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      A funeral held at the Shirogane Clan compound for the leader of the Shirogane family and Takara's father, Yasuo Shirogane. Takes place after Samurai War Arc.

      At the end of the mountain pass, a compound built within one of the mountains overlooked Yamatoge, belonging to that of the Shirogane Clan. A once nomadic family who settled, becoming known for some of the stongest non-nobility Samurai in the land of Iron. Traditionally hunters of Yokai, they also provided protection and services for the villagers of Yamatoge; some even gaining enough recognition to serve in the Shogun's army. Such as Yasuo Shirogane and the descendants of his direct bloodline before him. A funeral was currently taking place for his death during the previous war, members of the family gathering around at his burial site. A kneeling Takara was positioned closest to the grave, laying his Katana and Wakizashi in front of the headstone. Her head hung low, black hair falling over her face and obscuring the weight of her grief she fought back the entire time.

      Her mother was one of the few individuals at the funeral who weren't directly related to the Shirogane family. The truth of her ties to Yasuo were revealed to the clan elder shortly after his death, and it was the only reason why Takara was allowed to say her final goodbye. After Takara was abducted by Tengu as a young child, she was considered a bad omen amongst the family. "Yasuo certainly was a clever man. I had no idea that Takara was his actual daughter." A deep, ragged voice echoed in a shrine resting high above the burial grounds in the mountain, belonging to Iwao the clan elder. Takara's relation to Yasuo was kept a secret between him and Takara's mother due to her Shinobi status, as well as being an outsider. She explained how the two met and fell in love, thus bringing life to their daughter Takara. "Hm. Now we find ourselves in a dilemma. With Yasuo gone, the clan is without a head to lead them, and he has no sons to take his place..." It was tradition that the first born son of the clan head be trained to become a Samurai (by Shirogane customs) to take their place should anything happen to them. The idea of a female Samurai family head was unheard of. Putting her through the test would be breaking the tradition they've carried since the founding of the clan. "There is also the issue that she was abducted by the Tengu demons as a child. She could be putting the entire family at risk being here today..."

      "We are aware that the history between the Shirogane and the Tengu is a bloody one. Especially when it comes to Yasuo's lineage." Iwao and Takara's mother turned to the entrance of the shrine as a man clad in armor made their presence known. Akito, samurai and close friend of Yasuo approached the elder and her mother. He leveled a heavy gaze in her mother's direction, eyes red from also grieving the death of his beloved friend and ally. "If Takara is truly related to him by birth, then the situation is more dire than I thought." The shrine fell eerily silent after Akito's statement.

      "What exactly do you mean?" Takara's mother asked.
      "Yamatoge has received more attacks from the Tengu since the new laws were put into place. Our patrol units have also spotted several of them monitoring the compound from the skies more frequently after Yasuo's death."
      "There is nearly a century of strife between these two. Despite Yasuo's attempts at creating peace with them after Takara's abduction, their attacks have not relented."
      "Takara has not set foot in the Land of Iron for eight years... What more could they possibly want?"
      "The complete erasure of Yasuo's bloodline. Akito. We have much to discuss... especially regarding these patrols."
      "Of course. Please, go be with Takara. She needs you right now. We'll have a talk with you two later."

      Akito guided Takara's mother out of the shrine, returning to talk with the elder. She had a terrible feeling in her gut that her daughter wouldn't be allowed to return to her family. Meanwhile, some of the Shirogane members gathered once Takara stepped away from the grave, giving their condolences and providing comfort the best that they could. Takara looked saddened, but concealed a great deal of her sorrow in the presence of others.
