While Metisoth hadn't considered any of her siblings' chosen to not be up to the task, the green had taken some comfort in doing rounds to check in each of her siblings once she'd been tended to in order to make sure everything was looking well. It wasn't unusual for a health check to show patchy hide, a hidden toothache, or the fun that was thicktail early on and while Kinyegele had experience in knowing of such things and what to check for it had made Metisoth curious as to how the young woman that her brother had chosen was faring. She'd been simply plucked out of the stands and Metisoth admittedly knew little of the woman's history otherwise.

Erisath, Metisoth greeted the blue once she'd been appropriately oiled, her eyes whirling with purples and greens with congenial affection for her clutchmate. I would so enjoy seeing you if you had some time to show off for me. because surely, he'd be more likely to spend a little time with her if she approached letting him know she was there to admire.

Samuel Carlin