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Happy Chinese New Year! This year, the year of the earth dog, has taken up the mantle of a samurai. This means he has chosen the life according to the traditional samurai code of honor, discipline and morality known as bushido–or “the way of the warrior”. A huge thanks to our artist Irish Night Fox for creating such a chivalrous male! Do you dare vow yourself to the samurai code along with him?

This samurai comes with a predetermined earth power called Stone Blade: His katana can be used as normal OR he can focus his power onto it. This charges up the blade and draws stone towards it, coating the blade. His first swipe with the blade will then send the stone flying towards the enemy in a crescent shape. It only works with his particular katana meaning without it he's powerless! So, better take good care of it.

~ : ~ : ~

:[ To Claim A Ticket ]:
[align=center][size=18][color=brown][b]BORF! Imma good boy![/b][/color][/size][/align]

:[ Rules ]:
  1. Everyone may claim ONE ticket by posting the above listed code.
  2. You may not give the pae away if you win.
  3. Please do not claim a ticket if you do not want the pae or if you have no intention of ever showing up at the shop ever again.
  4. No proxies or claiming for other people.
  5. If you win, please post in the certing thread to get her named and certed. If not posted within 24 hours, a new winner will be drawn.
  6. If any of the rules are unclear, please ask!

We close the raffle at 11:59PM EST February 17th, 2018. The Drawing will follow after.

:[ Tickets ]:

  1. Name
  2. Name