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Following the events of Kotori's adventures traveling around the Land of Fire and beyond...


_____ Five years ago, the world experienced a breath of destruction unlike any before. Kogarashi, a seemingly small militant revolutionist organization, led by a fanatic pair of jinchuuriki used their powers and influence to sew discord in the nations of Eddies and Floods. Unprepared for the true threat, Uzushiogakure was besieged and the Uzukage, Chie Saegahara, was slain by the hands of Kagami Hari. Meanwhile, the village was left to disaster as her partner, Sandayu, used the Rinnegan's legendary power to set a rain of meteors upon the island of Awajishima. With precise haste, heroes of the nations worked tirelessly to rescue as many lives as possible before the island was brought to sink below the waves which once bountifully caressed its shores.

Kotori Hyuuga, a young Uzushio genin, was on an assignment in a small neighboring village which was soon being evacuated. In that moment, Kotori found her calling. She witnessed the peerless might of Masato Umechika as he destroyed one such meteor with just his fist. The war inevitably concluded with a struggled victory in the hands of Arashigakure and the refugees who had moved to a significantly changed Land of Fire. The coalition of shinobi forces gave much to end the reign of the slighted anarchist, Kagami, and her demigod husband, Sandayu. As a genin of little skill at the time, Kotori was kept as a reserve force for if the war went poorly, so she did not experience the horrors and thrills of war.

It wasn't long before a Kotori, who only excelled in taijutsu, sought her hero to begin her long journey to become such a hero herself. With his consent, she was allowed to train under his advisory. Given her talent in what she knew he could teach her best, Kotori quickly picked upon the finer intricacies of unarmed combat and she was allowed to learn the self-destructive style named Hachimon. Masato Umechika sent Kotori and her other young peers on their own journeys, scattered to the corners of the Land of Fire. Each of his students at the time were tasked with learning of theirselves and what power meant to them. Of course, as one who simply wanted to emulate her hero, Kotori's pilgrimage toward enlightenment was destined to be bloody and grueling.

These are her stories...

Gaiden Index:

__ Ÿєคг Оηє
____ ❀ Episode ① | My First Step
_____ ↪ Journey's Beginning, into the deep forests
____☪ Episode ② | What Do You Mean?
_____ ↪ A Wild Man, Ikima
____♨ Episode ③ | It's Really Warm!
_____ ↪ Unexpected Challenge, Yellow Riding Hood
____๑ Episode ④ | I Keep My Promises
_____ ↪ Meeting the Soren Tribe
____❂ Episode ⑤ | Might is Right
_____ ↪ First Trial, slaying the Kraw
____✦ Episode ⑥ | I Can't Give Up
_____ ↪ Second Trial, encounter Layette. Cursed Seal development.
____⚜ Episode ⑦ | No, it's MINE
_____ ↪ Final Trial, claiming the artifact. The new rival (Shizura Sasaki)
____✯ Episode ⑧ | Please Show Me How
_____ ↪ Curse Seal control training with the Soren Tribe
____♅ Episode ⑨ | Leave it to Me
_____ ↪ Shizuri challenges Kotori, and she accepts to prevent a war between the Soren and Hurama tribes
____۩ Episode ⑩ | I'm Not Alone
_____ ↪ Ikima holds off Layette from the artifact until reinforcements arrive
____Ω Episode ⑪ | You'll Pay for That!
_____ ↪ Kotori fights Layette to reclaim the artifact
____❃ Episode ⑫ | New Friends, New Horizons
_____ ↪ Shizura joins Kotori on her journey beyond the Land of Fire