Long ago, there was a strong and powerful Witch. She was fixated on destruction, pain, suffering. The cries of torture and fear fueled her. She lived for the dread and depression. She didn’t care about her life. What she cared about was the destruction of true happiness. At first, she seemed like a myth, but that was till Beacon fell, bring forth the end and chaos to Vale. Grim overran the area and her intentions were made quite known. Next was Vacuo, then Atlas. Mistral, the giant Kingdom was her last stop. No one knew how she was so strong. But Mistral became the last stand. However, Mistral ended up being defeated. The huntsmen came, and the huntsmen fell. They were no match for the witch. Let alone, a witch with the relic of destruction. There they fell, and destruction came upon the land. Within years, the grim grew and grew, evolving into types mankind have never seen before including a mutant variation of itself. Like a virus, the dark pool of the grim would spread upon those infected, taking over their minds and turning them into animals. Humanity and Faunus didn’t just have grim to fight, but each other. Soon, extinction came. The Witch finally got what she wanted, total annihilation. Yet, what was there for her to do now?

Rebirth! She planned to take on the gods themselves and remake Remnant into her very own image. Gathering the other relics, she attempted her plan, but the power of all 4 relics were too much for even the witch who wish to play God. She was destroyed by its power before she could even recreate the world. The Gods would step in. The same gods that abandoned Remnant long ago came back. Looking upon the destruction, the elder brother looked to his sibling. He was right. Destruction would come. But the elder god still had hoped. Together, the two brothers recreated the land. They agreed on this. Mistral shall prosper, but after 200 years, the grim will come. The older brother agreed, but behind his back he put in another stipulation. He put in a way to repel the grim and their creation, but he sealed the power within certain pockets of energy. These pockets of energy ended up being stored in these massive beasts of Grimm. It was to give hope, but at the same time to follow what was agreed upon. Until then, the grim shall come and overrun the other nations. And it was made so. Humanity evolved quickly this time, not taking long to pick up on technology and picking back up right where it was left off in the previous creation. But the Grimm still came. The technology wasn’t enough to keep them back. Many perished. Those that didn’t, escaped and fled, and fled, and fled until they reached Mistral. No one knows why Mistral was protected.

200 years came and the younger’s brothers’ words came true. The grim came. Terrorized they did. Beaten, but not broken, Mistral held on to back them away to the borders minus a few nests of dark pools that were created inside Mistral. Now Mistral is under state of emergency. These pools can spawn grim at any moment. A high concentration is in the Haven Academy, rendering it operational along with the damages. Mistral was lucky, but heavy casualties were taken in the invasion. Now in a state of emergency, a new school was created. Mistral Emergency Institute of Survival (MEIS) where those of higher skill take lower class warriors and civilians and turn them into make shift huntsmen. There is no time for 4 year courses and fun and games. Those that attend here still have to be prepared to fight at a moment notice. But just because there is a state of emergency doesn’t mean things have changed. The Faunus still feel like second class citizens among the humans and in the shadows, even with the constant threat of grim, evil lurks for chaos and destruction. Will you survive? Will you bring upon the liberation of humanity to take back its land from the grim? Or will you laugh in the shadows and watch as the desperate die while the strong survive?