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Azazel Baleel

"If you can't live life to the fullest because you are making excuses, then you already gave up."


xxxAxxxxx█ Haemon
xxxxixxxx█ 29
xxxxxxxxi█ Male
xxxnxxxxx█ 6'3", 195 lbs
xxxxxxxxx█ Pansexual
xxxxxxxxx█ Homicide Detective

xxxxxxxxx█ Azazel is seen to be a determined character who is bold in his actions, doesn't fall for bullshit, and will do what he has to to get the bad guy in the end. He can be a serious person who wants to focus on doing his job right, so he can sometimes have a little trouble winding down, but he is a nice person at heart. Just a little headstrong and determined. Sometimes he can forget that the job isn't always what comes first, so he may need a reminder to take care of himself from time-to-time. He doesn't want to fail, because people's lives could be on the line. He took an oath to protect people, and he wants to uphold to that oath.

On top of that, he holds great admiration for heroes that aren't afraid to take the plunge into danger and face it head on. He wants to be more like the heroes who aren't afraid to push forward and fight for what is right. If he were to ever meet one in person, he would ask to shake their hand. He can kind of be a bit of a big fan of them. He really thinks highly of the heroes and their bravery, even with him being one as well.

xxxxxxxxxBlood Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings, whether it be from blood-banks, hospitals, or battlefields.

-Blood Pressure Manipulation/Neurocognitive Deficit/Blood Solidification: He is able to manipulate the pressure and flow of his and another's blood. He can either cut off the flow of your blood to major organs, or rush it all to the organ at once to flood it. He has to be within 10 ft of the person to do this, and excessive use can even cause him to start repeating the own move onto himself at the same time. This also allows him to cut his hand and draw out blood from his or another body and use it as a weapon by hardening the blood. However, this leads to him becoming anemic and losing the very blood that he took out. After it has been hardened, it cannot be used any longer inside a body.

-Blood cleanse: This allows him to draw out any tainted blood from one's body, such as blood infected with a venom or poison. He is able to draw out enough of the venom/poison for a healer to take care of the rest. However, if the poison has already reached an organ, it can be near impossible to draw it out then.

-Blood Acidity Alteration: he is able to control the acidity of his own blood when using it as a liquid weapon. It can either be regular blood, or as volatile as hydrochloric acid. Of course, his own body is not weak to this acid and it can hurt him just as bad if he doesn't change the acidity before or after it hits him. The blood cannot be returned to his body if it is contaminated, so he poses a risk of blood lost and anemia.

xxxx-Other weakness: He is only able to draw the blood of a person, and not an animal, he cannot change the nature of a blood type to fit another for transfusions, he cannot create blood from thin air and has to use a source, even himself and he can't increase the level of blood a person has, just manipulate what is already there.

xxxxxxxxx█ Coffee in the morning
xxxxxxxxx█ Giant stacks of delicious strawberry pancakes
xxxxxxxxx█ Hot hot showers that make him feel squeaky clean
xxxxxxxxx█ Loyalty to the job you swore yourself to
xxxxxxxxx█ Family dinners
xxxxxxxxx█ Lying to those he loves
xxxxxxxxx█ Traitors to the oath(Dirty Cops)
xxxxxxxxx█ Deaths of the innocent
xxxxxxxxx█ When birds s**t on his car RIGHT AFTER HE WASHES IT
xxxxxxxxx█ Super windy days that blow his files out of his hands.

xxxxxxxxx█ To be revealed at a later time.
xxxxxxxxx█ Azazel has tattoos along his shoulders and arms that stop at his biceps like short sleeves and stop on his shoulder blades in the back . These are markings of his family.

Faceclaim: Victor from Mr.Love dating game

xxxxxxxxxBook 4 Ending