Meal after a morning full of chores and lessons was one thing that Ahula looked most toward, maybe second to the joys of free time in the evening. Yet days still felt a bit emptier without Urzoh at her side. It wasn’t a shocker, her closest friend and near twin, no matter how Ahula felt, was missing everyday, but Cartujanth was a delight and she’d been happy for her friend!

It hadn’t been unknown to her that she should try to branch out, make a new friend or two (especially a fellow candidate she could stand with, next time a golden beauty rose). But knowing this and doing this are two seperate kettle of deepfish that she was having trouble with. Yet completing her chores quickly and efficiently had Ahula in better spirits, and perhaps maybe she’d try to approach one of her fellow candidates… She was weyrborn, she could do this.

Oh Faranth, help her.

“U-uh… Um, hi.” The break in her voice makes her since, as she approached another candidate, her own meal tray in hand. She’d seen him in lessons and chores, but her shyness had trouble placing his name off the bat. “Would.. would it be okay if I ate lunch with you?”

She’s baby, oops