Jahaur was a hub of activity. Normally Danika would have been excited to get a chance to walk across the border, but the reality of the situation, of the situation why she was capable of such a feat, tended to put a damper on such excitement. In fact, it was as she stared across the gentle waves of the waters dividing the inner isle of Chibale and the shores of Jahaur that the young mystic prayed for something happy.

Was that too greedy of a desire?

“Oh, watch out!” Someone called from across the way and Danika found her gaze widening. Who was all the way out on the border of Jahaur? It was so close to Chibale that very few earthlings ever dared to make the trek and the voice did not belong to any of her sisters so Danika did indeed find herself surprised. Even more so was her surprise when she found her gaze meeting the pale blue of someone very foreign to her. Of course she had only seen snippets of earthlings, mainly shifters, but there had been others who came to ask for Aisha’s blessing with a sister before. Just never before had she seen an earthling who looked quite like this.

In fact she was so startled that it was only when the other girl started splashing through the waters that Danika finally reacted, “Oh! Don’t!” She shook her head before glancing about, “You’re not supposed to pass through here. It’s our territory and earthlings are forbidden without an escort.”

The strange blinked in surprise before freezing, “Oh, really?” She called back before taking a step backwards, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize! I’m from Belrea, you see, and I was having an egg hunt with some little ones in the nearby village.” She gestured towards something that had floated towards where Danika stood waist deep in the waters, “I had a run away and meant to chase it down, I never meant to intrude on anyone’s sacred lands.”

Oh. So this was a Gaein? Danika found her lips curving upwards into a small smile as she took a glance about before stepping forward so that she could scoop up the little green egg painted with white and pink dots, “It’s alright, I just don’t want anyone to get in trouble.” Thankfully the girl was lucky that many warriors were out training to fight the Dretch. Danika had been on her way to check on their status before getting side tracked by the stranger and her...egg? The distraction was worthwhile though since Danika found the appearance of the other girl fascinating. And the egg...well that was unique too. Her fingers wrapped around its cool surface and feeling bold Danika crossed over so that she could offer it to the woman, “This is yours, right?”

“Oh well…” The girl pondered it for a moment before pressing the egg back into Danika’s hands, “The point of the game is that whoever finds the egg gets to keep it. We have a festival in Belrea where the children and whoever else would like to play get to hunt down these eggs. It celebrates spring, really. So consider this your prize, miss.”

Confusion made Danika furrow her brow but then slowly she closed her fingers over her prize, “Thank you then.” She finally whispered with a smile, “I’m happy that you enlightened me.” After a few more words both of them waved and Danika watched as the gaein girl disappeared back into the jungle of Jahaur. She had children to check on and the last thing either of them wanted was for some youngling ot wander too close to Chibale.

Nor do I wish for any of my warriors to catch me out so far. The thought had Danika swiftly moving backwards so that she could get to the isles. Once her feet touched the cool grounds of Chibale Danika slowed her pace so that she could rest beneath one of the larger trees and study the strange egg in her hands. What if they had hunts like these for their younglings? The thought caused her lips to twist upwards into a small smile. Perhaps not something so blatantly obvious but a small search for some items to help train them for the hunts that they would partake in the future as warriors?

Maybe once things were peaceful again and the Dretch defeated she could introduce such a luxury then. At the thought Danika lowered the egg and tucked it away in her belongings to view again at such a later time…

[767 WC]