Abella Greenfeld
Turns into a vampire at night; reverts at dawn

Adrian Amari
For every month that he is happy, one month is cut off of his lifespan.

Alexander Young
Can turn the wing tattoos on his back into real wings for 2-3 hours at a time, though doing so is extremely painful, and the wings are painfully sensitive to any form of contact.

Angelo Yukimura
During a full moon, transforms into a 9-tailed Kitsune. Each tail has elemental magic. Three control wind magic, three control earth/healing magic, three control fire magic. Can only use one at a time. Susceptible to the cold, it takes two hours for Angelo to generate the fire magic needed to sustain him in extreme winter weather.

Anna Askr
Midas Touch - Any solid thing (including people) which she touches with her bare hands is converted to gold coins (1 oz each, about the size of a U.S. half-dollar) of equivalent weight.

Aria Wolfsbane
When she tells someone how she feels about them, no matter her feelings, they forget who she is.

Bella Rose
Turns into a black and white wolf at night.

Carcer Barathrum
1. Nose bleeds (and, if severe, bloody tears) when she is around someone who either she likes or who likes her
2. Child by day, Adult by night

Cipher Nix
Has to feed on others' thoughts and dreams in order to maintain his strength. Doing so causes disorientation (but not pain) in his victim.

Draken Amtili
Feels the emotions of those around him, and can pass out if overwhelmed. 10% chance of others feeling his emotions as well (or more for lovers)

Eilese Spitzley
Highly jittery, cannot relax; often finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time

Etheri Silas
Can undo the injuries of others, though they feel the pain of receiving the wound, but in reverse. Shares the pain of the injury to a certain degree, relative of how well Etheri knows the person being healed.

Cannot outwardly express emotions

Evan Elpise
Turns into a creature when he gets too hungry or tired. In this state, he's as big as a pony and as agile (though not as fast) as a cheetah.

Harley Kleiner
If he sees himself in still water, he will remain fixated on his appearance (i.e. Narcissus) until the water is disturbed and his reflection distorted

Hurik Ogden
Switches between a mature, 25-year-old body and an immature 10 year-old-body whenever she sneezes.

Isabel Cartmen
When touched by someone she likes and vice versa she will passout for a period of time. When she awakes her body will have changed to that of a mans. Only after 24 hours of not being in contact will she change back into a female. In that period of time she takes on a different personality more cold and crude.

Jeanette Nicollier
If her emotions become unstable (or she has a panic attack), she changes form. If the instability or panic attack is mild enough, she can control it, and only grow antlers and black claws. If it is too extreme, she turns into a deer-like demon. Lasts an hour or two, until she calms down.

Joseph Lancaster
A dark cloud constantly hangs over his head, with a 2-ft. radius. It constantly snows on him.

Keita Nakamura
If a person within 1-2 miles of him dies, he shares the experience, going into a daze as he does so. Lasts 3-5 seconds.

Kwon Yuko
Constantly haunted by a spirit, Amaya. Amaya might occasionally take control, and can change Kwon's body to match what Amaya looked like in life. Possession lasts for 30 minutes to an hour, and Kwon needs 5-6 hours to recover. For 10 minutes during the possession, Amaya can force the body to have superhuman strength and speed, though doing so shortens how long Amaya can control the body.

Li Jun Fang
Every-time a wound forms, no matter how small, as long as it causes him to bleed will always form scales instead of scabs. These scales will stay and one day cover his entire body. His once long ears are no longer visible through the scales and horns.

Lillian Aihara
If her emotions stray away from being happy or neutral, the air around her vicinity grows colder. If Lillian is angry, it starts to hail. If she's sad, a snowstorm starts. Her emotions practically control the weather. The weather change lasts for two posts, with requests to other players in the room to be hit with the sudden change. If her mood were to change within those two posts, the weather returns back to normal. The afflicted area is the same dimensions of a normal Japanese classroom.

Lucius Lupescu
If he ever falls in love, then every other day he will be an emotionless shell, carrying about his daily routine in a manner akin to a robot. He is fully aware of his activities during his "empty shell" days.

Lucy Lane
Never satisfied with her designing work

Mavis O'Connor
Immortality in life but also stomach cancer; each time she goes through something in which she should have died, a loved one dies in her place in the same way (i.e. if she gets hit by a car, a loved one gets hit by a car); she gets a star-shaped tattoo on her back for every instance of a loved one dying in her place

Mori Aecida
A demon, she wished to live among humans, so begged Karmala for a human body. Her wish was granted, and so she has a porcelain-like shell which protects her from the sun. Her skin is constantly chilled, and shatters upon impact, requiring three days to heal.

Noah Moreno
She is a magical being (witch) who has lost her powers

Ragna Rutherhart
Upon death, will revive one hour later at the spot where he died, with all the memory and pain of his death intact. If he falls in love, the time extends to a night's length, during which he is in another dimension, with no memory as to how what happened.

Rei L. Riberu
Silver, Quicksilver, and undead blood are a poison to her, and quickly fatal.

Ryan De León
1. More prone to deadly incidents, from which he will resurrect
2. Upon his death, anyone in the town who has memories of him has those memories mostly erased (though traces of those memories still exist and can, under certain circumstances, create incidents of deja vu)

Ryuunosuke Sasaki
Assumes a more reptilian form for a prolonged period of time when he makes contact with liquid

Made out of water. Lives in a jar.

Samuel Marcotte

Snydel Valafar
Skin is like ice to the touch (cold). When nervous or scared, temperature around her drops 10 degrees F.

Sora Kitsu
When extremely stressed or nervous he turns into a fox. He typically will hide after this happens. However, their is another caveat, if he is with someone that he loves, he transforms into a human like fox, fur and all.

Stahl Venerra
Can create and manipulate plants, though doing so makes his body physically frail and dependent upon sunlight and water to survive.

Stelios Elpise
Extreme strength, dexterity, and stamina. Possible loss of control. Stress will cause a collapse. If he doesn't collapse, his body will go numb and will lose the ability to move.

Tae-Hyun Mun
1. His mind deteriorates when his eyes turn red and his tattoo beats in sync with his heart, depending on how many times he has helped his brother. This is resulting in him losing his sanity and becoming more violent and uncontrollable
2. He can give fragments of his life essence to his brother, though that expedites his eventual loss of sanity. Because of their shared essence, he is very empathetic towards his brother.

Taehyun Kang
When having feelings for someone but unrequited, he will cough out bloody flower petals from his mouth. Ignoring the petals will result in building up until they choke him.

Tomlin Heywood
While awake, his sweat glands do not work. Every time he gets too excited and starts to overheat, he has to stop what he's doing and go cool off (normally through a cool shower, bath, or drinking lots of cool/iced water) or he'll pass out. However, while unconscious, his body works normally.

Victor Todeas
Chance of transforming into Darya Fagan when approached by friend (25%) or lover (50%), once per day per person. When Darya goes to sleep, Victor takes over again.

Can turn parts of his body demonic in appearance

Yasei Jihi
When verbally expressing herself more than providing the most basic information, feels intense pain that lasts until Yasei either is silent for a full minute or changes the topic away from herself.

Yukari Koizumi
Whenever she thinks about love or her life goals, roses and thorns grow over her body.

Yukina Koizumi
Demonic Side (Chernobog), which is triggered whenever she falls in love.

Zhang Li
Turned into a Cat

Zoey Kua
Multiple personalities, can be determined by eye/text color and mannerisms
1. Zoey - Grey. A hopeless romantic who is quite social, yet modest.
2. Andrea - Green. When people leave Zoey, 25% chance (1-25 on 1d100) of Andrea surfacing. Very clingy to the person to whom Zoey is most attached.
3. Luna - Blue. If Zoey is around a lot of people, 25% chance (26-50 on 1d100) of Luna surfacing. Bisexual and flirtatious.
4. Davina - Red. Only personality Zoey is unaware of. Triggered when Zoey is sufficiently injured. Zoey's "guardian angel", Davina solves any issue with extreme physical violence. Zoey completely blacks out when Davina surfaces.