Nalo'meli/Bee played by Chobi
Ki-lin played by Kasai

It had been weeks that Bee had spent with ki getting better. His neglect to his wound had given him a serious infection and even with the fever and chills gone he needed to be monitored since he'd not taken his medication the first time around. He'd left with out so much as a thank you but this wasn't because he wasn't grateful as much as he did want to thank her. Days later he returned with something wrapped in tattered cloth.

"Kiiii," he called out in front of the priestesses den. "kiiiiiiiiiiii" he impatiently took some steps in to the den and went straight for the priestesses quarters.

"Hey you here?? I have to talk to you." His cheeks were red. Ki had taken such good tender care of him that he'd established a feeling he'd never had before for a female.


K'i wouldn't lie. It was a bit quieter in the priestess den without the spryly male to take care of. That, and no famine, meant a little life of boredom. The young priestess sighed, organizing her collection of herbs, taking inventory of what she had plenty of, and what she needed more of before the sound of another paused her actions.

Hmm? Her ears perked towards the familiar voice. What was he doing back? He had left in such a hurry, K'i wasn't expecting his return this soon.

She turned away from her herbs, meeting the male just halfway towards the quarters. "You didn't get into anymore fights now, did you, Nalo?" K'i asked with a frown, looking over the male for any new wounds. Just his healing one on his head, not too bad.


Bee looked off to the side and grumpled an immature, "no." He huffed a little at the thought but in truth he may have gotten in to one or two none brutal ones.

"It's Bee by the way. You can call me that instead of Nelo'Meli." He offered. " Most I know just call me Bee...." He looked red in the cheeks now a little unsure why he was here. The enterance was behind him and he could always go back through it.

"But hey uh ki... Umm"


"Ah huh." K'i sid, not quite believing the younger male, but ultimately let it slide. She quirked an eyebrow as he gave her a nickname. "Aww, like a little honey Bee huh? I like it." K'i cooed, noting the slight tinge of pink seemingly illuminating the male's cheeks. Oh? What did we have here...

A small smirk lifted to the priestess' maw as she approached Bee. "Yes?" She asked quietly, her tail flicking slightly behind her as she stood right in front of the male.

"My, I never knew you were one for a loss of words. You know...I don't bite...well, I can, but we would need to be alone for that in a more...private setting." The female joked. She needed to get the male to lighten up, what was a little light hearted flirting now that he was coherent and not bitching about females?


Bee wiggled his nose trying to find the words. He knew he wanted to say something nice but the male had a blockage in his brain when it came to these sort of things.

"... Yes like a .. little.." he groaned not liking how amused she was right now. The male lowered his head some trying to sort his brain out.

But the last thing she said calmed him. Some how a flick went off in his head and this flirting thing made sense.

"Well don't claim more than you can chew. We are alone right now," he smirked. "I did come back to say thank you after all" he nuzzled the badly wrapped mound of fabric towards her. Upon sliding , the package opened revealing a thin piece of scaly pelt.

"To wear around your neck. It's crocodile. Cause.. your .. well umm" lose of words right on cue.


Oh, did someone just grow a pair with that comment? Now a full blown amusement was plagued on her face. "Are we though? The priestesses like to hide around here, so even though you may not see them, they could be lurking. Then again," she inched closer, to whisper in the male's ear. "I never expected you to be one into that kind of voyeurism with having other ladies watching." She backed away with a giggle, before eyeing the mound of fabric that was slowly unraveling.

"Oh..." She was caught off guard by the un-expectant gift. "A crocodile pelt? Because I'm...?" She was curious to know what the male thought of her. "Scaly? Green? (I'm not green though). Vicious?" She mused, trying to find the right words that Bee seemed to have lost.


Bee took a step back his face completely beet red by this point. He shook his head, " no no.. no I don't mean..." He stopped realizing he was being teased. His eyelids half covered his eyes in an oh really? Sort of way.

"Um..." But before he could muster words she was questioning his gift.

"What?? Any viking would be excited about this! You can protect your neck from strong bites." He didn't understand why she wasnt thrilled. It may have been obvious to anyone witnessing this that Bee had no experience with the ladies.


K'i shook her head. "Oh, no no no. I think you misunderstood. I don't not like the gift," The lioness found herself pawing at the pelt. "I am just curious as to why give it to me? I mean...I don't think I have much to worry about with bites to my neck..." Now a real sly look greeted her features. "Or, do I?" She once again teased the male.

"I do like it, Bee. Thank you," K'i-lin said quietly, taking the gift. She manuevered the scarf around her neck, glancing at the male. "So, how do I look? Ravishing I hope? Strong and powerful like a crocodile?" She grinned, her purple orbs locking with his.

"But I don't have anything to return gift to you though," she hummed, thinking. What sort of gifts did males like anyways?


The flirting some how clicked in Bee with her teasing about her neck. The young male took a few steps forward with his teeth showing.

"You never know when one might bite such a fragile thing. Your neck is quite remarkable. Any male might be tempted to bite such a fragile thing..." He took a few more steps forward in a saucy way. A hunger shown in his eyes that he'd been to shy to show before.

"Ki.. I don't need a gift ." It was clear that Bee was about the same height as ki now that he was closer as he was still growing. Bee would be taller when he was older but for now the two were at eye level and it was clear that bees eyes shown he wanted her.

It wasnt lost on Bee that he couldn't rightfully have her with out properly courting. He'd not asked her father yet.

"Ki... I am here to make you mine. " He took a step back "But I can't til I've talked to your father . Can I.."


"Is that so?" K'i-lin asked, referring to the compliments about her neck. "I guess I just have to be cautious around those pesky males, wouldn't I?" The priestess asked quietly as the male approached. He definitely had grown since their first encountered. Surely he would be taller than her once his mane fully grew in. By the looks of it, that wouldn't be too much longer.

She couldn't ignore the look Bee was giving her. While one hadn't given it to her personally before, she knew it well. K'i was a very observant female.

"Make me yours you say?" She said quietly, slinking over to Bee once more, closing in gaps between them. "I can't be bought with gifts, Bee. What else do you have to offer for me to accept, hmm?" Her eyes held a slight glint, catching the small trickle of sunlight from a crack in the den's roof.

"My father would need to know." She agreed. "I can take you to his den a little bit later. I think, before we go any further we should perhaps...get to know each other a bit more?" She let the crocodile pelt slip from her neck, exposing it to the male.


Bee was only a mortal male with only so much strength to resist temptations so when the scarf slipped from kis neck all bets we're out the window that he'd be able to make it to her father's den with out a taste of ki. His pale eyes focused with strong intent to take her.

There was no hesitation as he wrapped his arms around that delicate neck allowing the scene to fade to Black.