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He didn’t know how much time had passed since he had been back in the Stormborn lands. He had been out on a very lengthy raid, and he didn’t realize how much he missed home until he was stepping back into it. He felt the soft rain against his back as he walked and let out a disgruntled gruff. He liked the rain. The cold feel of it helped him know he was alive. Helped him to know he was still breathing. A part of him wondered just how long he was going to keep on breathing. How many more close calls he was going to have and how many more wounds he was going to have inflicted upon him. Either way he did not fear death. He never would for that matter.

As he continued further into the lands, he stopped to take a drink from a stream he happened upon before continuing onward. He saw other lions about either training or going about their daily lives. He wanted a song or daughter to train. A strong brood that could be able to make him proud. It was something he wanted greatly. However, he was in no rush. He wanted the best and he was going to get just that. No matter how long it took.

Today seemed like a good day to maybe talk or train someone. Even though he had just returned he didn’t want to rest. He wanted to continue performing his duty as much as he could. The mud created from the rain would be a good obstacle. He looked around for someone that might occupy his time narrowing his eyes on one female.

“You come here.” His voice was hoarse and deep wondering if she would listen to him.

Das Tor
No rush! Figured I would start it now while I had the time.