Guild Forum Rules

-No harassing other partons or crew members
-Please do not spam the certing thread. Remind me via PM if you have too.
-Please do not spam Customs/Breeding threads, it's understandable if there's a bit of talk or concern within; that's between the colorist and the customer.
-If you have any issues or concerns or needing to rant PM Lady Ayanai or post in the thread in this section that is meant for issues that should not leave the thread!
-All I ask is that everyone is being respectful to others and have fun being here.


Roleplaying Rules

-Keep everything PG-13 no if, ands, or butts.
-No god-moding (ex. called hits)
-No killing other pets - unless it's agreed by both parties but note this. There is no way to bring them back to life. There is no way a dead pet can mate or roleplay after confirmed death.
-Be respectful
-Have fun