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Hello, we've grown even more in the past few days than we did the first so this is to welcome all of the new members as well as thank you for joining us,
we do hope you enjoy your stay and hope to see you all in our threads on the forums.
As of this moment, we'd like to announce that every Sunday will be an announcing kind of day to shout out some of the forum threads that are active within the Guild.
This is also the last day for voting on a name finally so get your votes in whilst you are able

Vote here for the name
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This is the current event we are working on
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Hot topics!

The Chatting Box

Talk to the person whom recently posted only

What's your favorite video game series?

A few contests that are going on

RNG Test.

Karm vs Cutie

Topics that could use a little bit of love

The Rp thread in general could use some love but here are the ways to rp by, Lanuix

Throw some art pieces in here as well as your own art store, we crave art here.

What is the item you want from the avi above you?