Personal space was a beautiful thing, and Elibrie had never appreciated it more. It actually wasn't something she'd thought much about before Impressing, having been quite content to share as a Candidate, but given the circumstances of her Impression, she'd found herself wanting a great deal more time and space to herself...and with both rather at a premium. It had been a very, very long six months, in a lot of ways, but here they were, flying and with their very own weyr - a very tiny weyr, but that was fine. It was still theirs. Not that they had an abundance of time to spend there, as they were no less busy than they had been, but at least it was somewhere to go at the end of the day. It was a little bit of long-craved breathing room.

She appreciated it most when she woke in the middle of the night and could actually get up and walk around without worrying about disturbing anyone, or go out onto the ledge for some fresh air. It was ultimately where she'd fallen asleep again the night before, curled up safely and comfortably against Kesucianth. She might have needed to do a bit more stretching than usual when she'd woken up, but what of it? At least she'd slept well. And now it was a restday, bless it, so she had little to do for the day, apart from bathing Kesucianth. Not that that wasn't a more time-consuming task than it had once been, but it wasn't the grind of chores and lessons. It was time with her beloved blue.

For now, though, it was time for breakfast, and once she'd dressed for the day, Kesucianth flew her down, as they'd been placed high enough that there was no other option. It was still a decent time, and even if it hadn't been restday, Elibrie would only have been a little bit late. She smooched her bonded's snoot before she went into the Dining Hall, leaving him to socialize as he pleased while she went to see what was on offer.

x Uta