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[WE] Strange Weather - Gahiji & Shierra - FIN Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:08 pm
Strange Weather ☂

Solo or RP Format
Counts as 5 RP growth Points
Solo word minimum is 750, RP post minimum is 7


As Spring rolls into Summer in Tendaji it appears that something is not as it should be. In fact, strange and unpredictable weather is happening all across the world. Strong storms, bizarre heat waves, unheard of snow storms, floods, and other similar events are happening in all of the countries. Some are superstitious, seeing it as a warning of great evil, others blame the Dretch, some shrug it off as a freaky incident, and others ignore that it's even such an oddity.

However, one thing is certain - all the lands are dealing with these weird weather outbreaks in their own way. How are you handling matters? Do you try to help others, are you too focused on yourself, or do you want to try and find answers for the causes behind these recent events? Or did you get caught out in the disaster yourself and these are your memories of how you had to fight against the odds to get to safety?

Basically this is a solo (or a rp with a friend) to write out how your character is being affected by these strange occurrences in Tendaji.

Please see the below to see what is occurring in each region!

Chibale and Matori are both suffering from snow - something that has rarely hit these warmer countries before! A blizzard especially is unheard of.

Jahaur and Yael are experiencing drought. Rain hasn't fallen for the last couple of weeks...

Tale, Sauti, and Oba are experiencing massive amounts of rain to the point that some of the desert is flooding.

Zena is having the strangest heat wave and some areas once covered year-round with snow and ice are even starting to melt...

Belrea is shaken. Literally. A huge earthquake has ripped through the continent scaring many and even now faint rumbles from its impact shift at random beneath your feet.
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:09 pm

Gahiji was a bit torn at the moment what he thought about the strange weather that they were having in Matori. The snow, something he'd never seen before, was falling and it was making a right mess of things. Enough so that he found himself often starring out the window to watch as the rage of the God of Storms was laid out before him. It had been quite a spectacle to behold but as time passed he'd gotten bored with just watching, deciding that he wanted to go out into the weather to see what sort of havoc such weather would wreck upon the world.

He found himself heading out, mask on and spear in hand, wearing a cloak that he got from one of his guardians. He searched around, taking in the cold, and found that there was yet another thing to debate on. It seemed as though the weather was slowing beasts down, wasn't it? He had a feeling that it meant they would be easier to deal with and turn into food, not to mention that the cold weather would keep the meat fresher longer. All of that were good things... but what about the fun involved? To be honest that was the biggest downside. It seemed that the cold was slowing things down and making them easier to hunt which was good... but dull.

Lifting a hand to adjust his mask he continued to skulk around, debating on if he wanted to hunt or not. He could get a lot of meat but it wouldn't be fun to do so. Swallowing his pride so his family could profit was something that he really should do he told himself, trying to talk himself into going after some beasts, snaptrotters especially.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 9:09 pm
At first, Shierra had found the snow fascinating. It was so white and fell so gently. It could pack into a ball for throwing at someone else without damage. It piled high but could still be pushed through. Wrapped in a few warmer layers, the teen had been thrilled to explore the "new" snow-covered world.

Now though, Shierra was sick of it. She had gone out exploring again, but the snow had lost its sparkle. It was piling high and blocking paths and making travel difficult, never mind how many times she had already slid on some packed snow and hidden ice. Fed up with the work, she forged her own trail with a bit of fire magic. It kept the snow off of her body and evaporated what she was walking through. Even with her magic.. ugh, it would take forever to get home!

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 10:53 pm

A change in the air drew Gahiji's attention away from potential hunts and toward that change. There was the flickering of a reddish light that was different then the rest of the lighting in the area. On top of that there was a scent like the one that came along with fire and yet he would swear that it was far too cold and damp for a fire to just appear. As such he had to conclude that something was up, something strange, something that had him instantly forgetting about his hunt to instead go and find the source of the strange phenomenon.

It didn't take the half breed long before he found himself coming up behind someone that looked to be of mixed blood that was commanding the fire. Another of those magic slingers that he seemed to be coming across a lot of late. He found himself then debating on whether or not he should start a fight with the magic user. It tended to be a bit boring to fight them since they seemed a bit on the delicate side, as though one well placed hit would down them. Not exactly what he'd call fun... but still he couldn't help but wonder what she was up to and why she was burning the snow away. Was she just sick of the weather they were having and had taken it upon herself to combat the God of Storms?

Lifting a hand to adjust his mask he fell into step behind her, deciding that he'd observe a while longer. Just until he figured out what she was up to.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2018 4:04 pm
Maybe it really was time to invest a little more focus onto her magic. Training had been minimal, seeing as how Shierra wasn't exactly the most patient student. Instead, she usually practiced on her own. If she were stronger, this snow would surely have been no problem at all. She could probably uncover the whole of Matori! ..That might be a stretch, but she could at least make walking home quicker.

Turning her head to see if the snow was just filling her trail, Shierra yelped and spun to put the fire between herself and the creepy stranger following her. "Who an' what are you?" she hissed, peering at the stranger. A second look revealed it was a fake, but the initial surprise had been rather frightening. She didn't like being frightened, and it just made her crankier.

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2018 7:17 pm

Gahiji was actually surprised that it took the girl as long as it did to notice him. Were he actually something dangerous he might have been able to pounce... but luckily he wasn't quite in the mood for all of that. Mostly because like hunting beasts in this weather it had just felt too easy. As she demanded 'who and what' he was his fin ears gave a twitch, his pink eyes seemed to shine through the holes in his mask. He couldn't help but to laugh a bit to himself, finding the look on her face to be a tad bit amusing.

Lifting a hand up he set to scratching his chin under his mask in a thoughtful manner before he finally said, "Gahiji." That was who and what he was to be honest. That was easy enough to answer since the answer to both of the questions could be answered with the same answer.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2018 9:04 pm
Shierra's eyes narrowed further. Now she was being laughed at... Gahiji? That must have been a name. "Okay, Gahiji, why're you hidin' under a mask? And why're you following me?" she demanded shortly, pursing her lips firmly. "This trail is mine, an' I didn't invite you ta follow me around." She paused for a moment and cocked her head. "Unless you're just annoyed by all this snow, too?"

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2018 10:55 am

Lifting a hand to let it hover in front of his mask for a moment he seemed to consider her question then said, "It's intimidating, to people and beasts alike. Gives one an edge in a fight." As for why he was following her? He considered that then said, "Boredom. Checking if you were dueling material..." He gave a lazy shrug of one shoulder as if to say she wasn't. That might just be his opinion of magic slingers being colored by past experiences talking though.

After adjusting his mask he said, "I don't know... snow is useful in making quarry easier to hunt... but that just makes it boring." He'd much rather be a part of a battle that was dangerous and interesting then one where he had too much of an advantage over his opponent.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2018 6:17 pm
Intimidating? ...Well, can't deny that. Shierra wasn't about to confirm it either, though! "'Dueling material'? Ya wanted a fight?" she asked with surprise. Who went around just looking for fights outside of the training grounds? ..Apparently, this guy. "Maybe if it weren't so cold," she agreed firmly. Never mind that Gahiji was clearly physically stronger, and never mind that she had limited training herself. She just wouldn't fight because it was too cold. That was all. "It was fun at first, but the snow's makin' everything boring now," she huffed. "Why's it snowin' so much, anyway? My brother says this is more Zena weather, an' they're clear over the mountains!"

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:02 pm

"I always want a fight. I get bored so easily if there isn't someone to duel or a giant beast to hunt." He said in a grumbling tone of voice. The snow had thrown his entire world awry by making it too easy to get what he wanted. If things were too easy then it just wasn't any fun to go hunting or go picking fights with people. Not that maybe people were out and about. At her commented he nodded, "If it weren't so cold then maybe finding something to do would be easier." All there was to do was follow around a magic slinger to try to figure out what she was up to with that spell of hers.

Giving a slight shrug of one shoulder, "Don't know?" Why was it snowing so much? "Don't know... I've never seen any snow before let alone piles of it." He gave a bit of snow a kick though that didn't really accomplish much more then spreading the pile around a bit.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 5:21 pm
Shierra cocked her head, and a smile slowly rose. "Guess it makes sense. More fun than just walkin' around." Find a challenge, kick someone's butt... She already tended to challenge people, but this would take it to another level. Besides, what better way to learn than through experience?

"It's my first time with snow, too." Seeing the tough looking masked man kick the snow was surprisingly amusing. She couldn't help a grin. "At least I can do this to it," she said, spinning a little to fan the flames and clear more of the snow from around the both of them.

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 6:02 pm

Gahiji gave a little nod of his head in agreement that it was more fun then just walking around. The weather made just walking around pretty terrible too. He lifted a hand to scratch at his hair for a moment before he watched as the girl before him started to spin around, causing the flames she carried to spread, clearing more of the snow away from where they stood in a circle around them. Giving a smile he said, "That's a bit better."

Looking from side to side he said, "I was debating hunting something today, preferably snaptrotters or yaotls, but I really feel like it wouldn't be any fun." He gave a snort then looked back to the girl before him as he pushed his mask back onto his head, "So what brought you out today?" Surely someone as small as her wasn't out hunting giant beasts so maybe it was just interest in the snow or something? He couldn't begin to guess what magic slingers did for fun.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 6:23 pm
Thinking about the various wildlife in the area, Shierra couldn't help giving a small wince. "I'm sure they're all huddled up somewhere ta stay warm." That was where she wanted to be now.. bundled up somewhere good and warm. They weren't the only ones thrown off by the weather.

The movement of the mask instantly caught her attention and she took the chance to peer closer at the man. A hybrid like her? Possibly. "Some of the pools are all covered in ice now, and it was fun sliding around on 'em. Get a running start an' you could slide forever!" Smile turning into a small sneer, she glared up at the sky. "Only interestin' for so long, though. I'm ready for swimming again. Just on my way home, I guess."

She looked Gahiji over again. How long had he been following her? "Do you, uh.. want me ta walk ya home?" Even in their short chat, the cold flurry was trying to fill the path she had created. "Guess you're big enough ta push through by yourself, though." She didn't really want to backtrack, but the guy was interesting, and her fire was doing well enough.

Orpheus Solon
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2018 1:57 am

Gahiji listened as the girl in front of his set about explaining what she had been doing and what she wanted to be doing, two very different things from the sounds of it. He blinked a couple times at the mention of some pools of water being covered in ice. That sounded like hell... Not something that he wanted to deal with for sure. If anything he felt as though maybe he aught to send up some prayers to a few of the Gods that were in charge of various weather phenomenon in hopes that it would get things back in order.

"Huh? Not really..." He said, blinked a couple times, then said, "I mean... I don't exactly need an escort and I'm not sure if I am going home quite yet..." Better not seem to rude or he might not get a second chance at a duel with her when things warmed up. Provided that he saw her as a potential dueling partner in the future that was. Lifting a hand to scratch it against his cheek he asked, "And... you? Are you heading home? Do you need help?" He would assume she didn't since she was traveling alone but asking felt like the polite thing to do in this situation if only because she'd made the offer first.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2018 4:18 pm
Shierra laughed lightly. Imagine her 'escorting' this guy around! The returned question actually earned a smile though. "Nah, I'm good." She held up her hand and let out a spark of fire. "The snow's annoying, but this makes it easier ta get through."

Grinning, she snorted and waved her hand. "Well, if you're done sneakin' around, I'll just keep goin' and find a warm bed. You're a strange guy, Gahiji. Lookin' forward ta challengin' you later~" Someone who went looking for challenges was surely worth a second turn at some point. "You know, so long as this dumb snow stops eventually..."

Orpheus Solon
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