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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] Always watching

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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:21 pm
Night time was quickly approaching the lands. Nara had made it her mission to watch the borders for Jaddis, to try and convince him again he needed to leave. He was an older god, and likely wouldn't listen to a mere cub. But that did not mean she couldn't try, right?

Nara found herself perched in a tree. She tried to blend in with the lions of the pride as best she could, but she was finding it more difficult. She wasn't getting sick like the rest of the pride was. It seemed none of the Gods in disguise were. That made them stand out more. So Fidelity chose to only wander at night. Less questions asked of her then.

The lioness sighed as she dropped from her position in the tree. Her gauntlets made a small clinking sound as she landed. Shaking her head, she walked the borders, dark eyes watching.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:27 pm
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It seemed a new conflict had struck the stormborn lands, a conflict the massive god neither appreciated nor approved of. Conflict should be violence, warfare, combat, it should be proud, forceful, it should rend through the land as the lightning did through the sky. But this, a famine, this was pathetic, weak, unfitting of the pride that inhabited these lands. It was the work of a coward, and if Tanaka had known who was responsible, he'd have certainly made sure they knew exactly how much he detested them and where they could shove their famine.

And then there were the cubs, his cubs. They were his warriors, his to mold and teach, and he would NOT allow anyone or anything to take that from him! He had thought of taking them from the pride, debating if he truly cared enough to deal with all the annoyances of raising cubs. He did not dislike cubs, he was far more tolerant of the annoying adorable fluff balls than he would ever admit, but that did not mean he wanted to keep them with him. No, he wanted to be able to give them back when he'd had his fill.

He paused, something catching his eye, a small form not far off, standing out against the darkness. Hmm....his eyes narrowed, who on earth would be out here alone so late? Well....besides him that is.


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Another roamed nearby, her brow furrowed, displeasure and concern in her expression, but determination in her eyes. No, she was angry, what did forcing an entire pride into suffering accomplish? What sense did it make to harm the innocent, to harm cubs? No, it did not make sense, and it was not right!

Her tail twitched angrily, kicking a rock in her path. She could not end this famine, could not heal the sick or take their pain away, But what she could do, she would. She would make certain they had the strength to withstand this trial until it had passed. She would not give famine the satisfaction of claiming any of them.

But it was such a large pride, could she really help them all? No, she shook her head, her determination returning in full. She would not give up!


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:35 pm
Amon Larethian

The first thing Nara noticed was a pale form not too far from her. She was determined to speak to the other, to warn him what dangers lie further within the pride. However, she paused, noticing one key thing that separated the other from a normal lion. He had, large feathered wings. She would almost miss them, having them blend into the darkness that was beginning to swallow the lands. So. Another deity had taken home here in the Stormborn lands? He wouldn't be affected, like she wasn't.

Still, the young goddess approached. She was curious of deities, and this one had a feature she had yet to see on another God. Wings. Not just any wings, like the flaps of membrane Famine held, but large, almost birdlike ones that took up the majority of the male's body.

Her head tilted, she was close to the male. "You're a God." She said, stating the obvious. "Your wings..." It was as if she was mesmerized by them.

She had yet to see the other deity in the distance, on the borders. Is she saw her too, she'd probably be mesmerized by her feathers too.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:35 pm
Tanaka stopped, gazing in astonishment at the small goddess. A cub? What the f-ing hell was a cub doing all the way out here alone, at night? What the hell kind of cub wandered around the borders of the pride at night?!

"Observant aren't you, kid."

He may have rolled his eyes, sarcasm in his voice. Yes, of course he was a god, yes he had wings, how very brilliant of her to notice that. Wait, she seemed neither troubled nor surprised by that observation, perhaps he should not underestimate this small cub.

"Shouldn't you be at home sleeping?"

And not wandering out here alone and staring at much bigger lions like him that could easily eat you! ....Jeez kid, what the hell, haven't you ever seen wings before?


Ngaule paused, her head turned to look beyond the large rock in her path, she had been so lost in thought she almost didn't see it. It was a hint of movement in the distance that had caught her attention, a silhouette of white against the darkness. Her ears twitched, searching for sound that was still too distant for her to hear.

Was there someone there, or had she only imagined it? She was tired after all, it was possible her senses played tricks on her. No, there was someone there, or something, at least she thought there was. Silently, she walked toward it. If there was someone there, perhaps they would not mind company, or maybe it was someone who needed her help.

Her steps hastened, she wouldn't leave them out here alone.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 4:18 am
Amon Larethian

Nara was a bit taken aback by the other's comment. She frowned, as her blue eyes focused into his own.

"I mean...Normally Gods like to hide their wings. It's what I've been told at least." She shrugged slightly. "But I guess because it is getting dark, there's no reason for that..." Another shrug as she moved closer to Tanaka. "They look so soft," she cooed, reaching for one of the red and black feathers. The female lacked personal space it seemed.

His question made her ears perk forward, then swivel to pin. "Shouldn't you?" She retorted. "I wanna make sure no one else enters the pride with so many sick. Until Tan leaves they won't get better. Others shouldn't have to suffer too." She said quietly.

She heard a rustle. That momentary distraction caused the female to look past the god, to see who was approaching. Another to prevent entering the lands perhaps?  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 12:12 pm
His head lowered, close enough that she could have touched his nose had she chosen, eyes narrowed as he stared at her, sizing her up. Tiny fluffy cub, clearly she was more than she seemed.

"I prefer to make an impression."

Tanaka had never been one to conceal who or what he was, he saw no reason to. Or maybe he just could not be bothered to hide his wings. He had spent enough of his life without wings, he had no desire to conceal them now that he had them.

"Fair enough, kid."

He may have chuckled to himself. Feisty little goddess wasn't she, he liked that...it made her annoyingly adorable. (Hopefully she did not figure that out.)

"Who or what is Tan?"

What the, hey, no! His wings ruffled as he quickly lifted them out of her reach. Why did everyone always want to touch his wings? Arrrgg!

"Do not do that."


She was certain now she had seen someone, that the sound carried to her ears was voices. She could not yet understand what was spoken, but she was quite certain she saw the form of a large white creature...and a smaller one next to it? Hmm, a parent and child?

She approached quietly at first, not wanted to intrude on their conversation. Now as she was nearly on them, she could see the shadow of wings, feel the presence of fellow gods. Well, she supposed there really were a lot of deities in these lands. She wondered what drew so many here? Was there some (not so) secret vacation spot she had not heard about? Well, not much of a vacation now was it...

"Hello, it seems we all had the same idea tonight."

She raised a paw in greeting. They wouldn't might her joining in right? Hey maybe they could help her.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 2:10 pm
Amon Larethian

The young goddess wasn't bothered when the adult god's head lowered, being more eye level with her. "Oh. Do the mortals here like that kind of impression? I usually hide my gear when around them to not raise a brow." She told the male.

"Oh...Tan. He is a tan lion. Er... God?" She questioned. "I met him not too long ago. And then again, here on the borders. He's got these weird wings...and his mouth doesn't move when he talks." It was weird for Nara to interpret. "But he is the one that is doing this. Make everyone so sick in the lands. I don't know why...." She probably wouldn't understand it either.

Do not do that.

Nara blinked, her paw quickly retracting at the comment. "Oh...but they look so soft." She cooed again. "Just one touch? Pleeassseeee?" She gave the male the biggest set of puppy dog eyes with her dark blue orbs.

Her attention turned to the newcomer. "More company!" Two visits in one night? Nara was a lucky girl! Another deity too?

"Wow...there are so many gods here..." Warriors, Anonymity, Famine, and now these two? "I am Nara. I like your wings." She grinned, speaking to Nga before turning back to Tanaka. "And I like your wings too..."  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:26 pm
"I see, I may have to do something about that."

His tone had darkened, his expression one of anger and disdain. As he had suspected, the 'sickness' inflicting the pride was unnatural. This...god, if he could truly call himself such with any conscious, must truly be a pitiful creature. What other reason was there to use such a tactic.

"I said no."

Stop that, do not give me that look! OMG stop looking so adorable! HMPH! Why must cubs be so damn cute? Nope, no, no, no matter how cute you look at me I will not give in! Oh look, a distraction!

Another goddess? Really? Oh, but she was a pretty goddess. Were it not for the presence of a cub, he might have entertained some rather...adult thoughts. But for now, he simply gazed at her, wondering himself at the number of deities in one spot at that moment.


Ngaule looked between the two gods, noticing they both had a similar color pelt. Hmm, were they related? Was this large god the little one's father? Awww, that was so cute, the thought brought a smile to her maw.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to interrupt a family moment."

She smiled warmly at the cub, her wings ruffling at the compliment. Unlike Tanaka, Ngaule was not so sensitive about her wings. If the child wished to touch them, she would have no objections.

"Thank you, I like your mane."

It reminded her of another pair of cubs she had once met long ago when she was younger.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:34 pm
Amon Larethian

"Don't hurt him. He's not...that bad." The God never affected her, so there had to be some good in him, right?

"Meanie." Nara said, sticking her tongue out. She glanced at Nga. "Family?" Another look back to Tanaka, then back to Survival. "Wait. Are you my family?" She questioned to Conflict. "I mean...I didn't think I had one...and was told I didn't need one." She said quietly. If he was family, then there was much more to Nara's life she didn't know about.

Fidelity grinned, watching the goddess fluff her wings. Sticking her tongue out one more time, she moved closer to the Goddess. "I want wings. Can you fly?" She now was focused on the female, ignoring Tanaka for the time being.

"Why are you two here anyways? Are you guys on a mission too?" Nara wasn't, she just was too young to really go off by herself, and the first god she had met hadn't wanted to take on the responsibility. She couldn't blame him, she rather did enjoy the presence of the wingless goddess. At least the two had something in common.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:50 pm
Oh he wasn't going to hurt the mysterious tan god, he was just going to--hey! Did that cub just--don't you stick your tongue out at me! You little brat! Adorable fluffy little--hmph! Tanaka snorted, giving the goddess cub his most grumpy look before sticking his own tongue out right back at her. (oh thats showing her, Tanaka, show her just how tough and mature you are).

"I most certainly am not."

At least he didn't think he was. Wait, had he been with any goddesses lately? None that he knew of, not since Satomi, and those cubs had long since grown. Then again--no, no she was not his, he was sure he'd know if he god children again, and it wasn't as if white was an uncommon color. Even the grown goddess had her share of white on her pelt. Wait a minute, he didn't even know who either of them were!

"What brings you out this way?"

He had spoken his question to the darker goddess. Two could play at the 'i'm going to be a brat and ignore you' game.


Ngaule would have turned bright red were she not covered in fur. Oh dear, she had assumed because one was an adult and the other a cub, that they must have been father and child. That would teach her to assume, open foot insert mouth.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry."

Mercifully, a distraction, her attention turning again to the small goddess. It was not until that moment that she had realized the little one lacked wings, well that explained the fascination with her own wings and those of the large male.

"Yes, I can fly, perhaps I can show you someday."

Nga did not mind if the cub touched her wings, nor would she have denied a request for a flight should the cub have been so inclined. Oh, the god's question had brought her attention back to him, and suddenly she realized she had neglected to introduce herself.

"My name is Ngaule. I was searching for clues about the pride's illness and its cause."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:13 pm
Amon Larethian

Nara glared at the male. She wanted to retort she had just asked that question, yet he didn't even say why HE was here either. Rude.

A curious look crossed the female's face. "Really?!" She said excitedly, forgetting for a moment she was suppose to be at the borders watching for any newcomers. Her child mind had wandered with the idea of being able to fly. "Can you take me flying too?" She asked with big, blue eyes.

"Ngaule..." She repeated the name, a smile on her maw. "I like that. Imma call this guy Feathers. Cause he hasn't said his name yet, and he has BIG fluffy feathers that he won't let me touch." She said matter-of-factly. "He looks like a feathers...right?" She said to Nga, a smirk placed on her maw as she stared right at Tanaka.

"Oh...I know the cause..." She suddenly murmured. "Stick around here at night I am sure you will find him."  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:05 pm
Tanaka glared right back at Nara. Why you fluffy little brat! Grrrr! She was lucky she was so damn cute! Annoying and fluffy and infuriatingly adorable! HMPH!

"My name is not feathers, it is Tanaka."

He lowered his head again, this time to focus his glare directly at the little cub, as if to let her know just what he thought of her name for him. He snorted at her to emphasise his point before turning his gaze back to the older goddess.

"What is your interest in this pride?"

She had seemed to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Not that the same couldn't have been said about him...


"If you wish, I would be happy to take you flying with me."

Ngaule giggled to herself, both at Nara's enthusiasm and at Tanaka's reaction to her. She might have laughed outright when the little one suggested calling him feathers. Oh his reaction, like an annoyed older brother who had been stuck with his sister all night. She had to remind herself that they were not related, even so, it was fun to think of them as such.

"I don't like to see the innocent suffer. All creatures deserve a fair chance at survival."

She turned to the cub again, her expression turning to a frown, her tone darkened.

"I've met him..."

It seemed she had not been pleased by her meeting with the tan god.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:17 am
Amon Larethian

There he was, getting back down to her level again. Just because the male introduced himself, finally, did not mean Nara would use his given name.

She took a step closer to Tanaka. "Ohhh." She stated, before quickly bopping his nose. "I like Feathers better, Feathers." She grinned, trotting back towards Ngaule.

"I would love that! I can't fly." Though she never actually tried she was without wings, so she assumed she couldn't. She knew she could teleport, or at least, had done it twice before. She did know what that involved, and hadn't figured out the art to it.

"He's a nice lion...At least...I thought he was..." She said, her tone quieter than before. She glanced at the sky, the moon rising higher. It was getting late, and Nara did not want to explain why she was out so late to her guardian, mingling with more deities none the less. "I should get going. I live that way," Her paw lifted in the direction of her current den. "It's a pretty secluded area so not many (I don't think any...come to think of it), pride members visit there. If you want to keep who you are a secret from them, that's a good place to stay." She seemed to be talking to Nga at this point, before her gaze shifted pointedly at Tanaka. "Feathers already said he likes to make an impression, so I don't think he would want it."  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:00 pm
Oh the glare the little brat was getting right now! He growled low, his jaws just snapping at her paw as she bopped his nose. Keep pushing kid and I will eat you! Not that he would have ever truly done such a thing, Nara was in fact perfectly safe with the grumpy butt god. (Unfortunately for him, she probably knew that.)

"Do not call me that."

He huffed, standing back to his full height, out of the reach of small paws. His gaze turned to the older goddess. Another time, were they alone, he may have sought a more...intimate encounter with her. But it seemed tonight was that time, not with an annoy, cute, and fluffy cub tagging along and ruining his mood. Well...perhaps another night.

"I have my own cave, fuzzbutt, I don't need yours."

A cave that was seeming like a good place to be right about now. GRRR! STOP CALLING ME THAT! Oh he was so out of here, and if he better not catch any fuzzbutts following him!


"Perhaps he is, but I cannot say I approve of his actions."

Nga had not thought the god of famine unkind, irrational and stubborn, but not unkind. Still, she was not pleased with him or his actions at that moment. It was not right to harm the innocent. She only hoped he'd come to see that.

"I appreciate the offer. Perhaps I will come see you there later."

A warm smile to both gods. She was certain she would run into them both again, especially if they all chose to remain within these lands for the time being. And maybe they could help her seek out those who could use her help the most.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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