Trainer: Erina
Pokenoids: Aisling, Ren

There weren’t many people around today. Only a few trainers and pokenoids had appeared in the Lobby. Aisling sat impatiently on a bench. In her lap was a blue pokemon egg. She was waiting for Erina to log in. She said she’d meet Ash after she did some shopping in the real world. But she was taking forever. Or at least this was Ash’s opinion. She didn’t like to be away from Erina too long. She was a bit clingy in that respect, unless she distracted herself with something fun. Luckily today she was babysitting the Egg. Erina claimed she had won it from some kind of show. Ash didn’t really understand, but she thought it was really cool that she’d be getting a new brother or sister soon.

Blip.The sound of someone entering the Lobby caught the sentret’s attention. Her ears twitched. A wild Erina appears!

“Erina! Finally!” Aisling shouted, waving her over. “It’s about time!”

“Shhh, not so loud,” Erina laughed heading over to her friend. “I wasn’t away that long.” She was carrying her backpack, which was filled with items for their journey and for the baby.

“Yes you weeere,” Ash whined, gently adjusting the egg in her lap. “You can’t be away too long! I think it’s almost time! It’s getting warmer and wiggling a lot!”

“Ooooh, cool. I’m just in time then,” Erina mused, kneeling down level with the egg. She reached out to touch it. “You’re right! It’s definitely warmer than before. That’s a good sign. At least I think it is… Hey did you read those library books?” she asked. Ash had been eager to learn all about babies. But her attention span was short, and she gave up halfway through.

“Wellll I tried. It was kind of much to take in! But who cares! It can’t be too hard taking care of a baby right?!” She picked up a rattle and shook it at the egg. It jingled in her hand and her eyes sparkled with amusement. She had bought LOTS of baby toys. She wanted to be prepared!

Erina rolled her eyes. “Obviously you know nothing about kids.”

Ash stuck her tongue out. “Ohh hush!”

Together they sat in the Lobby for what seemed like forever. The clock ticked the hours away. It was a good thing the two enjoyed each others’ company. They chatted for awhile, discussing things like fashion, games, and current events. They even talked about Ash’s time at Celadon game corner. After awhile, Erina decided to go get them something to drink. She reappeared a moment later with two fizzy sodas from a vending machine. Erina plopped back down on the bench next to her pokenoid.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take a break. I can hold it for awhile,” Erina offered, sipping her drink.

“Nah, I’m fine,” Aisling said, staring at the egg intently. She was sure it would hatch in mere moments! But Erina could tell by the look on Ash’s face that she was getting tired. The swish of her tail had slowed, and her eyelids were droopy.

“Oookay, if you say so.” Erina said with a shrug. She then decided to flip through a childcare magazine she had purchased to pass the time. There were lots of helpful articles in there, plus a few ads for things like diapers, clothes, baby carriers, etc. Hmm maybe a baby carrier would be a good thing to invest in.

Aisling leaned against Erina, and it wasn’t long before she gradually fell asleep. She snored away peacefully for a bit. And thennnn, *wiggle* *wigglewiggle* . A crack slowly started to form up the side of the egg.

“Hm?” Ash practically snorted herself awake when she felt the movement of the egg in her lap. “It’s tiiiiime!” she hollered, leaping out of her seat, dropping the rattle, and holding the egg high in the air. Erina couldn’t help but be reminded of a certain move about a lion.

“Don’t hold it in the air goof! Maybe set it down on the floor so they don’t fall.”

“Okay okay!” Ash said, hurrying to set the egg on the floor. She was just so excited! This was a totally new experience! Not to mention their family was going to grow by one today!

There was more movement! *wiggle wiggle* And more cracking! Wiggle. Crack. Wiggle. Crack. And with a glowing light the egg suddenly poofed into a small froakie child! It was quite the sight to see. Neither of the girls had ever seen a pokenoid hatch after all. They both stared in awe. The froakie child stared back at them as if inspecting them. He frown a bit. Were these his mamas?

“Oooh my gosh! He’s so cute!” Ash shrieked with joy.

“He issss!” What are we going to call him?” Erin asked, gushing over the adorable child.

“I’ve been thinking about that a lot,” Aisling said with a grin. “I have the perfect name for him! We’ll call him Ren! It means water lily! Cuz you know I think they like to sit on those things or whatever. It’s a great name!

”Ren...I am…. Ren?” he asked, raising a brow.

“Yesss!" Erina and Ash chimed in unison.

“Do you like that name?” Erina asked, eager to hear the little one's opinion. She bent down, so she was eye level with him.

“Hmmmmm I guesss….yes.”He sounded a bit indecisive. But in the end he had accepted it.

It took a bit of explaining. But after much discussing Ren had decided that Erina was ‘Mama’ and Aisling was ‘Big Sis’. He attached himself to Erina’s leg, and stared up at her and Ash intently. ".......Let's goooo!"

Go where exactly? Well out to play of course!

This would only be the beginning of their journey together.

And their first stop would probably be the Pallet Town's Park. Hopefully there would be other children there to play with. Ren was eager to see the World and meet new people and pokenoids alike.

Next stop, a playdate!

word count: 1009