Olliandr and his father had been staying in Jatine lately. His father said there were a few things he needed to get done before they moved on to somewhere else. It was something he was becoming used to, traveling so much because of his parents’ occupations. His brother was also becoming used to it. There was hardly ever that the whole family was all together. This was a thought that made Olliandr sad quite a bit. But he was also content to spend the time with his dad that he could and learn as much as he could. Today, however, was not one of those days. Today was one of the rare occasions in which Olliandr was totally and completely alone. Well, in the sense of family. People hustle and bustled around him as he walked through the market wondering what he could find to do while he was on his own.

The young boy decided to make his way out of town, not too far of course, but far enough to escape all the people. It could seem suffocating sometimes with so many Obans (and non now) around and bumping into him all the time. “Hmf” the boy said as he found an oasis area and decided to explore.

“Oh, stop right there!” Olliandr looked up, his face full of confusion as he looked towards the source of the voice: a gaein woman. “You nearly stepped on the egg!” His attention was drawn down to where his foot was standing and sure enough there was a small colorful egg! “Wow…” Olli said as he knelt down to look at it. The woman continued on to tell him that in her home country, Belrea, they painted eggs around this time of year and hid them as a game! It was something completely new to him and he was in love with the concept! The idea of painting eggs and then hiding them to find them later! Well, the parents were supposed to hide them for the kids to find. He’d have to tell his parents about this. “Feel free to join the others that are already hunting for eggs! If you’re lucky, you might find more than just a normal egg.” The woman winked at him before going back to what she had previously been doing. Taking the egg he had almost crushed into his hands, he ran a finger along the jagged lines that circled this egg’s shell. Sure! He’d participate!

With a count starting at one, he looked over the small grassy area and spotted a red one to his right! Red was Oba’s color! Surely it’d be lucky to pick one like that up right? And it was almost as if the painter and known his exact thoughts, the image of a janarim had been painted on either side! “Wow! Wait until I show dad this!” That meant that he knew he had to find one for his mom too though! Green, Mom liked green! Green was the color for the leaf people that she came from and that he was half of. It took him a little while to find a green one. Before he did he found a pink one with purple swirls, (somewhere along the way someone handed him a woven basket!) a yellow one with blue little waves that made it look like a beach, a brown one made to look like a tree, then there was a plain white one that had a little family drawn on it in plain black. That one he kind of liked the most for it’s simplicity and element of family, which was very important to the young boy. After picking up a blue one with fish painted on it he finally saw a green one next to a girl with what he supposed was her father. They were going to the egg! He rushed over to it. “Wait! Please, let me have this one I know my Momma would love it!” The girl smiled and handed him the egg. “Perfect! Thank you!” The young hybrid remembered his manners which made him think his mom would definitely be proud. He walked away and looked at his prize. The green egg was almost the shade of his eyes and had little flowers painted all over it. “Mom will definitely love this one!” Olli smiled as he practically ran with his small haul of 8 eggs to find his dad. Surely he would be done by now, Dad just HAD to see what he had found and he had to tell him what he learned!

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