STATUS user
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                ███▌name CRYSTAL
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { STATUS user
                blurp about the character

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                ███▌name CRYSTAL
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { STATUS user
                blurp about the character

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                ███▌monica himataru STARCRYSTAL PRINCESS
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { EARTH SecretSinner91
                blurp about the character
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:38 am
tab tab tab tab tab tab ╳ 『ASPHODEL』◢ ▒【VARHEST
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                tab tab tab KEYBLADE WIELDERS

                User Image
                ███▌rika mayu ADVENTURER'S BADGE
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { PALDEA Trafalgar Hoshi
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                User Image
                ███▌name KEYBLADE
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { WORLD user
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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

10,625 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:47 pm
tab tab tab tab tab tab ╳ 『ASPHODEL』◢ ▒【VARHEST
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tab tab ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇
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                tab tab tab NON-KEYBLADE WIELDERS

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                ███▌ankoko raguna TERROR OF TETHE'ALLA
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { ASELIA blue carnal love
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                ███▌demidevimon DIGIMON PARTNER
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { DIGITAL WORLD PhobosEscanor
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                ███▌rubi THE 'BLOODY DIAMOND'
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { NEW WORLD Femme Mantis
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                User Image
                ███▌name ROLE
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { WORLD user
                blurp about the character
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:10 pm
tab tab tab tab tab tab ╳ 『ASPHODEL』◢ ▒【VARHEST
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tab tab ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇
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                tab tab tab CANONS

                User Image
                ███▌sora KINGDOM HEARTS
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { DESTINY ISLANDS Trafalgar Hoshi
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                User Image
                ███▌roxas KINGDOM HEARTS
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { TWILIGHT TOWN I_Survivcd
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                User Image
                ███▌buggy ONE PIECE
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { NEW WORLD Trafalgar Hoshi
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                User Image
                ███▌mithos yggdrasill TALES OF SYMPHONIA
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { ASELIA Fangs of the Father
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                ███▌itto arataki GENSHIN IMPACT
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { TEYVAT blue carnal love
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                ███▌sunny day jack SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH SUNNY DAY JACK
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { EARTH Femme Mantis
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                ███▌kyōjurō rengoku DEMON SLAYER
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { TAISHŌ PERIOD JAPAN blue carnal love
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                ███▌mikado sannoji SUPER DANGAN RONPA ANOTHER 2
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { EARTH Femme Mantis
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                ███▌aldo ANOTHER EDEN
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { MIGLENIA the house gremlin
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                ███▌atem YU-GI-OH! DUEL MONSTERS
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { PHARAOH'S AFTERLIFE That Taisho Guy
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                ███▌tsunayoshi sawada KATEKYO HITMAN REBORN!
                tab ▶ ━━━━━━━━ ♚ { TRI-NI-SETTE the house gremlin
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                ███▌name SERIES
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blue carnal love

Daring Galaxy

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