User ImageMoonRazor | Trainer: Odin | Pokenoids: Osias, Shrike

”Uhhhhhhh… Hey. Hey, Odin! It’s… I think it’s… Can you come quick???”

Osias had been getting ready for the day, getting dressed and putting on his signature cap, when that pesky little egg had started to move. It had sometimes shuddered in the past week or so, but this time it didn’t seem prepared to stop. It tipped this way and that, almost rocking itself off of the sofa it was on, but caught itself in a most dramatic fashion before rolling the opposite way.


”Hang on, Osias, I’m in the middle of something.”


”Osias, just take care of it! I need a minute.”

CRAP CRAP CRAP came the thought as the Taillow stared wide eyed at the suddenly violently rocking egg. It leaned perilously close to the edge of the sofa again, and Osias finally snapped into action, leaping out to catch it right as it teetered off the edge. He cradled the little thing close and then moved to the center of the room where there was no future, setting the egg down gingerly even as it tried to shudder out of his grasp.

This was not what he had signed up for!!

The Taillow took a couple steps back as the egg continued to shake and roll and generally cause a huge commotion. He was about to yell for Odin again when the top of the egg popped off and a little balled fist reached into the world, still punching the air. Everything went quiet. Osias stood rooted to the spot. For a moment, even the hatching egg went still, as if the child inside wasn’t quite sure what to make of the world now that she had finally come into it. The stillness lasted for a couple long breaths, and then finally the rest of the egg cracked and out came a pale, red-headed little baby.

User Image She was quite tiny. Almost round. She surveyed the world through huge, unblinking emerald eyes that stood out quite starkly against her pale face. The little baby scanned the room almost robotically, and finally settled her gaze on the egg behind her. She stared at it for a second, and then her brow furrowed and she uttered a small HIYAH! as she brought her tiny fists down on it and smashed it to pieces.

Osias was stunned. There was something about the combination of tiny size and unbridled ferocity that tugged at his heart. He sank into a crouch to observe the child more closely. His movement caught her attention. She lifted her bright eyes up to stare at him, and the determination that had graced her face melted away, transforming her expression into a sweet little smile. She said nothing, but gave him a small wave and then scuttled her way over to clamber into his arms. She didn’t give him the option to say no, promptly curling up into a ball and snuggling her face into the crook of his arm.

”Oh.” He managed to say, still rather shocked by the whole situation.

”Hey, listen, sorry. Crisis averted, how’s—" Odin stopped short at the doorway, taking in the scene. Osias and gone from crouching to sitting cross-legged on the floor with the newly hatched baby still cradled in his arms, and he was staring at her with a look of wonder on his face. ”Well, will you look at that.”

”She’s a bird,” Osias said softly, peeling his eyes away from the little baby to look at Odin. His whole face with alight with a sort of delight that he hadn’t expected to feel, and he hugged the child close. She’d all but gone to sleep, obviously tired after the ordeal of hatching.

”You sound surprised,” Odin answered, crossing the room to crouch down beside Osias and take a closer look at the child. Though he towered over the two of them, the hatchling seemed perfectly happy. She cracked open a single eye, peering at him with a soft giggle, and then let it drift shut again, perfectly content to stay nestled where she was. Nothing to trouble her here.

”She’s a Natu,” Osias said, going to smooth a lock of red hair away from her eyes. ”She won’t be able to fly yet, but she’s still a bird.” There was something like pride tinting his words. Somehow, it had never crossed the Taillow’s mind before, but another bird felt like family.

”I take it you’re not worried anymore?” Odin asked, sitting down beside Osias on the ground and leaning against the sofa, one leg propped up so he could rest his arm atop his knee. A sense of warmth seemed to envelop the three of them, a pleasant reminder of the adventure they were about to face, now a full-fledged party instead of a duo. There was indeed something almost familial about the moment, as if the arrival of this child had elevated a simple partnership into something much grander.

”Oh. I don’t know,” Osias said with a smirk. ”Maybe my worries have just changed.”

”Hm?” Odin quirked a brow, watching the Taillow curiously.

”Maybe now I’m worried about being a good role model to her, so she’ll learn to battle with skill and grace, and maybe become a Master just like me.”

Odin laughed aloud. ”A Master? She’s just a baby, Osias!”

”You didn’t see the look in her eyes when she smashed that egg!” Osias said with mounting enthusiasm. ”I think she’s got the right stuff! You’ll see.” He hugged her close as if to reassure her that she was indeed a fierce and mighty warrior.

Odin nodded his concession. ”You’re right, you’re right,” he said, shaking his head with a grin. ”You were there for her first moments. You’d know better than me.” He reached over to gently stroke the baby’s fiery hair. ”Alright, little bird. You’ve got some big shoes awaiting. Your brother thinks you’ll be a fearsome fighter yet. Tiny but fierce. Like a little shrike.”

There was a pause as the three of them grew quiet to savor this moment. And then Odin's eyes lit up with their characteristic glint of mischief, and quite softly he started to sing. "Baby Shrike, doo doo doo doo doo doo, Baby Shrike, doo doo doo doo doo doo..."

Osias quirked a brow and slid his gaze almost incredulously over to the trainer. "Odin, what are you-"

"BABY SHRIKE, doo doo doo doo doo doo, Baby Shrike!"

A small, stifled giggle bubbled forth from the little Pokenoid in Osias's arms.

"She likes it!!" Odin declared, pointing delightedly at the little Natu. "Osias, your turn."

The Taillow shook his had.

"Aw, come on, Osias. Don't be like that. Baaaaaaaaby Shrike, doo doo doo doo doo doo," Odin prompted, nudging Osias along with that grin of his. The little Natu giggled again, eyes still squeezed happily shut. "See, look! Baby Shrike, doo doo doo doo doo doo. Come on."

"... Baby Shrike, doo doo doo doo doo doo, Baby Shrike..." Osias joined in tentatively. The baby let out a tinkling laugh, pure and clear, like spring water pouring into a glass. The Taillow relented, joining into the chorus one more time for good measure. "Baby Shrike, doo doo doo doo doo doo, Baby Shrike..."

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