Darkness. Nothing but darkness for what seems like hours. Then, a little light flickering off in the distance. Curiosity. Moving towards the light. It grows larger, stronger, more intense. Then, a flash! Bright! Hurting! Squinting into the radiance all around. So bright, so ethereal. But then, more darkness. Burning eyes. Light and dark, pushing against each other, things that shouldn't be physical having mass and weight.

Then, an explosion.

Hundreds of little fireballs hurling out of the once more distant, pulsing light. So many! There is one brighter than the rest. Closer, closer, coming so close! Hitting the earth! Smoke and fire!



Kafele lifted his head with a shout, his whole body quaking from the vision. Green eyes darted around frantically as he tried to figure out where he was. It had been so real and yet so confusing. Nothing had made sense. Darkness and light battling? Fireballs exploding from that shining place? But one thing stood out and he knew it to be true - his mother was in trouble.

Kafele hadn't seen Na'ira for quite a few months now. She had brought her cubs to a cave to sleep in and when they awoke Vidar had been there with them. It was exciting to meet their father and to come to the Stormborn, but even if it was hard to admit, Kafele missed his mother dearly. Now she was in need of help and he knew there was no time to lose.

Leaping to his feet, he charged from the den, breathing as if he had just run a race with a cheetah and won. He looked around frantically for his father, heart beating a mile a minute, before he spotted the brown lion not far off. He took off again as fast as his legs would carry him, completely oblivious to the lights flashing in the sky.

"Dad! Dad!"

Vidar who was staring up at the sky with a frown turned to see his son racing towards him. He turned to face him completely and knew something was wrong just by the look on his face.

"Kafele, what's up?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm despite everything that had been happening as of late. First this strange, painful hunger that he was nearly used to now that only affected him while he was home, and now these odd lights in the sky. It was almost like lightening but there were no clouds to be seen.

"It's mom," Kafele panted. "She's in...trouble. There...not far," he said, motioning with a paw towards the rogue lands. Vidar turned to follow his son's gesture, brows furrowed in confusion. How did he know? Kafele seemed incredibly sure and he'd never seen the young male look so terrified in all of his life.

"Kafele, there's no need to get upset. The sky's a bit weird, but things are strange lately," he said, trying to soothe his son as he turned back to him. The look that he got in exchange froze the captain in place. Kafele usually reminded him of himself when he was younger and even though Kafele had his own green eyes, it was like he was looking into the face of Na'ira rather than his son.

"I saw her," Kafele said in a low, measured voice. "She fell from the sky and landed hard. She's hurt, badly. You need to go find her."

Vidar stood before his son with his mouth slightly open. He had never expected Kafele of all lions to talk in such a serious tone of voice, let alone tell him what to do. The fact that he wanted to was also a bit shocking.

"Kafele, I...wait...you saw her?" Vidar asked, realizing a bit late that as a half-god, Kafele would have visions. All of his youngest children did in fact. None had ever come to him with any profound ones, but this was also the first time Kafele had ever had one. Perhaps his were more powerful?

"Where did you say she was?" he asked, taking what the younger male said seriously. He turned in the direction that Kafele once again pointed in, narrowing his eyes as if he could see out to where Na'ira might be. "Right. Let's go. We'll go see if we can-"

"No. I'm staying here."

Vidar turned once again to stare at his son. Kafele had been so excited to go out on his first Viking...perhaps he wanted to save it?

"This would be a pretty awesome first outing as a Reaver you know," he said, trying to urge Kafele into coming. He doubted he'd be able to help Na'ira alone, even if it was to limp back here to recover. Yet Kafele shook his head, the perfect picture of calm rather than the heaving mess he'd been minutes before.

"You go. Take Phanes. I'll stay here and clear out the den."

"You...stay and clear out the den?!" Vidar couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was absurd! But in this moment with the sky flashing and his stomach rumbling, Vidar wasn't going to question anything too hard. He heaved a sigh and headed towards the last place he'd seen his other son, a bit of pep in his step. Hopefully Kafele wasn't just pulling some elaborate prank. Yet something let Vidar to believe that this wasn't just a joke. Kafele was acting strange...different. He was still himself, yet not. How very, very odd.

"Kid's gonna get a beatin' if he's pulling my leg," Vidar grumbled to himself even though he knew it was half-hearted at best. He glanced once more over his shoulder to the fiery male but he hadn't moved, wasn't laughing or smiling at all. It sent a little shiver up Vidar's spine and he urged his paws to move a bit faster, loping off in search of Phanes.

Kafele watched his father go before turning in the direction he knew his mother was waiting, in pain and yet so delighted. What had happened? What was this vision? Hopefully he'd have answers sooner rather than later. He turned to head back to the den to clear it out as he had promised, knowing that she would need quite a bit of room if she was to stay and recover.

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