Sathanaseth didn't like bronze dragons. To be fair he also didn't like any other dragons, or people for that matter, but he seemed to have a particular hard dislike for a certain level of shiny male hide. As amusing as Haveli found it to be it made things exceptionally difficult if they needed to work together one day with bronzes in lockstep, as Wingleader and Wingsecond (order pending), and so he'd have to get over himself. I don't dislike all bronzes. Sathanaseth stretched out in the warmth of the sun, a rare chance when the days were normally blowing cold and he with his rider stayed indoors. I don't know how you came to that idea.

"Really? You certainly tore into one without hesitation at the Hatching." Haveli took another shovel towards the dung that had accumulated, carefully scooping it out in a smooth motion that had her thanking growing up on a farm. And all those turns here working out with the herdbeasts hadn't hurt either, really. At the mere mention of the hatching "incident" she could feel his irritation rise up and boil, though he didn't move from his sunning spot. "See?"

Sathanaseth snorted, eyes rolling out of their tinged with blue to a solid red. He deserved every minute of it. They were crowding me, he was crowding me, and he got what he needed. I have no regrets and never will. He would also never like that bronze for the rest of their lives, even if Haveli magically became besties with the rider or even weyrmates or whatever other ridiculous chances the future could bring.

Haveli just shook her head and continued to shovel, as she also did not regret what he'd done. He'd won that fight as far as she'd been concerned, and a wave of love let him know.

please let me know if anything needs changed! i have them just cleaning out the area bc babies but if this doesn't work let me know!