Written mostly by Meepfur. I filled in T'mul's looks and personality.

Name: T'mul
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: ???
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Farmer
Physical Description: He stands about 6'0" with broad shoulders, a trim waist, and a toned physique. He's always done his best to keep himself in shape and a life working around farmcrafters meant that there was always physical work to be done. Now that he's a rider, the turns spent throwing firestone and caring for a dragon has meant he's kept his figure nice even if he's no longer working the land. His skin is golden brown, which tans nicely during the summer months, or regular exposure to the son. With dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and a stern expression--tall, dark, and handsome sum him up rather nicely.

Personality: T'mul is the sort of man who gives the appearance of having it all together. He has a natural self-assurance that often allows him to take charge of a situation, and his natural cool-head leaves him ready to lead in any stressful situation. He doesn't fall to pieces easily, and is the sort who can remain calm even during the most stressful of times. Oh, there are rare days his patience is more paper-thin, for every man has his breaking point--but generally speaking, he's not the sort to lose it without being severely pushed. Impressing Braraith only fortified his cool-head, for while his dragon might often need reassurance, when T'mul is at his lowest or most vulnerable, his beloved brown is there to lift him up and give him every-ounce of support and care he needs.

He's a hardworking man, and tends to put his all into whatever task is assigned him. He likes to have a plan, likes to know what he's up against. Even if the odds are stacked against him, T'mul is the sort who won't back down. He has a stubborn streak a mile wide, and unfortunately, that means he won't easily give up a fight, even when he's lost. The more someone tries to push him to change course, the more likely he'll dig in his heels. That doesn't mean he's against change or others ideas--but if he thinks his way is better, he might be more loathe to follow along.

T'mul is also known as a very serious man. While he does have a playful and doting side, he was born an old soul, as the saying goes. After being the eldest of many siblings, could anyone blame him? Born to a pair of farmcrafters, he knwos what hardwork is, and was expected to do his share. More often, T'mul is the sort to do twice his share, if only to help ensure what gets done is done right. The older he gets, the less fun he's come to know. As a dragonrider, fighting Thread has become something of an obsession, and at present--especially now that Jalle and he have parted ways. He's not quite a workaholic, but he's not the sort known to jump into games or dances. While others relax, you can expect T'mul to find some project to throw himself into, or stand ever vigilant on guard.

He has a reputation for being firm at his best, and stern at his worst. Patient though he well may be, T'mul has strict and rigid expectations. His serious nature can turn into something more severe. He can be a bit set-in-his-ways, and expectant of others to follow. He tries not to be bossy, but it's clear he likes to be a bit in control--and doesn't always give it up so easily.

Positive Trait List Hardworking, Self-Assured, Patient
Negative Trait List Serious, Stubborn, Stern

Born on the Nerat peninsula, T'mul is the oldest of his parents' batch of a dozen siblings, so in addition to helping out around the house and farm, he was also very often helping out with his many brothers and sisters. Fortunately, he was a natural fit for the role of big brother, and took his responsibilities seriously. His siblings always had a ready protector in Tshymul, and whatever help they needed, although he would never do too much of their work for them, knowing that would do them no favors.

When he was 23, the young man was Searched to Ista Weyr, in a scramble to find candidates for the clutch of an unaffiliated Queen. One of many plucked from their previously quiet lives, he quickly fell in with and became the unofficial older brother of a group of Holdborn candidates, several of whom went on to Impress, including to the gold of the clutch. They stayed close throughout weyrlinghood, and he even fell in love with one of his classmates, Jalle of blue Tioloth. Weyrlinghood was bittersweet, though, as one of their classmates didn't make it out alive. A between accident left T'mul shaken--and his brown heartbroken. Braraith had always been fond of Zsaldath, even though he'd admired him from afar. To lose him so suddenly was devastating for the brown--and he's never quite forgotten his lost bronze clutchmate, even after all these Turns.

After they graduated, the group of friends returned to Nerat, where they settled on the farm tended by the goldrider's aging parents, and helped to work the land and run the farm. It was a peaceful life, and T'mul was often back and forth to visit his own family, but that life was spoiled when Thread returned. He lost three siblings and his father to the ancient enemy, and once he had done what he could at home, joined Western Weyr to fight. Jalle went with him, and not long after, the two greenriders of their group, Serese and Im'sh, did the same. Meanwhile, Sylfie lingered, and eventually went to High Reaches.

Life at Western Weyr was different than life on the farm, but T'mul was grateful for the change. While he worried about Sylfie over at High Reaches, he did his best to keep in contact with her in the form of letters or through Brariath. Though he knew dedicating his life fighting Thread would be dangerous, he didn't expect Serese and green Talsith to succumb shortly after they were tapped into fighting wings. Once again, both T'mul and Braraith were shaken by the loss--and more determined than ever to make a difference.

Life at Western has been good for T'mul and Brariath. It gave them a sense of purpose, and he takes his duty seriously. Too seriously, perhaps. Though he was weyrmates with Jalle and her blue Tioloth for quite a few Turns, they've since parted ways. He's not sure what happened, but has thrown himself even more into work.

Other: Sylfie had a huge crush on him, once upon a time. She's left it behind, but it's a bit of trivia.

He still tries to keep in touch with Im'sh and Sylfie. He has given Jalle a bit more of a wide berth since they've parted ways. (Should she ever get adopted, I'd leave their relationship details up to whoever adopts her.)

Name: Braraith
Age: 6 (3570.04.21 Ceirath x Galenth)
Color: Brown
Size: 33'
Physical Description: A bit small for his color, squat, and rather pudgy no matter what he does or doesn't do.

Braraith is a dragon who knows exactly who and what he is, and he is not always at peace with that. He has been all too aware, from the moment that he hatched, that he is ugly; no matter how diligently they tried to school their thoughts, he knew what the candidates all really thought of him. At best, they felt sorry for him. Even his own mother, when he sought to hide himself beneath her wing, pushed him away. Perhaps it was only her way of encouraging him to find His, but he took it to heart as being shame over having clutched him. He was fortunate that his golden sister and one of his bronze brothers hatched shortly after he did, and drew the eyes of the gathered crowd away from him. Who wouldn't want to gaze upon such shining splendor?

Even Braraith watched them - or, more accurately, him. His egg had leaned against Zsaldath's, and he had come to love the bronze who was everything he was not: valiant, and charming, and handsome. But Zsaldath had eyes only for golden Hesperith, of course. It was only proper. Only fitting. Watching the bronze escort their sister over the Sands was painful, so painful that in a moment of weakness, he called out to one of the candidates in desperation. Would he please...would he please come and take his Braraith away from here? So he wouldn't have to watch any longer, or his presence spoil their moment. But if Tshymul didn't want him, he would understand. He would go away, where he would never bother anyone at all, and maybe a better dragon would want the boy.

But, by some miracle, the young man did want him, although to this day Braraith often needs reassurance that His truly is happy with him. However, due to his fear that he is not and will never be enough, the brown is actually one of the most genuine, hardest-working dragons you could ever hope to find. No task is beneath him, and he will accept any challenge set before him - oftentimes, he will even volunteer, and even for jobs most would turn up their noses at. He's also far braver than he gives himself credit for, and would put himself in danger to spare another without hesitation. He places everyone, no matter their color or status, well above himself, and expects nothing in return.

All of this makes him easy to take advantage of or bully, and so he needs a rider who can stand up for him when necessary, and see that he is taken care of, for Braraith would certainly neglect himself in favor of seeing others' needs tended to. He falls easily into infatuation with metallic hides - bronzes in particular - but knows better than to think anyone so perfect would want him. Not that he believes he's any more likely to catch any chromatics' eyes, although if he did? They would not want for a more constant, faithful companion. He is blindly loyal, and his friends, infatuations, and loves can do no wrong in his eyes.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: xXx