Friday 10/26

Met a nice girl today, Chisei. Her affliction is that she has scars dominating the right side of her face, and running down the right side of her body. On her face, the scarring is so bad that she's lost vision in that eye. I reassured her that it wasn't so big a deal, and that she was especially beautiful in the parts of her not scarred, though even those parts that are are still attractive, in a way. We agreed to have a date tomorrow, but decided to have a "practice round" at the bar, where we broke the ice with each other. From how it went, tomorrow should be very interesting...

Saturday 10/27


Have to prepare for the date with Chisei tonight. I'm not sure how she'll want it all to play out, so I had better prepare for any...activity. Better get to the store soon.


Met a nice girl at the store, Yukari. She kind of figured why I was there...then invited me to lunch with her and her sister. It was definitely a good lunch, though the sister, Yukina, was a bit...intimidating. Yukari gave me a copy of the first Divergent book, a gift for Chisei. Hope she likes it.


Well...that was a good evening. Chisei admitted that she had fallen for me, and I her. Also that she more than wanted my kid inside her. Well, after all that happened, it's certainly a possibility that she got that wish granted now. A good night, through and through.