To say that G'ran was in a bit of a foul mood would not be inaccurate. Upon returning to his weyr, Elzebuth had sleepily informed him that Aurinkoth's had sent a message with her little brown flit. That in itself wasn't a problem. Trying to get the message from Ichta's sharding firelizard was. Naughty Boy had hissed fiercely and batted at his fingers, fiercely defending his nest that he'd complied of the letter, various scraps of hide, and one of G'ran's dirty shirts. Pretty Girl cheeped and squawked quietly with disapproval, and it was only thanks to her efforts that he managed to retrieve the chewed on piece of hide.

After chasing off Naughty Boy with open disgruntlement, the big man sat himself down to carefully read over what Ichta had sent him. Reading no longer troubled him nearly as much as when he'd been entirely illiterate, but he was by no means quick about it. When he'd read it and reread it to make sure he understood, G'ran found himself frowning down at the letter, his broad shoulders tensing defensively.

Too good for her? She hoped he'd... understand? This sounded as though Ichta intended to spend time with other people--and keep her distance from him. True to Ichta's kind nature, she didn't want to hurt his feelings. There was a low, dull throb of anger beginning to work its way through his chest, growing with intensity. Why? Why didn't she think she could see him any longer? G'ran knew, in truth, that he hadn't deserved her companionship or friendship. Shards, he hadn't even deserved to be a dragonrider, but--

Elzebuth's huge head had suddenly butted so hard into his chest that he wheezed, scrambling to hold onto the brown's head knobs so he wouldn't tip his chair over and land on his back. You were the only one worthy of me. No one else could compare! The brown's voice was fierce, his eyes whirling with the color of dying embers. Elzebuth's rumble echoed throughout the entire weyr, and G'ran could hear his tail lashing with his agitation.

"Then why is she leaving?" His own voice was hoarse with frustration as he clung to his dragon, taking comfort in the love that was practically overflowing through their bond. I do not know. I will speak to Aurinkoth. But I will never leave you. Never. G'ran closed his eyes, squeezing that huge, wedge-shaped head as hard as he could. He couldn't even wrap his arms fully around Elzebuth's snout any more, but it also meant his strength couldn't hurt the brown. The cranky rumbles faded into a soft croon instead, and Elzebuth remained there for as long as G'ran needed. Once he felt that His was no longer so upset, he withdrew, watching him with gently whirling eyes of green and blue.

Having made up his mind, G'ran slowly pulled out his own piece of hide to write a response. Pretty Girl fluttered to his shoulder, crooning and butting her head gently against his cheek. He grunted, but didn't chase her away.

I dont understand I am not good I want to spend time with you unless you dont

Her name had been what he spent the most time on... after that, it had been a simple race to etch the words out as quickly as possible. "Pretty Girl," He said roughly, and the small green crooned with pleasure. She carefully took the letter, sniffing at it. "Take it to Ichta. To Naughty Boy." He pictured them both in his mind until she chirped in recognition, leaping to the air. Then, she was gone, and G'ran stared at the space she'd been for some time.

Sighing to himself, he forced himself up onto his feet. He needed to preoccupy his thoughts or else he'd go mad. "Let's check you for flaky spots." He grunted, and Elzebuth stretched himself out with an air of smug pleasure.