Another successful raid. Ciro could not have been happier at the outcome.

He sported a new pelt, this time one he chose to wear over one he would sleep on. He hadn't skinned the poor creature it came from, but rather found it on the back of the merchant they had overcome. While others took the shiny metals and food, Ciro preferred to take this piece of pelt as a symbol. It was a deep red in color, with small gold markings coursing through the back. When it hit the sun just right, they seemed to shine.

Not only did Ciro get his own little prize, but the freeborns that traveled with his at successfully gained their reaver status, which meant they could now decide if they wished to continue traveling under his Captaincy, or if she would prefer to move on to their own.

For the dark male, he did not care either way. While he enjoyed the company of having the familiar faces with him, he understood the need that his style of raids wasn't meant for everyone. The biggest thing Ciro disliked doing was the act of taking thralls. While he did not tell any of his band they would not be able to take one for their own, there was always distain on his face when they opted to do so. Those were normally the lions that chose not to be part of his band.

They at least still got the experience, and within the pride, that was what was needed.

As soon as he walked through the border of the land, a frown hit his maw as his stomach growled. He quirked an eyebrow. "Must be hungrier than I thought," he said to himself, shaking his head, bidding his traveling band a farewell before heading off to the den. He wanted to check on his children, to see how they had done for the last two weeks in the care of another. His back shifted, moving the pelt on his shoulders as he trotted through the land.

The first thing that he was aware of was the fact it was quiet . While lions would be around, conversing, welcoming home the reavers, or just mingling in general, there was such a lack of it that Ciro paused. He was curious if he had even entered the same land he had left. But there was the normal meeting grounds near the large rocks he had always met his own Captain at, so the thought of entering some unknown land was put at rest. He shook his head, continuing towards the row of dens that Njia had claimed as her own. Inside, he would meet with the right children. Six from Njia, and two the female had taken in for Ciro when their own mother left. The Captain did not like thinking about that. He never met the two children, the two sons, which Ruka had taken with her. The idea angered the normally calm male. He shook his head, letting the mood leave his mind. There was no use crying over the past. He had more children that he needed to focus on.

Ciro did not even make it into the den before a bounding ball of white fluff left it. His daughter from Njia, Enkeli, raced as fast as she could out of the den, the thrall adolescent trailing her, stopping at the entrance when she realized who was approaching.

Lua had met the lion, and was in his care with his other thrall for the first part of her life. While she was eventually returned to her mother's care, she was once again pulled from it when she hit the adolescence. Too many lions in one den was the excuse.

The time away from her own mother had hardened the lioness, however she was still young and had a lot to learn from everything around her.

"Daddy!" Enkeli shouted, springing her step as she flung her paws around his neck.

"Oomph" Ciro mocked, his own paw reaching around the cubs form as held his daughter up. Before he could even greet her, the cub was babbling a mile a minute.

"—took Haru and she hasn't been back and she is hurt and wouldn't move and Lua wouldn't do anything and I haven't seen her since and…" the run on continued until Ciro had finally put the female down.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Calm down. Let's try this one more time, slowly." Ciro tried to reason. "Now, who took Haruhi?"

Enkeli shrugged, pointing to Luamei to give the answer.

The adolescent sighed. "Her name was…Astrid? Light pelt, pink hair. Her daughter Astrus has been coming around to help."

Ciro nodded. Astrid and Astrus he knew well. "What happened?"

Enkeli was about to speak, but Ciro reached a paw to her lips to silence her. He needed to hear it from the thrall who was put in charge.

"I really don't know. I thought it was just tainted meat, but it seems the whole pride is affected. I don't know…Haruhi seemed to take it the worse, and then Astrid came and took her. Astrus says she is doing a bit better, but it was touch and go for a little bit. The whole pride is down, Captain. I think this was probably the worst time for you to return." Lua said truthfully. She didn't know if the members who were not in the land were experiencing the symptoms, but he seemed healthy currently so she could only assume.

Ciro nodded, shaking his head however in response. "Astrid has her you say?" His question was answered with a nod. The lion quickly turned on his paws, ready to leave. "Their mother should be right behind me. Let her know where I am headed." Ciro stated, walking off. He noticed a little shadow following him and paused, stopping Enkeli. "No, you stay here. Greet your mom when she returns. She won't be too happy if you come with me now. I am sure she misses you." The Captain said. Enkeli sniffled, nodding slowly as she turned back towards the den, standing next to Lua as her father's form faded into the tree line.


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