1 ) I want this to be a political free zone. If you are homophobic, racist, discriminatory over someone's sexuality or how they identify themselves...I will ban you from my guild. I am not a fan of forcing your views down someone's throat. Everyone is different, but that doesn't make them any less special than you.

2 ) Keep cussing to a minimum. Your character can cuss, just do not make every other word a swear word. Absolutely no cussing at another member! I don't want a hostile environment here, if you have a disagreement, take care of that in PM's. If someone asks you to tone down at the cursing, please listen to their request. If it is causing problems, please give me or one of the crew a holler so we take care of the situation with an objective view.

3 ) If your characters get hot and heavy, try to keep it PG13, anything else needs to be done in PM's. I don't want the guild to be banned.

4 ) Please be active! If you can't post for some reason, please tell your RP partner, if you can. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, please post your reason in the "Absences" post (It can be something as simple as "Going away for personal reasons. May be away 1 or 2 weeks). If not, you will be deleted! I plan to do activity checks at least once or twice a month.

5 ) Follow Gaia's TOS

6 ) No text talk please. Please don't use -, * or ~ when performing an action. Make it into a sentence. Be at least semi-literate, no one-liners. If you can, please put a picture of your character in each post so it is known what they look like. When interacting, a post should have have at least
200 words. This is roughly around 5-6 sentences. Should we see anyone going under this limit, a warning will be administered. If it is done again, then a strike will be issued.

7 ) Please please please communicate with people you are rping with. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to make sure you have proper communication. I don't want situations where there is a fight and people leave the guild because you failed to ask their permission to do something to their character. That means: No killing another character unless you have the owner's permission.

8 ) No godmodding! That is pretty much self explanatory. Don't god mod with your character. Stick to the abilities you had already listed and keep your character's ranking in mind.

That is all! Thanks for reading!